Dear SSHRA Members,
Greetings and sincere thanks for your patronage and support. SSHRA has now grown to 10,579 followers and members from 48 countries.
We are glad to present to you our latest edition of the newsletter. The newsletter showcases the associations current and upcoming endeavours.
Conferences Held:
SSHRA has successfully organised following International conferences in the period of April 2019- June 2019.
2019 – IVth International Conference on Business, Economics, Law, Language & Psychology (ICBELLP), April 10-11, London
Prague – International Conference on Social Science & Humanities (ICSSH), 04-05 June 2019
Lisbon – International Conference on Social Science & Humanities (ICSSH), 25-26 June 2019
2nd Malaysia – International Conference on Social Science & Humanities (ICSSH), 26-27 June 2019
3rd Singapore – International Conference on Social Science & Humanities (ICSSH), 26-27 June 2019
We thank all the participants for their active participation in our Conferences. We thank all members, participants and supporting organisations for making these conferences successful.
We will be glad to partner with your organisation. Please write to convener@eurasiaresearch.info for assistance.
Job Openings
SSHRA is searching for talented and energetic conference coordinators (part-time) who are working/ studying at following locations:
Dubai/London/ Rome/ Prague/ Kuala Lumpur/ Lisbon/ Singapore/Bangkok
Its a golden opportunity to be a part of our global team, to interact and associate with International academicians, display your leadership and organising skills and earn handsome honorarium.
All interested and eligible candidates are requested to contact us with their CV, Photograph, Cover Letter on convener@eurasiaresearch.info
Eurasia Research International Conference began with opening remarks by Honourable Keynote speaker highlighting the main context on Teaching Issues.The main aim of this conference was:
Advancement of Research and Innovative ideas through conference, workshops, seminars and publications
Fostering a global community based on research and knowledge
Fostering innovation and ideas through research based activities
Global dissemination of ideas and research through use of technology
Working towards world peace and community development
Our worthy Keynote speakers open up the conference enlightening participants with their speech. Here are the List of keynote speakers who participated in our conference.

Eurasia Research makes continuous efforts in transforming the lives of people around the world through education, application of research & innovative ideas. In order to promote Young Researchers, Eurasia Research International conferences, Provides Young Research Scholarship in the form of full Registration fee waiver to participate in such events. This gives immense encouragement to the researchers who have brilliant ideas to exhibit their research work on the International platform. Eurasia Research aims for promoting research and talent of scholars by giving the scholarship to 5 selected applicants for each conference.
In order to Promote Young Researchers, Eurasia Research International conferences, Provides Young Research Scholarship in the form of full Registration fee waiver to participate in such events.
Here are our List of Young Research Scholars who participated in our conference.

Name of delegate: Haozhe (Kevin) Zhang
Affiliation: The Shipley School, Pennsylvania, USA
Paper Title: Differences in the impact of financial crisis on employment by education level
Abstract: Background: The financial crisis of year 2007–2008 has been considered as the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. One major consequence from it was decreased employment. This study aimed to evaluate if the impact of the 2007-2008 financial crisis on employment differed by education level in the United States. Methods: Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) was used. Employment rates before-crisis and after-crisis in each stratum of education were compared by calculating absolute and relative changes, as well as Logistic regression analysis. Results: The national employment rate was 57% in year 2005-2006 and decreased to 52% in year 2009-2010 after the financial crisis. Both descriptive analysis and Logistic regression analysis indicated that employment rate changes were small and not statistically significant among people with high school education or less, while among people with college or higher education, the changes were larger and statistically significant. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the negative impact of financial crisis on employment was greater among more-educated people.
Keywords: Financial Crisis of 2007-2008, Employment Education
In each, Eurasia Research Conference, best paper award is given to best researches. In Social Science and Humanities Research Association (SSHRA), Best paper award is given to the participants with best scholarly paper submitted and presented at the conference.

Name of Delegate: Jennifer Heaven Mike
Affiliation: Department of Public Law,School of Law, American University of Nigeria,Yola, Nigeria
Paper Title: A Positively Sensitive and Inclusive Society: A Framework for the Protection of Older Persons in Nigeria
Abstract: Globally, the population of ageing persons is increasing. It is estimated that there are over 962 million people over the age of 60 in the world who make up 13 percent of the world global population. Domestically, the number and proportion of those aged 65 years and above make up an approximated 140, 431,70 million which is an approximated 4.3 per cent of the total population in Nigeria. The human right of older people is however, yet to receive adequate human rights attention, despite the demographic importance of this population. Many older people suffer human rights violations ranging from discrimination social and political exclusion, poverty, neglect and undignifying abuse in homes and nursing facilities. Many poor people in Nigeria live in deplorable accommodation especially in the rural areas or urban ghettos and slums. The government is yet to develop suitable policies, laws and socio- economic and welfare programs that will effectively cater for the human rights interests of the elderly people.
This research examines the human rights related problems and challenges of older persons. Consequently, the study recommends a human rights-based framework that will protect the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of older persons in Nigeria. The study also suggests that governments at all levels should develop lasting and beneficial economic and welfare programmes and policies for the senior citizens of the country.
Keywords: Human Right, older persons, human welfare.

Name of Delegate: Dr Hallouch Nadjouia
Affiliation: University of Sidi-Bel-Abbes, Sidi Bel Abbs, Algeria
Paper Title: Bridging the Barriers in British Culture
Abstract: There is a general observation among officials that the conflict between cultures has been dramatically increasing. This can be related to a whole set of reasons including: cultural unawareness, prejudice, the ignorance of differences in values, norms and beliefs and the media. It is not the scope of this paper to examine all of them.
The module of British culture is included in the curriculum at the departments of English in the Algerian universities from the first year. Many students think that in the course of British culture, the teacher is the only performer whose duty is to give them information about the target culture. Teaching British culture does not require from the teacher transmitting only information but developing positive attitudes, skills and awareness of values of this culture. The questions which are raised here are: are we as teachers of British culture preparing our students for a successful intercultural communication? Are we creating the conditions for our students to develop their cultural awareness? This research paper was carried out through a questionnaire applied to second year students in British culture in particular to assess their cultural awareness. It focuses on the role of the teacher in helping students bridging the barriers and enabling them to interact successfully with people from other cultures.
Keywords: culture, prejudice, values, cultural awareness, communicative competence.

Name of Delegate: Prof. Dr. Song YAN
Affiliation: Department of Psychology and Methods Jacobs University Bremen,Bremen,Germany
Paper Title: Motivation and Strategies for learning Chinese as a Foreign Language: A Comparative Study of Language
Learners in China and Germany
Abstract: Along with the growing popularity of Chinese language worldwide, the number of Chinese learners as a second/foreign language has dramatically increased. A questionnaire containing 120 items has been developed to study motivation and learning strategies as key factors in successful Chinese learning. School learners (N=73) and college students (N=73) in Germany and international students in China (N=235) took part in the survey study. The results reveal that the international students in China (“on site-learner”) reported higher motivation for learning Chinese contrasted to the learners in Germany across all the subcategories: cultural understanding, heritage-related factor, instrumental orientation, integrative orientation, achievement orientation and administrative orientation. However, the students with Chinese heritage did not show stronger learning motivation compared to non-heritage learners. As expected, “character learning" has been ranked by the study participants as the most difficult aspect in learning Chinese (compared to speaking, listening, reading, writing). While there were no clear differences regarding the character learning strategies between learners in different locations in our study, learners from a character-based L1 background, interestingly, tended to more rely on phonetic (-first) strategies in learning/memorizing Chinese characters. In contrast, students from an alphabet-based L1 background, e.g. Germans, were more likely to use graphic strategies. With regard to listening, the international language learners in China seem to use more sophisticated learning strategies than the learners in their home country. It may be due to the availability and variety of language resources of the on-site learning environment in China. The theoretical contribution of the research and the practical implication of the findings for Chinese language learning and teaching will be discussed.
Keywords: Chinese as a foreign language, learning motivation, learning strategies, L1 background, learning environment

Name of Delegate: Immaculee Mukashema
Affiliation: Social Sciences, University of Rwanda, Huye, Rwanda
Paper Title: Challenges of Gender Mainstreaming In Collaborative Transnational Research: The Case of Social Work in Rwanda
Abstract: This paper addresses some of the challenges of gender mainstreaming in the context of a Rwanda-Canada social research project. The study partnership includes a team of academics from the Social Sciences Department at the University of Rwanda and three Canadian universities which are Calgary, St.Thomas and York. The ultimate goal of the research project is to create knowledge that could be used to train social workers to respond appropriately to the complex social issues of post-genocide Rwanda. The research team started by documenting the current practice of social work by Rwandan social workers; it wanted to be sure to understand the influence of indigenous cultures and values in social work practices. Interviews were conducted with 19 social work practitioners in Huye and Gisagara Districts of the Southern Province of Rwanda. The findings about the above stated goal have been published elsewhere. However, the present paper is focusing on the challenges of gender mainstreaming which arose after the field work. In this transnational social research project, the research team realized that it had not adequately addressed the different socio-cultural values of the researchers, particularly their understanding of gender and gender equality. It was found that when research team members/collaborators have different geopolitical locations, gender equal collaboration can be difficult to achieve. The paper reflects on the importance of research collaborators, either locally or transnational, to practice self-reflexivity as they negotiate the issues of power and privilege to produce non-hierarchical and accountable knowledge. The paper suggests that research team members need to be open to discuss the construction of gender and gender equality in both the local and the global context of the research. Engaging gender in both contexts could suggest ways to sustain and nurture gender equality in transnational social research.
Keywords:Gender mainstreaming, International research, Social work, Rwanda

Name of Delegate: Jari Martikainen
Affiliation: Department of Social Sciences, University of Eastern Finland
Paper Title: Arts-Based Methods in Social Science Research
Abstract: The use of arts-based research methods has rapidly increased in recent social science research. This paper discusses the application of arts-based methods in social science research focusing on visual methodologies. After explaining the reasons for the visual turn in social sciences, the paper maps the scope of prior studies using arts-based approach in social science research. Next, the paper focuses on discussing various possibilities of doing arts-based research as well as the contribution of arts-based approach to social sciences. In order to concretize this contribution, the presentation introduces two case studies in which arts-based methods were applied in different ways. Finally, some critical considerations are brought up.
Keywords: arts-based research methods; visual methodologies; visual turn; social sciences

Name of Delegate: Abdul-Kareem Jaradat
Affiliation: Dept. of Counseling & Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan
Paper Title: Comparing the Effectiveness of Two Methods for Reducing Test-Anxiety and Improving Academic Performance
Abstract: This study examined the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and study skills training (SST) in reducing test-anxiety and improving academic performance. Eighty one high test-anxious male students in the tenth grade were randomly assigned to three groups: CBT, SST and waiting-list control (WLC). CBT aimed to help participants become aware of the anxiety- producing self-statements they emitted both before and during exams, and to train them to develop positive self-statements that would facilitate task attending; whereas SST aimed to teach participants the skills necessary for effective learning, namely SQ3R method of studying, techniques of time management, note-taking methods, test preparation techniques and test-taking techniques. All participants receiving treatment met for a total of six 50-minute treatment sessions spanning over six weeks. The data was analyzed using one-way ANOVA and one way MANOVA. The results indicated that both treatment groups made significant improvements from pretest to posttest in test-anxiety when compared to the WLC group. However, only the CBT group was superior to the WLC group in improving academic performance. Overall, the results were interpreted as giving support to the interference model of the debilitating effect of anxiety on performance.
Keywords: cognitive behavioral therapy, study skills training, test-anxiety, academic achievement.

Name of Delegate: Anubhuti Jain
Affiliation: College of Law, Hidayatullah National Law University, Raipur, India
Paper Title: Discrimination Against Persons Afflicted with Leprosy as a Violation of their International Human Rights
Abstract: The World Health Organisation declared leprosy officially eliminated as a public health problem in India in 2005, but the disease is still widespread in poverty stricken regions and social and legal bigotry have kept patients hidden and untreated. According to India’s NELP, this declaration slowed down the door-to-door visits by the organisation to identify hidden cases. A passive detection phase that relied on people coming forward of their own accord for treatment proved to be a huge failure due to the stigma attached to the disease. As opposed to being eliminated, Leprosy is rather making a comeback. As of the year 2017, 135485 new cases of leprosy were detected half of which had already reached an advance stage of the disease due to deferred diagnosis. India alone accounts for 58% of Leprosy cases in the entire world as of 2014.
With this study, the researcher’s intent to bring in forefront the plight of patients suffering from leprosy as a reason of discriminatory laws and the social stigma attached to it. There are as many as 119 laws that single out people diagnosed with leprosy, directly or indirectly. Even after the repeal of 1898 Lepers act, India still has a long way to go in preventing discrimination against people contracted with Leprosy. There are laws that prevent patients from obtaining a driving licence and travelling in trains. Certain laws bar them from contesting for local body elections, they have to pay double than normal premium for insurance policies and several marriage laws make contracting leprosy a ground for divorce.
The study is conducted in one of the 1000 estimated Lepers colonies in India that patients are confined into far from main settlement areas, once they contract Leprosy. This lifelong banishment in itself is a blatant violation of their human rights, let alone other discriminatory practices.
Research methodology- This course will be conducted via interaction analysis after interviewing patients suffering from leprosy, by observational analysis of leper colonies and by analysis of the existing primary and secondary data. A descriptive research methodology has been applied in course of this study.
Sources of data- Both primary and secondary data have been used to carry out the study. Interview of people suffering from leprosy and their families, observation of the living conditions in leprosy colony are the source of primary data. News reports, Law commission reports and various scholarly articles have also been referred to during the course of this study.
Keywords- Leprosy, Discrimination, Human Rights, Social Injustice.

Name of Delegate: Nokulunga Mbona
Affiliation: Department of Applied Economics, Faculty of Economics, Corvinus University Budapest, Hungary
Paper Title: Exchange Rate Pass Through to Consumer Prices for Clothing, Footwear and Pharmaceutical Products in South Africa.
Abstract: Empirical literature on aggregate level paints an informative and validating picture of the declining Exchange Rate Pass Through (ERPT) to consumer price index in South Africa. The literature is still insufficient as there are limited studies on disaggregated data and the picture gets even more blurry with studies focusing on individual commodities of the import and their respective consumer prices. Subsequently, the main objective of the study is to bridge this gap, by focusing on the ERPT to consumer prices of individual commodities of manufacturing sector namely; i. Clothing, ii. Footwear, and iii. Pharmaceutical products. The degree of ERPT to individual CPI commodities for the period of 2010: Q1 -2018: Q2 in South Africa is examined. The study uses the Johansen Maximum cointegration technique and a vector error correction model (VECM). The study found a low long run pass through to consumer prices of both clothing and footwear, accounted for 9 per cent and 13 per cent respectively. While the long run pass through to consumer prices of pharmaceutical products was as high as 55 per cent. Overall, the results suggest that the ERPT is heterogeneous across the components of consumer prices index in South Africa. Similar to the conclusion by Kabundi & Mbelu, 2016, the ERPT to all the individual consumer prices, is incomplete in South Africa.
Keywords: Exchange rate pass through, VEC model, disaggregated CPI and import prices

Name of Delegate: Hui Sian Siow
Affiliation: Faculty of Economics and Management, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor
Paper Title: Intermediate import Demand in ASEAN-4
Abstract: This study aims to investigate the long run and short run relationship of intermediate import among ASEAN4, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand, by using a new measure of final demand,Bussière et al. (2013)’s import intensity adjusted measure of aggregate demand (IAD)and disaggregated weighted import-intensive final demand components(consumption, fixed capital formation, inventories, government spending and export) by applying the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Bound analysis covering the period of 1970-2015.The analysis on intermediate importis expected to give a clearer picture on the relationship between intermediate import, final demand and relative price among ASEAN4 for further intra-regional trade cooperation or integration on value chain.Our outcomes have three implications. Firstly, we found co-integrated relationship between IAD and intermediate import in long run with a statistically positive signs, indicates positive demand spillover impact,except for all the imported intermediates by Singapore. Secondly, our results highlight the need of analyzing intermediate import function at disaggregate level for their different magnitude of influence on intermediate import.The results reveals that investment spending (inventories change and fixed capital formation) is most significant in intermediate import determination, following by households’ final consumption and export. Moreover, Malaysia’s government’s spending is significant in determining intermediate import in short run while Singapore’s government spending on intermediate from Malaysia is positive and elasticin both long run and short run.Thirdly, we found absent of price impact on intermediate import in Singapore and Indonesia (long run), suggests insignificant of price factor in intermediate trade. Moreover, positive price impact found in short run, Indonesia and Malaysia, suggests a supply relationship where higher price cause higher intermediate import volume.

Name of Delegate: Yicheng Yang
Affiliation: School of Performing Arts, National Taiwan University of the Arts, Taipei, Taiwan
Paper Title: The Manifestation of Urban Shamanism “Dharma Wheel” in Contemporary Traditional Dance Creation of Korea
Abstract: As one of the important religions of Korea, Shamanism has collided with Buddhism and Confucianism in the special historical development, which has resulted in localized “difference”. This cultural phenomenon has triggered diversified discussions among the international academia of different fields. During the study in Korea, the author has felt that the the traditional dance of Korea, as an important symbol of Korean culture, not only expresses the traditional elements of Korea with an aesthetic attitude in the contemporary society, but also keeps developing by spreading the “contemporary traditional dance creation of Korea”. The author’s research intention has thus been evoked. Through literature review, the author has found that the Korean culture scholars and dancers who are studying Korean culture share a consensus at different levels. On the basis of previous argumentation of other scholars, the research starts from the observation of the “Dharma wheel” manifestation in the contemporary traditional dances of Korea, and explores the seemingly simple relationship between the “manifestation of urban Shamanism Dharma wheel” and the contemporary traditional dance creation of Korea. It makes an attempt to expound the new relationships of Korean dance creation that keeps reshaping the manifestation of dance’s life taking the elements in “cities” as a social mirror, by analyzing and surveying different literature and objects from a cross-cultural perspective. This research is believed to highlight the multiple meanings of disciplines such as anthropology, history and social science to the performing art studies and is expected to fill the research gap in the contemporary Shaman “Dharma wheel” and performing arts through the connection with “contemporary traditional dance creation of Korea”.
Keywords: Korean shaman; “Dharma wheel”; Korean dance creation; Manifestation

Name of Delegate:Philip Husom
Affiliation: Department of Political Science, College of Liberal Arts, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA
Paper Title: Political Shocks and Economic Reform in the Post-Soviet World
Abstract: What determines the extent of economic reform in post-Soviet countries, and how do political shocks affect reform efforts? My dissertation examines the economic liberalization aspect of the transformation from Soviet regimes, something often ignored in the transition literature. Specifically, I analyze economic policy the wake of two political shocks: the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Color Revolutions. I look at whether policy choices in the aftermath of massive political change significantly constrain future economic policy options, or whether external influences make it possible for a country to overcome constraints of past decisions. One theory posits that structural factors and initial elections are largely responsible for subsequent economic reform, whereas another argument suggests that even the results of initial elections were conditioned by a state's neighbors and its openness to the world. I test these how these arguments hold up 20 years on, and use three cases to illustrate why early evaluations of economic reforms need revision. Case studies on economic policy in Georgia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan after each shock demonstrate that elites and political institutions are important determinants of reforms. I find that economic policy mirrors political cycles of patronalism in these countries and in some cases economic reform is actually less likely after a political shock. When economic reform does occur, it is often a byproduct of other political goals.
Keywords: Post-Soviet political economy, economic reform, Color Revolutions, Georgia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan.

Name of Delegate: Greta Skubiejute
Affiliation: Department of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania
Paper Title: Children in Single Mother Families: Outcomes of Social Construction of Single Mother Families, Policy Design, and Social Investment
Abstract: The main issue analyzed in the paper is what effect does social construction of single mother families and family policy designs (goals, tools and rules) have on children? The analysis will be based on social investment and social construction theories. In the paper it will be demonstrated how social construction and policy design are directed towards single mothers and their children, as well as how this together with social investment effect child well-being (health, education and poverty) and influences (dis)involvement in the civil society in the future.
Literature review will be conducted on how single mothers and their children are constructed as a policy target group. It will be analyzed how mothers and children are framed and embodied in a policy discourse and what particular outcome it has on children.
Qualitative analysis of the case of Lithuania (post-Soviet Bismarckian Cooperativism Welfare State) will encompass:
• Legislative texts, action plans, regulation and rules as well as political debates (and symbols contained therein) in Lithuania;
• Statistical and media sources.
Various databases will be used: Eurobarometer, European Social Survey, European Values Study, Eurostat, MISSOC, Social Policy Indicators Database, WHO, PISA.
The expected findings are that various moral assumptions, investments and attitudes reflected in policy towards single mother families and their children have an effect on child wellbeing and his/her civilian involvement as well as attitudes towards government in the future. There will be ways highlighted in which welfare states tend to build a gap between deserving and undeserving families and their children, making the top class free and liberal while the bottom becomes more oppressed, paternalised and dependent. The lack of an investment and trust sends a negative message to certain groups and drives the cycle of dependency, poverty and citizen passivity, which is an opposite of the values and goals shared in democratic states.
Keywords: Children, Family Policy, Single Mother Families, Social Constructionism, Social Investment, Welfare States

Name of Delegate: Jeongmi UM
Affiliation: Department of Economics, University of Kwansei Gakuin, Nishinomiya, Japan
Paper Title: Why is she described as him? -A comparative study of generic use in third person pronouns in Korean and
Japanese and English
Abstract: Our speech acts (discourse practice) should be regarded as processes which build gender identity independently, though the restrictions and influences of various gender views and gender ideology specified as the male nature and felinity in society. Based on such a viewpoint of constructionism in a speech act, a comparative analysis is made from the viewpoint of a language culture theory about the present usage of generic use of the 3rd person personal pronoun as one of the processes of the gender identity construction in English, Japanese, and Korean. As a result, it has turned out that the generic use itself appears in English, Japanese, and Korean even if there are some individual differences.
In the case of English, when the sex of the noun of the antecedent which receives a correspondence was unfixed the generic male form of 3rd person personal pronoun “he” was generically used as a meaning including a woman, but by language reform in the present, the use of “he” has been decreasing. In the case of Japanese, although generic use does not appear in singular form of 3rd person personal pronoun, male form of the 3rd person personal pronoun "karera" of the plural form is generically used as a meaning to contain a woman. In Korean, though the sex of the noun which receives a correspondence has clarified, male form of the 3rd person personal pronoun "Ku" is generically used as a meaning including a woman.
Keywords: Gender identity, Generic use, Third person pronoun

Name of Delegate: Muslim Roka
Affiliation: English, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Princess of Naradhiwas University, Princess of Naradhiwas University, Thailand
Paper Title: An Investigation of Thai Students’ Attitudes in Relation to Pronunciation of English as a Second Language
Abstract: This study attempted to investigate (i) whether the targets of Thai students of English when speaking English is either to achieve near-native English pronunciation (EP) or comprehensibility, (ii) their attitudes towards their own EP and towards learning EP, and (iii) the effect of social factors on their attitudes. The samples of this study were 58 Thai undergraduate students of English at a university in Narathiwat, Thailand, and four of whom were interviewed. The experiment employed direct techniques of language attitudes measurement. The results obtained reveal that the informants’ target was statistically significant to achieve near native EP. In addition, the informants’ attitudes towards their own EP appeared to be neutral, whereas their attitude towards learning EP was positive. Neither gender nor regional provenance was found to be significant variables in determining the language attitudes of the informants. However, the different rates of exposure to English of the informants had a significant effect only on the informants’ attitudes towards learning EP, but not towards their EP.
Keywords: Thai Students, English Pronunciation, Attitudes
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