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Email: hbsra@eurasiaresearch.org
Dear HBSRA Members,
Greetings and sincere thanks for your patronage and support. HBSRA has now grown to 3061 followers and members from 45 countries.
We are glad to present to you our latest edition of newsletter. The newsletter showcases the associations current and upcoming endeavors.
Conferences Held:
HBSRA has successfully organised following International conferences in the period of April 2018 - July 2018:
We thank all members, participants and supporting organisations for making these conferences successful.
HBSRA Collaborations:
It is our constant endeavor to associate with academicians, researchers, students, professionals and organisations. This collaboration is the crux of our growth and contribution to the society. We are proud to have following organisational collaborations:
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (Venue Provider)
Yildiz Technical University, 34349 Beşiktaş, Istanbul, Turkey (Venue Provider)
Rumah University, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Venue Provider)
Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ, UK (Venue Provider)
Buein Zahra Technical University, Iran (Collaboration)
Research and Markets Limited, Dublin, Ireland (Collaboration)
CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), China (Collaboration)
International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics (IJCSBI), Mauritius (Collaboration)
Linton University College, KTG Group, Malaysia (Collaboration)
Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Conference Center, Bangkok, Thailand (Venue Provider)
Peacful Mind Foundation, India (Partner)
Tresorix Ltd. Mauritius (Collaboration)
ResearchSEA, Asia Research News, UK (Media Partner)
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, Mauritius (Collaboration)
International Journal of Supply Chain Management (Scopus indexed), London (Collaboration)
GTIS, Taiwan (Green Technology Invention Society, Taiwan) (Collaboration)
Tecnico (Universidade de Lisboa), Campus da Alameda, Lisbon, Portugal (Venue Provider)
Srishti International, Bangalore, India (Collaboration)
Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain (Venue Provider)
Kasetsart University, KU Home, Bangkok, Thailand (Venue Provider)
Universiti Teknologi Mara (UTM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Venue Provider)
The American College of Greece, Athens, Greece (Venue Provider)
We will be glad to partner with your organisation. Please write to hbsra@eurasiaresearch.org for assistance.
Job Openings:
HBSRA is searching for talented and energetic conference coordinators (part-time) who are working/ studying at following locations:
Dubai/ London/ Barcelona/ Lisbon/ Rome/ Kuala Lumpur/ Bali/ Singapore/ Bangkok
Its a golden opportunity to be a part of our global team, to interact and associate with International academicians, display your leadership and organizing skills and earn handsome honorarium.
All interested and eligible candidates are requested to contact us with their CV, Photograph, Cover Letter on hbsra@eurasiaresearch.org
Eurasia Research International Conference began with opening remarks by Honorable Keynote speaker highlighting the main context on Health issues.
Development of knowledge through inspiring research activities.
Creation of a global community of intellectuals
Advancement of novel ideas on a global platform
Spreading knowledge and innovation globally across all barriers
Functioning towards sustainable development of global society
Our worthy Keynote speakers open up the conference enlightening participants with their speech. Here are our List of keynote speakers who participated in our conference.

In order to Promote Young Researchers, Eurasia Research International conferences, provide Young Research Scholarship in the form of full Registration fee waiver to participate in such events.
In each, Eurasia Research International conference, best paper award is given to best researches. In HBSRA – Healthcare & Biological Sciences Research Association, Best paper award is given to the participants with best scholarly paper submitted and presented at the conference.

Topic: Biomimetic Bone Scaffold: Three-Dimensional Nanofibers Integrated with Hydrogel Matrix to Provide Specific Physiochemical Cues for Functional Bone Regeneration
Abstract: Bone conditions such as osteoporosis, avascular necrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and bone tuberculosis are beyond the self-healing potential and impose a global threat on society. Till date, many technologies and materials have been invented and developed to address this threat. However, despite of enormous advancement, the development of scaffold that can mimic the structural organization of natural bone and can repair or regenerate a functional bone is still a challenge. In this study, we have developed a three-dimensional nanofibers-hydrogel scaffold to mimic the natural extracellular matrix of bone. The biomimetic features of fabricated scaffold were further expanded through architectural and physicochemical modification of the nanofibers including addition of hydroxyapatite, which is a significant component for osseo-induction.
The potential application of the fabricated biomimetic scaffold, and the role of its specific architecture, was investigated through invitro cell culture studies, DNA quantification assay, alkaline-phosphatase and alizarin assay. The data obtained from various analyses confirmed the potential of fabricated scaffold for bone tissue regeneration.
Keywords: Biomimetic-scaffold, nanofibers, hydrogel, bone regeneration

Topic: A New Hg2+-Selective Colorimetric and Fluorescent Signaling Probe and Its Practical Applications
Abstract: The development of probes for the selective signaling of environmentally hazardous metal ions has attracted growing research interest. In this research, a novel Hg2+-selective dual signaling probe based on resorufin-carbonothioate derivative has been developed. Signaling of Hg2+ is crucial from both an industrial and ecological viewpoint due to the high impact of this species on the environment. Designed probe 1 exhibited prominent color changes yellow to pink with turn-on type fluorescence signaling behavior toward only Hg2+ ion. The signaling of probe 1 was due to the Hg2+-induced hydrolysis of the carbonothioate moiety to form its parent fluorescent dye. In addition, Hg2+-selective signaling was not affected by the presence of representative environ-mentally relevant metal ions. The detection limit of Hg2+ ion was estimated to be 6.3 × 10–7 M (xxx ppb). Finally, using a wax-printed paper strip, the determination of Hg2+ level in simulated wastewater was acquired.
Keywords: Hg2+ ion, Dual signaling probe, Color changes, Fluorescence signaling, Environment

Topic: Voluntary Exercise Prevents Lead-Induced Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Rat Brain Tissue
Abstract: Regular mild exercise enhances anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory systems of the body. The present study investigates voluntary exercise effects on lead toxicity as a known oxidative stressor in brain tissue.
Materials and Methods: Male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into two groups: sedentary control and exercise group. Sedentary control animals were housed in the regular cages. In exercise group the animals were housed in the running wheel equipped cages that is the animal model of voluntary exercise. After 6 weeks, half of the animals of each group were administered lead acetate in the drinking water and the other half did not get any treatment. Brain tissue and blood samples were collected at the end of the experiments. Glutathione peroxidase (GPx), superoxide dismutase (SOD), malondialdehyde (MDA), tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α) were assayed and lead concentrations were measured in the samples.
Results: Our results showed that lead administration reduced brain tissue SOD and GPx and increased MDA and TNF-α in sedentary animals’ brain tissue while in the exercise animals lead administration did not significantly change the measured parameters.
Conclusion: We concluded that voluntary exercise may prevent lead-induced oxidative stress and inflammation in the rat brain tissue.
Keywords: Voluntary Exercise, Brain Tissue, Lead Neurotoxicity, Oxidative Stress, Inflammation

Topic: Herbicide Resistance Development: Challenges And Management Approaches
Abstract: Herbicides are used globally to suppress weeds in cropping systems. This paper attempts to a greater integration of ideas into the development of herbicide resistance. This may lead researchers to focus less on simply defining herbicide resistance and more towards comprehensive investigations of the resistance development. Weed scientists and evolutionary biologists have to join together towards more integrated understanding of resistance. This approach is likely to simplify the design of innovative solutions to the herbicide resistance challenges. Chemical herbicides exert a high selection pressure on weed fitness, and the diversity of weed community’s changes over time in response to both herbicides and other strategies imposed on them. Repeatedly and intensively, the use of herbicides with the same mode of action may swiftly result in population shifts to tolerant, difficult to suppress and ultimately the development of herbicide-resistant weeds, particularly in absence of using herbicides with different modes of action. Weed scientists and evolutionary biologists have to join together towards more integrated understanding of resistance. This approach is likely to simplify the design of innovative solutions to the herbicide resistance challenges.
Keywords: Weed Fitness, Herbicide Resistance, Selection, Mode of Action, Diversity

Topic: Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Students in a Local University in Manila towards Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection
Abstract: Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the leading cause of cervical cancer in a third world country such as the Philippines. The objectives of this study were to determine the knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards human papillomavirus (HPV) among students in a local university in the country’s capital and to compare between health and non-health related courses. This is a descriptive, cross-sectional study with five hundred and sixty respondents (560) aged 18-26 belonging to the 3rd and 4th year levels selected by extensive multi-stage sampling. The method of data collection of this study was through the use of a self-administered questionnaire, with Cronbach’s alpha computed at 0.778. Results revealed that majority of the respondents have heard of HPV but knowledge resulting to good attitudes and practices was lacking. One-fourths of the respondents did not know that HPV was transmitted through sexual contact. About only half of them knew that the virus could be transmitted by genital skin-to-skin contact. More than half had misconceptions regarding disease transmission, diseases caused, and prevention and control of HPV infection. About forty percent had misconceptions about the signs and symptoms caused by HPV infection. Out of the 560 respondents, 43 (7.68%) admitted to have already had sexual activity. However, about half of them had reported not using a condom at least once within the past 3 months. Only 47 of the 560 respondents (8.39%) had been vaccinated. This study provides the apparent misconceptions that third world countries such as the Philippines have on HPV and establishes the need for evidence-based intervention programs and proper health promotion and education as it is not a frequently encountered topic, although it is a rapidly growing and easily preventable disease.
Keywords: Human Papillomavirus (HPV), Knowledge, Attitudes, Practices
Taishun Li
(Department of Epidemiology & BiostatisticsSchool of Public Health, Southeast University, Nanjing, China)
Topic: Estimation of Diagnostic Test Characteristics and Prevalence of Tuberculosis using a Bayesian Approach
Abstract: Bayesian model plays an important role in diagnostic test evaluation in the absence of gold standard, which used external prior distribution of parameter combined with sample data to yield the posterior distribution of the test characteristics. However, the correlation between diagnostic tests has always been a problem that can not be ignored in Bayesian model evaluation, this study will discuss how different Bayesian model, correlation scenarios, prior distribution affect the outcome.
The data analyzed in this study was gathered during studies of patients presenting to the Nanjing Chest Hospital with suspected Tuberculosis. Diagnostic character of T-SPOT.TB and Anti-mycobacterium tuberculosis antibody test were evaluated in different Bayesian model, and discharge diagnosis as a gold standard were used to verify and compare the model results in the end.
Keywords: Bayesian, Diagnostic Test, Tuberculosis

Topic: Effect of Typhonium Flagelliforme on the Expression of CD44 + /CD24 - and Estrogen Receptor Against Breast Cancer
Abstract: Breast cancer is the most widely recognized disease in women. The first study identifying and isolating tumorigenic breast cancer stem cell from non-tumorigenic cancer used the expression of two cell surface markers: CD44+/CD24-/low. Typhonium flagelliforme, is frequently utilized as a traditional therapy for alternative cancer treatments. This study aims to discover potential effect of Typhonium flagelliforme to cancer stem cell.
24 C3H mice were divided into four trial groups and one control group. Each group were given 0,6 mg, 1,2 mg, and 2,4 mg Typhonium flagelliforme for 21 days. Immunological stained for estrogen receptor were made. MCF-7 breast cancer cell line with CD44+/CD24- were cultured and divided into four trial groups and one control group and incubated for 24 hours. Flow cytometry used to assess the expression of CD44+/CD24-each group after treated and incubated with Typhonium flagelliforme.
The expression of estrogen receptor was significantly increase (p=0.000) and expression of CD44+/CD24-were significantly decrease (p=0,000) after given Typhonium flagelliforme.
In conclusion, the study shown that Typhonium flagelliforme may induce growth inhibition of human breast cancer MCF-7 stem cells through the activation of estrogen receptor and decrease the expression of CD44+/CD24- in MCF-7 breast cancer cell line.
Keywords: Breast cancer, Cancer Stem Cell, CD44+/CD24-, Typhonium flagelliforme, Estrogen Receptor

Topic: Stress, Anxiety, and Depression Relationship Among Undergraduate Medical Students and Their Final Exam Mark
Abstract: Medical students often experiencing a stressful environment in their medical school. Stress occurred in students that currently studying for examinations. Higher stressor expose leads to higher levels of anxiety and depression. High level of stress declines cognitive functioning and learning process in their medical academic process and cause mental health impairment.
A prospective cross-sectional study with 26 end-stage medical students as a participant, the participant ordered to fill 3 section questionnaire that measures stress, anxiety, and depression. Final exam mark obtained from Indonesian Medical Education Institution Association (AIPKI) one month after the exam held.
There is no significant relationship between stressor in all domain and anxiety, and there is a significant relationship between academic related stress, social related stress, and depression. There is no significant difference between stress, anxiety, depression and their final exam mark.
In conclusion, there is a strong relationship between stress that leads to depression in undergraduate medical students. Therefore, a good coping mechanism of stress should be well managed in medical students.
Keywords: Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Medical Students, Final Exam
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