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Eurasia Research Quarterly Newsletter: SSHRA (December 2018- March 2019)

Writer: Eurasia StaffEurasia Staff

Updated: Apr 4, 2019

Social Science and Humanities Research Association (SSHRA)

Dear SSHRA Members,

Greetings and sincere thanks for your patronage and support. SSHRA has now grown to 10,579 followers and members from 48 countries.

We are glad to present to you our latest edition of the newsletter. The newsletter showcases the associations current and upcoming endeavours.

Conferences Held:

SSHRA has successfully organised following International conferences in the period of December 2018 - March 2019.

Click here to access conference Videos

Click here to access conference Photos

We thank all the participants for their active participation in our Conferences. We thank all members, participants and supporting organisations for making these conferences successful.

SSHRA Collaborations:

It is our constant endeavour to associate with academicians, researchers, students, professionals and organisations. This collaboration is the crux of our growth and contribution to the society. We are proud to have following organisational collaborations:

  • Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (Venue Provider)

  • Yildiz Technical University, 34349 Beşiktaş, Istanbul, Turkey (Venue Provider)

  • Rumah University, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Venue Provider)

  • Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ, UK (Venue Provider)

  • Buein Zahra Technical University, Iran (Collaboration)

  • Research and Markets Limited, Dublin, Ireland (Collaboration)

  • CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), China (Collaboration)

  • International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics (IJCSBI), Mauritius (Collaboration)

  • Linton University College, KTG Group, Malaysia (Collaboration)

  • Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Conference Center, Bangkok, Thailand (Venue Provider)

  • Peacful Mind Foundation, India (Partner)

  • Tresorix Ltd. Mauritius (Collaboration)

  • ResearchSEA, Asia Research News, UK (Media Partner)

  • International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, Mauritius (Collaboration)

  • International Journal of Supply Chain Management (Scopus indexed), London (Collaboration)

  • GTIS, Taiwan (Green Technology Invention Society, Taiwan) (Collaboration)

  • Tecnico (Universidade de Lisboa), Campus da Alameda, Lisbon, Portugal (Venue Provider)

  • Srishti International, Bangalore, India (Collaboration)

  • Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain (Venue Provider)

  • Kasetsart University, KU Home, Bangkok, Thailand (Venue Provider)

We will be glad to partner with your organisation. Please write to  for assistance.

Job Openings

SSHRA is searching for talented and energetic conference coordinators (part-time) who are working/ studying at following locations:

Dubai/ London/ Barcelona/ Lisbon/ Rome/ Kuala Lumpur/ Bali/ Singapore/ Bangkok/ Athens/ Indonesia/ Hong Kong

Its a golden opportunity to be a part of our global team, to interact and associate with International academicians, display your leadership and organising skills and earn handsome honorarium.

All interested and eligible candidates are requested to contact us with their CV, Photograph, Cover Letter on

Eurasia Research International Conference began with opening remarks by Honourable Keynote speaker highlighting the main context on Teaching Issues.The main aim of this conference was:

  • Advancement of Research and Innovative ideas through conference, workshops, seminars and publications

  • Fostering a global community based on research and knowledge

  • Fostering innovation and ideas through research based activities

  • Global dissemination of ideas and research through use of technology

  • Working towards world peace and community development

Our worthy Keynote speakers open up the conference enlightening participants with their speech. Here are the List of keynote speakers who participated in our conference.

Anis Samet of American University of Sharjah, UAE

Prof (Dr.) Rajendra Parsad Gunputh of University of Mauritius, Mauritius

Dr. Swaleha Peeroo of Department Of Management, Faculty of Business And Management, University Des Mascareignes, Pamplemousses, Mauritius

Dr Nirmal Kumar Betchoo of Université des Mascareignes, Mauritius

Kenneth Lee of Department of Religious Studies, California State University, Northridge, USA

Arya Dharma Shinta, Center for Communication and Digital Society, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities,The National University of Malaysia,43600 UKM Bangi, Malaysia

Recca Ayu Hapsari of Faculty of Law, University of Bandar Lampung, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia

Dr. Kuncoro Hadi, Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Al Azhar, Indonesia

Rasa Balte of UAB FEMINA BONA, company code 133845750, Balciuniene of UAB Femina Bona

Lluís Català Oltra(Plenary Speaker) of Sociologia II Universitat d'Alacant, Alacant/Alicante, Spain

Seetha Sagaran, Personal Development Trainer | Motivational Speaker | Lifestyle Consultant| Dubai, UAE

Heri Herdiawanto, Vice Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Science Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia, Komplek Masjid Agung Al Azhar, Jakarta

Thanasin Chutintaranond, Department of Speech Communication and Performing Arts, Faculty of Communication Arts, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

Dr. Sita Yiemkuntitavorn, Associate Professor, School of Educational Studies, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand

Dr. Swaleha Peeroo, Department Of Management, Faculty of Business And Management, University Des Mascareignes, Pamplemousses, Mauritius

Puja Mahesh, Associate Professor,School of Media & Communication, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Dubai

Asli Hassan, Head of Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT), The Petroleum Institute (a part of Khalifa University), University & Research Center, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Assistant Professor Thanapauge Chamaratana, PhD, Assistant Professor and Committee of PhD. Development Science Program, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University, Thailand

Dr. Yang Lee, Senior Scientist at Haskins Lab, Yale University, United States, Distinguish Professor at GNU South Korea

Dr. Smitha Dev, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Psychology Course Coordinator, University College, Abu Dhabi University, UAE

Abdel Rahman Mitib Altakhaineh, Assistant Professor of English language and Linguistics, Al Ain University of Science and Technology, UAE

Eurasia Research makes continuous efforts in transforming the lives of people around the world through education, application of research & innovative ideas. In order to promote Young Researchers, Eurasia Research International conferences, Provides Young Research Scholarship in the form of full Registration fee waiver to participate in such events. This gives immense encouragement to the researchers who have brilliant ideas to exhibit their research work on the International platform. Eurasia Research aims for promoting research and talent of scholars by giving the scholarship to 5 selected applicants for each conference.

In order to Promote Young Researchers, Eurasia Research International conferences, Provides Young Research Scholarship in the form of full Registration fee waiver to participate in such events.

Here are our List of Young Research Scholars who participated in our conference .

Name of delegate: Dominique Virgil Tuapetel

Affiliation: Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia

Paper Title: The Impact of Automation towards Female Labor Force in Indonesia and The Attempts to Establish Better Protection Mechanism

Abstract: In the current era of disruption, automation is considered as the answer of the problem of the decreasing number of workforces which can’t meet the demand of increased productivity for greater growth. Despite the benefit resulted from automation, rapid adaptation of automated technology in various sectors has put thousands of workers under threat on losing their jobs, without any guarantee of a definite substitute job once they have been replaced, especially female workers. The potential of female workers for economic advancement are currently being undermined with less attention given. This paper will discuss whether or not the enhancement of female labor force participation can contribute significantly to the increase of productivity and growth in the disruption era. This paper will also discuss whether or not the existing protection mechanism for female workers is adequate to optimize their potential and at the same time extenuate the adverse effects of automation from a legal and socio-cultural perspectives.


Automation, Women, Workforce, Protection

Name of delegate: Disha Singh

Affiliation: Pursuing PhD, National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA), New Delhi, India

Paper Title: A Study of Skill Development in Informal it Sector in India

Abstract: The term “informal sector” was used for the first time in the reports on Ghana and Kenya prepared under the ILO World Employment Programme at the beginning of the 1970s. The term is commonly used to refer to that segment of labor market in the developing countries that has absorbed significant numbers of jobseekers, mostly in self-employment, and to workers in very small production units (ILO, 2000). Informal activities are often characterized by low levels of capital, skills, access to organized markets and technology; low and unstable incomes and poor and unpredictable working conditions. Some studies suggest that the smallest enterprises are the most likely to be informal (Anand, 1999).Due to the informal sector’s heterogeneity and vastness, the concept of informal sector is difficult to operationalise and its enormity is not easy to quantify. Informal sector is not a uniform sector and huge differences exist not only between countries and regions but also between trades and even within particular trades (King and Abuodha, 1995). The literature on informal sector also points out the need to distinguish between enterprises at the survival level requiring for example poverty alleviation efforts, and enterprises with more dynamic features that could benefit from business development policies (ILO, 2001).

Name of delegate: Humaira Hansrod

Affiliation: University of Oxford, South Africa

Paper Title: Women and Work: How Should Oman Continue its State Support for Women Working in the Handicrafts Industries?

Abstract: Improving the economic status of women around the world has positive effects on social, economic, and political development. One inequality that women in the MENA have and continue to face is economic inequality, manifested mainly through various barriers from participating in the formal labor force and discrimination at work and public spaces. Women’s empowerment is a frequently cited goal of most countries’ development policies and key to addressing gender inequalities. The research for this paper attempted to contextualize women’s empowerment in the handicrafts sector in Oman. The research conducted sought to solicit the participants’ reactions on factors that are often used to measure empowerment through work. I assess potential pathways that position employment, and the development of entrepreneurial know-how, within an empowerment approach. Using qualitative data gathered from focus group interviews of women working at six crafts centers, I provide a micro-level perspective of the handicrafts sector and through the sustainable livelihood framework I identify several constraints to work.

Name of Delegate: Cheng Mei Seung Catherine

Affiliation: Lecturer, Division of Language and Communication, Hong Kong Community College, Hong Kong

Paper Title: Students’ perception of the effectiveness of summative, feedforward and dialogic approaches to feedback

Abstract: In this paper, I describe how formative feedback approaches are incorporated into individual-based and group-based assessment tasks in a Hong Kong sub-degree academic writing course to support students’ learning. The effectiveness of these approaches is evaluated through a post-study survey questionnaire on students’ perceptions after the course is completed. A total of 118 out of 155 students responded to the survey. Findings were: (1) most participants chose individual-based learning as their preferred learning method, rather than group-based learning; (2) feedback approaches on the individual-based assessment tasks have the highest perception score compared with the group-based ones; (3) perception of the end-of-term test has the strongest association with the perception of the overall course assessment. Findings are discussed and recommendations are made, followed by the conclusion and limitations of the study.

Keywords: Feedforward feedback, summative feedback, dialogic feedback, students’ perception, corrective feedback

Name of Delegate: Mhadeno Y. Humtsoe

Affiliation: Centre for Applied Research, Department of Rural Health and Development Studies, The Gandhigram Rural Institute, Gandhigram, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu, India

Paper Title: Maternal Health Care Practices of Lotha Naga Tribal Women in India

Abstract: Tribal Women in India are more privileged in various ways as in comparison with the women of caste hierarchy. However, inflicted with geographic isolation, they are deprived of basic amenities like economy, culture, education, health, and sanitation. Also, the twin factors of distance to and cost of intensive maternal health care expenses has build up as barriers for the tribal women in accessing to the health care services. For this reason, the traditional health care practitioners are profoundly preferred and the traditional mid-wives have been the largest maternal health care providers to the tribal women. The Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in India has been accounted of 174 in 2015 (WHO, 2018). The MMR in the State of Nagaland, situated in the North-East Region of India, inhabited by Naga Tribes accounted of 160 (GOI-UNDP Report Nagaland, 2016). The State has also has been indicated as the lowest and poorest maternal health care among the Northeastern States of India with an institutional delivery of only 33 percent. The institutional delivery in Wokha District, Nagaland accounted of 34 percent, which portrays more of home delivery assisted by traditional mid-wives (NFHS-4, 2016). This relationship between the Lotha tribal women and traditional midwives is based on trust, respect and charity. The skills of assisting child births among the traditional mid–wives have been passed down orally, generation after generation by the elderly traditional mid – wives. The belief of the traditional mid–wives is that, their ability of assisting in child birth is a gift from God. Thus, the study has been undertaken with an objective to portray the maternal health care status of the Lotha tribal women; to describe the maternal health care practices among Lotha tribal women; and to determine the health care infrastructure in the study areas. In the Mixed Methods Research, the Sequential Explorative Research Design has been adopted, and the study will ponder on the maternal health care practices of Lotha Tribal women residing in Yanpha and Old Ralan Villages of Wokha Distrct in the State of Nagaland, India. The study therefore, intends to contribute in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the national and global level.

Keywords: Maternal Health Care, Traditional Mid-wives, Tribal Women.

In each, Eurasia Research Conference, best paper award is given to best researches. In Social Science and Humanities Research Association (SSHRA), Best paper award is given to the participants with best scholarly paper submitted and presented at the conference.

Name of Delegate: Tsung-Chiung (Emily) Wu

Affiliation: Department of Tourism, Recreation & Leisure Studies,National Dong Hwa University, Hualien Taiwan

Paper Title: Rural Tourism The Economic Drive for Rural Transformation

Abstract: Tourism and recreation are important revitalization policies implemented to fight longtime recessions in rural regions. Rural communities and residents (especially farmers or landowners) are encouraged to become involved and invest in developmental projects and marketing programs. Commodifying farms and rural resources to meet the recreational needs of tourist market is the core revitalization strategy for rural economic development. Commercialization of tourism revitalization often triggers critiques for possible “commodification” consequences: with the countryside turned into a commodity that can be sold and bought (Little, & Austin, 1996). Ruality is commercially elucidated and constructed for tourism marketing and promoting purposes, and rural counties gradually loss their ability to define their own rural (Garrod, Wornell, & Youell, 2006). The commercialization of rural tourism cannot get away from these commodification critiques, while it adopts many creative innovations (upon traditions and rurality) to intensify tourism businesses. Changes in countryside and the transformation of traditional rural economics are inevitable. It is necessary to thoroughly decode the commodifying process to enhance its “effectiveness”, and to face with the possible consequences of rural tourism transformation. This study aims to understand rural transformation based on the tourism commercialization of rural development. A complex commodity chain is introduced to reveal processes of various rural-tourism supplies from raw material, production, sale, and marketing, to consumption. Study results illustrate the delineation of rural landscapes, distribution of economic gains and debts, and allocation of social-political powers throughout rural tourism development by deconstructing the main actors and actions separately from commercialization process. Famers, community organizations, local tourist businesses, travel agencies, other mediators, and government agents are able to serve as actors because of their various strengths in ways to influence manifestation of rural resources to service the commercialization of rural tourism products.

Key Words: Tourism Development, Rural Transformation, Commodification.

Name of Delegate: Ahmad Malik

Affiliation: Sharia Economics,Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia (UISI),Gresik, Indonesia

Paper Title: Comparative Analysis of Financial Performance of SOE Cement Companies in the Post-Entry of Massive Foreign Capital Companies of Cement Industry in Indonesia

Abstract: In order to achieve the Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of the Indonesian Economic Development (MP3EI) program which has a significant impact on cement demand outside java, it is necessary to improve the performance of cement companies, especially state-owned cement companies consisting of PT Semen Indonesia Tbk (Persero) and PT Semen Batu Raja (Persero). In addition, competition in the globalization era in fulfilling domestic cement is a challenge for state-owned cement companies with Cement Foreign Investment (PMA) industries in Indonesia which are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. To increase attractiveness and strengthen performance, state-owned cement companies need to display an analysis of attractive financial performance along with the selection of independent variables in the discrimination function as a variable that explains precisely the performance of the company based on the Discriminant Stepwise Method. This is in accordance with the purpose of this research by analysing Du Pont System Analysis, Analysis of financial ratios in the form of liquidity ratios, solvability, profitability, activity, along with reference to the Decree of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia No. 826/KMK.013/1992, and strengthened by the Decree of the Minister of BUMN No: KEP-100/MBU/2002 in financial aspects for the performance of state-owned enterprises. This study also provides additional analysis in the form of Economic Value Added (EVA), Tobin’s q and Altman Z-Score as a complement to the comparison of the financial performance of state-owned cement companies and Cement PMA companies in the period 2013-2016.

Keywords Du Pont System Analysis, Financial Ratio Analysis, Economic Value Added (EVA), Tobin’s q, Altman Z-Score, and Discriminant Stepwise Method.

Name of Delegate: Handoko Limaho

Affiliation: Department of Business, Faculty of Management, University of Pelita Harapan, Jakarta, Indonesia

Paper Title: The Importance of Co-opetition of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Palm Oil Industry in Indonesia

Abstract: The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the palm oil plantation industry in Indonesia has always been integrated into the industries’ standard and even on government’ regulations. Despite fulfilling all the necessary requirements demanded by the market and regulatory bodies, yet the industry is still and always has been under attack by the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and the market. Therefore, this paper attempts to conceptualize the importance of further research in developing co-opetition strategy among competitors in the palm oil industry and between the industry players with the NGOs as part of the stakeholder management.

Keywords: Co-opetition, Palm Oil Plantation, CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility

Name of Delegate: Muammer Ozer

Affiliation: Department of Management,City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Paper Title: Process Versus Product Innovation

Abstract: Companies are increasingly engage in innovative activities. However, not all innovations are the same. Process innovation deals with innovating the way we do things in an organization.  For example, it is about innovating the way we buy, sell, manufacture, manage, and communicate, etc. in a company. On the other hand, product innovation deals with innovating the things that we offer to our customers such as the new products and services that we offer to them. In terms of their acceptance, process innovation needs to be accepted internally, the success of product innovation depends on several external factors such as competition and customer reactions. And, because compared to the internal factors the external factors more uncertain and risky, compared to process innovation, product innovation is more uncertain, risky, challenging, and rewarding…and of course, more interesting and exciting (Ozer, 1999; Ozer & Cebeci, 2010; Ozer & Vogel, 2015; Ozer & Zhang, 2015). This study highlights the differences between these two types of innovation.

Name of Delegate: Desi Iskasari

Affiliation: Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

Paper Title: The Impact of The Trump Tariffs to The Stock Market in ASEAN+4

Abstract: This paper test the impact of the first series of Trump Tariffs news, starting from January through March 2018. By utilizing the short term performance event study, we see how fast the stock market of the ASEAN (Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Cambodia, and Vietnam) plus four other countries (Shanghai, South Korea, Japan, and India) absorb the information regarding the Trump Tariffs news.

The President United States of America, during January through March 2018 announced to impose new tariffs under U.S. acts: (1) Presidential Proclamation 9693 for the Trade Act Section 201 which impacted other than the “GSP-Eligible” developing nations, exclude Philippines and Thailand. (2) Presidential Proclamation 9704-9705 for Trade Expansion Act Section 232 (steel mill and aluminum). The new imported steel tariff affected all countries except Argentina, Brazil, and South Korea (with absolute quota for those three countries) plus Australia, and imported aluminum new tariff for all countries other than Argentina (with absolute quota) and Australia. (3) Presidential Memoranda for Trade Act Section 301, affect the products from China’s.

The cumulative abnormal return was utilized and with the level of confidence of 95%, the news shows the significant factor for the ASEAN, Shanghai, South Korea, Japan, and India stock market. The result is for Event 1, seems no effect for Philippines and Thailand (even though they are excluded as GSP-Eligible) as well as other countries (except Shanghai). Almost all of 11 countries reacted negatively on event 2 (except Shanghai and South Korea) and event 3 (except Cambodia)

Keywords: Event Studies, Trade War, Trump Tariff

Name of Delegate: Manjit Kaur

Affiliation: Department of English, Post Graduate Govt. College for Girls Sector ,Chandigarh, India

Paper Title: Towards Building an Equitable Society: Issues of Gender, Class and Race in 20th Century Literary Theories and


Abstract: Literature attains its academic value when assessed by the tools offered by literary theories and traditions of past and present. The very expression literary theories may sound abstract and reductive by nature, in the postmodern sense; but given their technical means and measures based on the philosophical and ideological concepts and ideas of the society, they pave the way towards identifying and dealing with the emotional and social conflicts and dilemmas in the changing socio and cultural scenario reflected in the texts.

The present paper focuses on the 20th century Literary theories beginning from Deconstruction associated with Jacques Derrida ranging across Post Structuralism, Post Colonialism and New Leftist Cultural Theories of Raymond Williams to highlight their empowering aspects of dealing with the hierarchical structures of society based on gender, class and ethnicities. Such powerful strategies help in erasing the role of the dominant voice of patriarchy, bourgeoisie or the colonial mindset in the texts, generating awareness of the presence of multiple not single truth or value in society and life in general.

Feminism,Postcolonialism and new Marxism are the major areas touched upon as enabling tendencies engaged by the theories to address the issues of unequal power relation within the texts. Deconstruction eg. provided the critic with a tool to study beneath the lines and look at the other side of the coin to decipher and recognize the truth hitherto ignored by the dominant.

The paper has a relevance in the current globalised, capitalist consumerist society that in its overarching narrative tends to ignore the difference or the presence of voices as of the marginalized be it women, blacks, Asians, dalits or the poor. The hierarchical structures as constructs and hegemony as something to be understood and tackled are the main focus of these theories.

Keywords: Deconstruction, Post structuralism, Feminism, Literary Theories, Hierarchy

Name of Delegate: Dr. Vinodhini Yallagandala

Affiliation: Business Managemen, Anwar Ul Uloom College of Business Management, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India

Paper Title: Employee Experiences And Work Spaces --Innovative Practices Adopted By Agile Organizations

Abstract: In today’s VUCA environment, innovations on a continuous basis have become obligatory. Innovations in human resources pertaining to positive employee experiences where in it is considered as the summation of the interactions and perceptions that employees have regarding their work, their relationships and the opportunities to scale up with the organizations. With regards to creative workspaces they are supported with high end technologies, virtual workspaces, and flexible cafe seating, working environment for competitive advantage. Workspaces are also provided with, internet, food, office support and so on. This paper explores transformation in employee experiences and in changes in work spaces with the support of technology, resources has been adopted by agile organizations especially IT and ITES and the factors that have an impact for the changes which have become binding on both employees and organizations for sustainability and growth. This study adopts both primary and secondary data. Primary data has been collected by administering a structured questionnaire. Statistical tool such as ANOVA has been applied for analyzing the data and thereby conclusions have been made appropriately.

Keywords: work spaces, employee experience, organizations, transformation and sustainability

Name of Delegate: Jayasinghe Gedara Lasantha Sulakshana Jayawardena

Affiliation: Faculty of Management & Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka

Paper Title: Why Does Transmission Licensee should have Bulk Supply Transaction Account, in Vertically Integrated Utility in Monopolistic Electricity Market in Sri Lanka

Abstract: Sri Lanka has monopolistic electricity market dominated by Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) in all three aspects of electricity i.e. Generation, transmission and distribution. The Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka (PUCSL) is the regulatory authority for the electricity sector. PUCSL has informed CEB for establishment of an effective and transparent mechanism to carry out Bulk Supply Transaction Account (BSTA) for implementation of a transparent Tariff Regime. However still CEB has not agreed to establish the BSTA. Since this is an issue where both parties are arguing advantages and disadvantages it was studied qualitatively to figure out the reasons and solution. Hence the objective of the study is to reason out the importance of BSTA and to identify the obstacles of establishing BSTA. We interviewed Director General PUCSL, Transmission Licensee and Distribution licensees of CEB, Lanka electricity Company officials, Donor Agencies and independent experts. It was revealed that the reasons highlighted by the advantages of having BSTA are improvement of efficiency, monitoring by the management on functions and sound financial situation of utility and the counter arguments made by Senior officials of CEB are at present CEB has separate accounting system for transactions, threat of unbundling, no legal provision to do it. However, under the existing legal framework there is no requirement to establish separate physical bank accounts for each licensee of CEB, considering the reasons explained by both parties it can be concluded that implementation of BSTA is important to improve the effective and transparent financial system in the CEB. But it is necessary to have clear legal provisions. However, BSTA is an integral part of tariff methodology. Hence it is necessary to have good tariff methodology for the sector to ensure the financial viability of the utility.

Keywords: Ceylon Electricity Board, Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka, Bulk Supply Transaction Account, Electricity Regulation

Name of Delegate: Kenneth Lee

Affiliation: Department of Religious Studies, California State University, Northridge, Northridge, USA

Paper Title: Buddhism and Nature Through Mindfulness

Abstract: The Buddhist philosophy of karmic causality and dependent origination (pratitya-samutpada) convey the notion of interdependence of humans and nature. Today, especially in the United States, there are many movements, such as the Buddhist Peace Fellowship, to promote eco-living and sustainable communities, which call for humans to be mindful of the environment and make conscientious choices for the benefit of all sentient beings and non-sentient entities. Just as humans have been the cause of the gradual deterioration of Nature, we can also be the solution towards an eco-conscious living, which not only fosters a healthy environment, but also enables us to build good merit. The core Buddhist teaching, which must be embraced by all eco-minded practitioners is the notion of interdependence, which has been expounded by notable Japanese Buddhist figures in the eighth century, such as Kukai (774-835) of the Shingon School and Dogen (1200-1253) of the Soto Zen sect, who both viewed that non-living life forms – trees, plants, and the earth – could also achieve enlightenment. Their view is based on the ontological notions of Buddha-nature (tathagata-garbha) and Indra’s Jewel Net, which is a powerful image found in Huayen’s (Jpn. Kegon) Avatamsaka Sutra. This paper examines Buddhist teachings and sutras, which support eco-friendly and sustainable movements in our society and world today.

Keywords: Buddhism, environment, mindfulness, dependent origination

Name of Delegate: Sararin Duangkae

Affiliation: Digital Marketing Communications, Communication Arts Program, Bangkok University, Bangkok, Thailand

Paper Title: An Examination of the Communication Strategy Undertaken by Beauty Influencers on Instagram

Abstract: With the beauty industry shifting its focus more towards online and the majority of marketers planning to increase their influencer marketing budgets year-on-year due to increased competition, it has become necessary for beauty brands to understand what type of content engages consumers; as the level of engagement a brand receives is an indication of the impact a brand has towards the consumer’s decision making process.

This study thereby analyzed 311 Instagram posts, published between October 2017 to December 2017, from the top 5 beauty influencers of the world, in terms of: post type, creative composition and caption composition. The results indicated that there was no correlation between the frequency of posts and that despite photos being the most popular format published by influencers, video posts were the most engaging. Furthermore in terms of creative, posts that showed the influencer’s face resulted in a higher engagement rate, as implied by the literature.

Keywords: Instagram, Beauty Influencers, Communication Strategy, Consumer Decision Making Process

Name of Delegate: Pau Caparros Girones

Affiliation: Sociology and Social Anthropology Department , Faculty of Social Sciences., University of Valencia, Spain

Paper Title: Study of the Processes Of Urban Transformation In Coastal Or River Fronts. Bilbao and Valencia, Experiences in


Abstract: The subject of this paper is the study of the transformation of industrial spaces through the implementation of strategies of urban regeneration. Specifically, the cases of Valencia and Bilbao. Two cities that during the last years of the 20th century and the first ones of the XXI have carried out urban regeneration operations on their coastal fronts.

The article has as a context the process of consolidation of these two metropolises that during the last decade of the 20th century and the first of the 21st century have gone through processes of intense growth, industrial crisis and recovery. During this time, Bilbao and Valencia have developed different urban strategies that can be understood in the context of a transition that goes from the industrial model that promoted them more than a century ago until reaching the era of post-industrial economies. This historical-economic framework coincides with the evolution of European cities, and that of their metropolitan areas, from the last years of the 20th century till today. In this period, the economy and the population have definitively become part of the dynamics of economic globalization. And their cities have also done so, and they have got to form part of a global competition that takes place at local and regional level, crossing the dimension of the former nation-state.

Keywords: Urban sociology, urban regeneration, regional strategies, brownfield regeneration, waterfront strategies, sustainable regeneration, global city

Name of Delegate: Dr Sorawadee Srivetbodee

Affiliation: Department of Marketing, Faculty of Business Administration,Rajamangala University of Technology

Rattanakosin, Bangkok, Thailand

Paper Title: Corporate Social Responsibility Involvement from Low-Level Controversy Industry: A Case Study of Manufacturing

Companies in Thailand

Abstract: Due to the nature of controversial industries, which are engaged in activities that are more prone to affect the environment and society (Cai, Jo, & Pan, 2012; Killian & Hennings, 2014), companies from low-level controversy industries (e.g. manufacturing, telecommunication, information and media) need corporate social responsibility (CSR) tools to maintain positive perceptions from relevant stakeholders (Jo, Kim, and Park, 2015). This study adopts a thorough literature review and a case study with three leading manufacturing companies in Thailand to explore CSR practice and its major effect. Findings from in-depth interviews with executives and representatives demonstrate that the companies have regularly performed CSR practice to align with local and international CSR requirements (e.g. ISO14001, ISO9000, OHSAS [Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series] 18000), public expectations and community relationship. This study not only adds up to and paves the way for academic knowledge in CSR involvement of firms in low-level controversial industries, but also offers insights to business practitioners in such industries to improve their CSR strategy.

Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, CSR practice in Asia, low-level controversial industries

Name of Delegate: Mochamad Ali Imron

Affiliation: Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Paper Title: BisaIn App As A Solution of Sharia Funding For SMEs In Integrated System

Abstract: Indonesia has been named as a country with the fourth largest population in the world, which reaching 267 million peoples. In fulfilling its economic activities, one of the Indonesian people's businesses is opening a small and medium-sized business. In 2018, there were a number of Indonesian SMEs, which reached 59.2 million SMEs. Every SMEs actor needs a capital boost to proclaim his business. Besides that, investors also want to invest their money to make a profit. Since this very potential market, make a strong reason for the establishment of BisaIn App as an application that connects between SMEs actors and investors with sharia principles. With sharia principles, every transaction that is carried out will guarantee transactions that are transparent, safe, legal, profitable and lawful. The government through the Financial Services Authority (FSA) will also guarantee from every transaction for all parties. This App platform will also increase funding alternatives for developing SMEs business as well as supporting the government to expedite the SMEs business community by utilizing the industry 4.0 era in the Non-Bank Financial Industry sector.

Keywords: BisaIn App, SMEs, Funding, Sharia

Name of Delegate: Pal Gyene

Affiliation: Department of International Relations, Faculty of International Management and Business, Budapest Business School, Budapest, Hungary

Paper Title: Islam and consensus-oriented democracy in Indonesia

Abstract: The present paper studies the possibilities of adapting political democracy to Southeast Asia, more particularly to the context of Islam in Indonesia. I argue that the impact of the ”Islam” factor on the Indonesian political system is worth studying on three different levels: 1. on the level of society’s political divisions: the relationship to Islam and the state’s secular nature still seems to be the most fundamental political cleavage in Indonesian society; 2 on the level of the party system: investigating the position and role of parties on the political Islam platform; 3. last but not least, on the level of parliamentary politics, raising a question about the extent the secular and Islam parties are influential actors in legislation and in the executive branch. While in the first two dimensions, i.e. as a social dividing line and a difference visible in the party system formation, the separation of secular and “Islamic” political subcultures is tangible up to this day, the parliamentary dichotomy of government and opposition does not reflect this separation. The current government coalition, for example, is composed of secular, traditionalist and modernist Muslim parties, and the profile of the political opposition is also similar.

I contend that there is a specifically Indonesian “consensus-oriented” democracy model in the process of formation, which however is not without western prefigurations, where political Islam and Islamist parties do not act as destabilizing factors, but on the contrary, as a kind of “Muslim democratic” force strengthening democratic consensus similarly to the functioning of some “western” Christian democratic parties. The research is partly based on a historical and, implicitly, a comparative approach. It strongly builds on the theoretical framework and methodology of Sartori’s classic party system typology, Lijphardt’s “majoritarian” and “consensus-based” democracy model, and the so-called neo-Institutionalist debate on the advantages and possible disadvantages of the parliamentary and presidential government.

Keywords: Indonesia, Islam, democracy, social cleavages, party system, consensus-oriented model

Name of Delegate: Gaute Svensson

Affiliation: Department for Tourism and Northern Studies, University of Tromso, Tromso, Norway

Paper Title: Freedom To Roam - Old Legislation New Challenges In Nature-Based Tourism

Abstract: In Norway, the freedom to roam has a strong position. The freedom has both a legal platform as well as a strong normative anchoring. The legislation, The Outdoor act (Friluftsloven) was passed in 1957. Its main purpose is to secure individual rights and access to nature. The three main pillars are the right to; access and roam (1), camp (2) and harvest (3). These are all rights regardless of who owns the land. When the law was passed it had a strong public and political support as it aimed at securing the common goods for the commons. However, with rapid changes in tourism and outdoor recreation the freedom to roam is under pressure. Various stakeholders emphasize that there are emerging scenarios that resemble tragedy of the commons. When tourism use the freedom without any concern for the responsibility that follows, it does echo Hardins famous paper. In addition, the industry underline that the freedom to roam today reflects a vulnerability facing commercialization. At the same time, there are outdoor organizations that strongly oppose the idea of a statue law revision as this might affect the individual rights. However, the same organizations call out for the need of measurements taken when the unwanted consequences of tourism are debated. This is the ambivalence inherent in the freedom to roam.

This paper is based on a research proposal that aims at pursuing the emerging paradoxes that rests within this cornerstone of nature-based tourism in Norway today. It rests on social anthropological research method.

Name of Delegate: Marizen Contreras

Affiliation: Mechanical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, University of Batangas,Batangas City, Philippines

Paper Title: Process Improvement Techniques Using Lean Six Sigma Methodologies as Applied to Selected Semiconductor

Manufacturing Companies in Laguna, Philippines

Abstract: Electronic manufacturing services organizations way to be competitive. To achieve this, productivity and efficiency should be addressed. Wastes of manufacturing should be eliminated. In this mixed research design for EMS companies, the researchers proposed a process improvement framework for their kaizen projects using lean manufacturing tools in six sigma methodologies. Analyses of the current process improvement tools were conducted by the researchers to come up with a framework that could be used to address continuous improvement, increase the productivity and reduce cost. It was done by conducting gemba walks, interviews and document reviews in 15 electronics manufacturing companies. Based on the findings of the study, the following tools were incorporated and utilize: in the define phase, current state analysis, pie chart, and process flow; in measure phase, Pareto analysis; in analyze phase, Ishikawa diagram, why-why analysis, process mapping, Process Failure Mode Effects Analysis; in improve phase, potential solutions, data analysis, cost savings calculations; and in control phase, control plan. The process improvement framework was then implemented to an electronic manufacturing services company chosen by the researchers. After implementation of the proposed improvement framework, a reduction on material scrappage was evident. A 99% improvement was achieved and the cost of remake improved by 93.22%. The proposed framework could provide significant improvement for EMS companies in terms of reduction of defective parts and increase in cost savings.

Keywords: Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma, Kaizen, Electronics manufacturing services companies

Name of Delegate: Ambareen Beebeejaun

Affiliation: Department of Law,University of Mauritius, Mauritius

Paper Title: The Evolution of Fintech: An assessment of the Mauritius Legal Framework

Abstract: Research Objectives:Financial technology also known as Fintech is experiencing a phenomenal growth across the globe. Consequently, given the numerous opportunities provided by the Fintech sector, Mauritius has been since the year 2016 been engaged in various endeavours to promote the development of this industry. Nevertheless, the implementation of internet technology and digitalisation of financial services sector such as online payment, wealth management, insurance, virtual currency or peer-to-peer lending are likely to cause significant regulatory issues. Hence, it is against this background that the study intends to assess the legal framework with the view of determining whether the existing laws of Mauritius are effective in addressing the challenges that emerge from the rapid growth of fintech. The research will focus only on the following areas of regulatory concern: data protection and cybersecurity.

Methodology: The method used for the research is in essence comprised of the black letter approach whereby an analysis is made on the laws of Mauritius to assess their effectiveness in tackling new challenges posed by the fintech sector. In line with that, the related laws of some other jurisdictions will be examined with a view to seek recommendations that may be of use to Mauritius stakeholders. Finally, the doctrinal approach will be used so as to critically analyse studies carried out by eminent scholars on the legal issues of fintech. Research Outcomes and Future Scope: The paper aims at responding to the research objective set out above. In particular, it is recommended that an amendment to Mauritius laws is necessary in order to create a legal framework that will be more conducive to protect various stakeholders concerned in the fintech sector. Principally, the Mauritius Data Protection Act 2004 and Mauritius the Computer Misuse and Cybercrime Act 2003 will need to be revised in order to promote Mauritius as a sound and attractive investment and business centre. In addition, common consensus agrees that fintech entails the risk of money laundering. As such, future scope of research can be focused on the effectiveness of anti-money laundering laws in Mauritius in addressing the increasing risk of money laundering further to the emergence of the fintech industry in the country.

Keywords: Fintech in Mauritius, Mauritius and online technology, Financial Technology in Mauritius

Name of Delegate: Johana Paluchova

Affiliation: Department of Marketing and Trade, Faculty of Economics and Management,Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Nitra, Slovak Republic

Paper Title: Use of Electroencephalography and Face Biometrics for Evaluation of Christmas Aromatic Compounds

Abstract: The Christmas time is traditionally associated with the purchase of gifts and a specific shopping atmosphere. While we may not perceive it, it is also the result of multiple senses´ influencing at the same time that we either perceive or do not influence affect our mood, decision making, memories and overall feeling of buying. An important component of shopping atmosphere is aromatic air. Although the smell has in terms of perception (human perception) relatively low share in relation to sight or hearing. Its significance mainly lies in impact on memory and creating of associations. The research integrates the measurements of importance to use specific Christmas aromatic compounds for clients and the influence of human sense. Research objects were chosen five samples typical for Christmas time. The main methods needed for obtained data were use chosen two neuromarketing techniques, such as mobile Electroencephalograph and Facial Biometrics Recognition in laboratory conditions. The main goal of this research was a revelation of actual impact on micro emotions, valence, attention, emotional interest, frustration, relaxation, and engagement of clients/consumers.

Keywords: Aroma, Electroencephalography, Face Biometrics, Human sense, Consumer

Name of Delegate: Dr. Shrishti Gangalay

Affiliation: Dept. of Businesss Administration/Management Assistant Professor in Administration/Management, Shavitribai Phula Pune University, Maharashtra, Marathwada Mitra Mandal College of Commerce, Pune, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Paper Title: Changes and Challenges Faced by Ready-made Garment Business in the Digital Era

Abstract: Ready-made garment industry is also playing a key role in fashion world as well as in countries economy. A tailor made business transform into industry how, when and what kind of strategies required which highlighted in this paper.

Change is the natural law, but personalization over globalization in marketing readymade garment business can open a new challenges. This paper also made an attempt to highlight, how to convert upcoming challenges into opportunities in Ready-made garment business. Analytical research based upon primary data which collected from manufacturer, wholesalers, retailers, and customer in Pune city through various questionnaires.Retail services are generally still produced and consumed at the same location (requiring a face-to-face interaction), despite increasing volumes of online sales. How and what kind of Administrative and Marketing challenges force to change Ready-made garment business into an industry in online shopping era.

Keyword: Readymade garment business, Administrative, Marketing, Online shopping

Name of Delegate: Rawnak Afroze

Affiliation: School of Business, East Delta University, Chittagong, Bangladesh

Paper Title: Work Life Balance in a Multinational Company and a Joint Venture in Bangladesh

Abstract: This dissertation is based on Work Life Balance (WLB) in a Multinational corporation (MNC) and a Joint venture (JV) in Bangladesh. It focuses on the extent to which these companies have implemented WLB policies for their employees working at executive levels and the factors that inhibit and enhance these organizations’ ability to implement WLB for their employees. The literature on WLB discourse has shown that WLB is still at its infancy in Bangladesh. Provision of WLB policies is relatively neglected in organizations in Bangladesh as compared to the other advanced countries. However, MNCs and JVs from developed economies are playing a crucial role in transferring the best practices to their operations in developing countries. Therefore, a MNC and a JV were selected to pursue this research topic. The MNC was chosen from retailing and the JV from telecommunication, as these sectors are intensely exposed to foreign business and currently, they make the most significant contribution towards the country’s GDP.

This research adopted constructionism and interpretivism as its philosophical positions, it comprised of 2 mini case studies and the research methods used were desk research and semi-structured interviews. The data was analyzed by template analysis. The findings of the research showed that WLB provisions are unsatisfactory in the foreign companies in Bangladesh, although respondents’ reports showed that they are better than the Bangladeshi local companies. These foreign companies claim that there is hardly any scope for introducing extensive WLB policies in the Bangladeshi operations. They are more likely to adopt the local practices than the practices of their parent companies. Due to widespread job insecurity, employees are concerned about maintaining their jobs and they do not believe in demanding WLB. The only factors, which may contribute favourably towards the employees’ WLB are managerial support, good job autonomy and friendly working environment. Even with these factors, employees said that they do not experience good WLB in these companies.

Name of Delegate: Majd Jamal Rasmi Hammoudeh

Affiliation: Doctoral School of Sociology, Etvs Lornd University, Budapest, Hungary

Paper Title: Corporate Entrepreneurship Responsibility (CER) Concept and Implementation: Case Study of Zain Jordan

Abstract: Generating new ideas, approaches, and models in social sciences- and all sciences- is essential for the world’s sustainability and development. Corporate Entrepreneurship Responsibility (CER) is a newly introduced tool in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region towards building region-wide entrepreneurship ecosystems. In this research, we are aiming to study the CER in-depth through a qualitative case study of a telecommunication company in Jordan, Zain Jordan, which established a division solely dedicated to the support and development of promising entrepreneurs in the country. Interviews were conducted with professionals from the CER and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) departments at Zain Jordan, in addition to a random sample of the entrepreneurs who have been benefiting from CER division’s services. Also, analysis of the company’s report was part of the research paper’s methodology.

As a result, capital and investment, as thought by many to be the basic step of establishing and growing a business, were not considered as such. Three main factors for sustaining and growing a start-up business have been discussed: fully equipped workspace, mentorship programs, and a base of networks. Hence, the CER at Zain Jordan is currently focused on these in-kind services which were considered “invaluable” by interviewees rather than only capital and investment.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship, CSR, CER, sustainability, start-ups

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