Dear SSHRA Members,
Greetings and sincere thanks for your patronage and support. SSHRA has now grown to 5616 followers and members from 45 countries.
We are glad to present to you our latest edition of the newsletter. The newsletter showcases the associations current and upcoming endeavour.
Conferences Held:
SSHRA has successfully organised following International conferences in the period of April 2018-July 2018
12-13 April- 2018, South Kensington Campus, Imperial College London | London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom
04-05 May 2018, Scholar's Inn, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
24- 25 May 2018, Congress Centre, Tecnico (Universidade de Lisboa), Campus da Alameda, Lisbon, Portugal
14-15 June 2018, Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore
28-29 June 2018, Avani Pattaya Resort & Spa, Beach Road, Pattaya, Thailand
We thank all the participants for their active participation in our Conferences. We thank all members, participants and supporting organisations for making these conferences successful. SSHRA Collaborations: It is our constant endeavour to associate with academicians, researchers, students, professionals and organisations. This collaboration is the crux of our growth and contribution to the society. We are proud to have following organisational collaborations:
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (Venue Provider)
Yildiz Technical University, 34349 Beşiktaş, Istanbul, Turkey (Venue Provider)
Rumah University, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Venue Provider)
Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ, UK (Venue Provider)
Buein Zahra Technical University, Iran (Collaboration)
Research and Markets Limited, Dublin, Ireland (Collaboration)
CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), China (Collaboration)
International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics (IJCSBI), Mauritius (Collaboration)
Linton University College, KTG Group, Malaysia (Collaboration)
Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Conference Center, Bangkok, Thailand (Venue Provider)
Peacful Mind Foundation, India (Partner)
Tresorix Ltd. Mauritius (Collaboration)
ResearchSEA, Asia Research News, UK (Media Partner)
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, Mauritius (Collaboration)
International Journal of Supply Chain Management (Scopus indexed), London (Collaboration)
GTIS, Taiwan (Green Technology Invention Society, Taiwan) (Collaboration)
Tecnico (Universidade de Lisboa), Campus da Alameda, Lisbon, Portugal (Venue Provider)
Srishti International, Bangalore, India (Collaboration)
Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain (Venue Provider)
Kasetsart University, KU Home, Bangkok, Thailand (Venue Provider)
We will be glad to partner with your organisation. Please write to for assistance.
Job Openings:
SSHRA(ICBELLP) is searching for talented and energetic conference coordinators (part-time) who are working/ studying at following locations:
Dubai/ London/ Barcelona/ Lisbon/ Rome/ Kuala Lumpur/ Bali/ Singapore/ Bangkok
Its a golden opportunity to be a part of our global team, to interact and associate with International academicians, display your leadership and organising skills and earn handsome honorarium.All interested and eligible candidates are requested to contact us with their CV, Photograph, Cover Letter on
Eurasia Research International Conference began with opening remarks by Honourable Keynote speaker highlighting the main context on Social Issues. The main aim of this conference was:
Advancement of academic knowledge through encouraging research activities
To create a global community of scholars
Promotion of innovative thinking and ideas on a global platform
Making knowledge accessible to one and all using technology and ideas
Contributing towards making the world a better place to live
Our worthy Keynote speakers open up the conference enlightening participants with their speech. Here are our List of keynote speakers who participated in our conference.

Highlighted the context related to Social Science and Humanities issue emerging all around the world and help us to understand the society in a better way.
In order to Promote Young Researchers, Eurasia Research International conferences, Provides Young Research Scholarship in the form of full Registration fee waiver to participate in such events. Here are our List of Young Research Scholars who participated in our conference .

Topic: Humorous Effects on Flouting Conversational Maxims Found in Indonesian Drama Comedy: A Study of Humor in Language
Abstract: Humor and language cannot be separated one another, because both of them are in one unity. Due to the fact that humor is one of the important aspects of communication through language in order to make communications more relaxed. Thus, to make the conversation become friendly, people sometimes make jokes one another during the conversations. Therefore, people often break the role of cooperative principles by flouting the maxims. This study aimed to observe and investigate the relation of humorous effects with Grice’s conversational maxims found in drama comedy Bajaj Bajuri Spesial Lebaran edition, which was broadcasted in Trans TV. In addition, the data was obtained from YouTube which was uploaded by MR WISE on April 5th, 2017 with the title “Bajaj Bajuri (Spesial Lebaran, Lebaran Maafkan). After collecting the data, the writer did the analysis based on the theory which proposed by Grice (1975), then the writer analysed the relationship between the humorous effects in this drama comedy and the flouting of conversational maxims. The result showed that there were some flouted maxims, but it did not lead the conversations into the end. In fact, it might make the conversation lively and friendly, sometimes the flouted maxims also caused the humorous effects.
Keywords: Humorous Effects, Cooperative Principle, Flouting Maxims, Indonesia Drama Comedy, Bajaj Bajuri
In each, Eurasia Research Conference, best paper award is given to best researches. In Social Science and Humanities Research Association (SSHRA(ICBELLP)), Best paper award is given to the participants with best scholarly paper submitted and presented at the conference.

Topic: Personal Characteristics of Foreign Students Studying in Russian Universities
Abstract: In recent decades there has been an increase in the number of students who get education abroad. The intensification of international cooperation in general, and in the sphere of education in particular, led to the increase of foreign students who want to get education in Russia. In new conditions foreign students experience stress and need something to cope with the new surroundings with the help of conscious and unconscious mechanisms. The choice of these mechanisms is determined by their personal characteristics. So the topicality of studying personal characteristics of foreign students is obvious. 198 students of Penza State University (88 girls and 110 boys aged 18-24) took part in the empirical study. Among them there were 94 Russian students and 104 foreign students from Central and South-Eastern Asia. The psychological diagnostics were carried out with the help of the methods: “Index of life style” (R. Plutchik, G. Kellerman, Ch.R. Konte), “Indicator of coping -strategies” (D.Amirchan, N.A. Sirota, V.M. Yaltonsky), Psychogeometric self- assessment of a person. Mathematical-statistical data manipulation was conducted with the help of the correlation analysis according to Spearman’s method.
Keywords: Personality, Coping, Defense Mechanisms, Personal Characteristics
Mali Praditsang
(Faculty of Education, Songkhla Rajabhat University, Thailand)
Topic: The Emotional Intelligence of Lecturers Working in Three-Provinces in Southern Thailand That Are Experiencing Social and Political Unrest
Abstract: The objective of this study was to gauge the level of emotional intelligence of lecturers working in three-provinces in southern Thailand that are experiencing social and political unrest. The subjects were 546 lecturers who worked in the University in Patani, Yala and Narathiwat province. The study found that their emotional intelligence was uniformly high; lecturers from Yala Province has the highest level of emotional intelligence (3.92) followed by lecturers from Patani (3.76) and Narathiwat (3.73). Among the five dimensions of emotional intelligence, motivation was the highest.
Keywords: Emotional intelligence, lecturer, Patani Province, Yala Province, Narathiwat Province

Topic: Persistence, Motivation, and Positive Psychological Factors: How Do These Affect Job Performance?
Abstract: Theoretical background: There are a wide range of factors that affect job performance. Persistence is aprerequisite of good performance, in many cases it is more important than talent or good skills (Duckworth & Eskreis-Winkler, 2015). According to McClelland high quality work derives from the need for performance, which is an accurate indicator of work performance (Collin et al., 2016). Intrinsic motivation also contributes to the efficiency of workers, while extrinsic motivation is not or negatively correlated with effectiveness (Kuvaas et al., 2017). An increasing number of research findings show that positive psychological factors also play a role in productivity: happy and satisfied people are more productive (Diener, 2000); positive emotional states facilitate learning and performance (Corradino & Fogarty, 2016); and positive orientation (i.e., positive reviews about self, life, and the future) also promotes performance (Caprara et al., 2012). Research objectives: The aim of our exploratory study was to determine how the above factors – measured at the same time – affect job performance. Methodology: The online survey was filled in by 379 employees (301 female) and contained the following measurements: demographic questions, self-reported work performance survey, Short Grit Scale (Duckworth & Quinn, 2009), Achievement Motives Scale (Lang & Fries, 2006), performance motivation questionnaire (Helmreich & Spence, 1978), Short Aspiration Index (Martos et al., 2006), motivation questionnaire (Kuvaas et al., 2017), job satisfaction (Hackman & Oldham, 1974), and Positivity Scale (Caprara et al., 2012). Results: Regression analyses showed that positive psychological aspects had greater predictive power for work performance than motivational factors. Furthermore, positive orientation increased performance partially via job satisfaction. Future scope: Our findings attract attention to the prominent role of positivity, which seems to overwrite the role of motivational aspects. These findings may help to improve workplace policies in promoting positive orientation and subjective well-being.
Keywords: Job performance, Persistence, Motivation, Positive Psychology

Topic: Touching the Finish Line: The Predictors of Motivation among Long Distance Elite Runners
Abstract: This study sought to determine what factors cause the motivation of long distance elite runners in marathons, whether intrinsic motivation or extrinsic motivation. The study utilized a descriptive method in determining if age, gender, and years of running are predictors of motivation among the respondents. The researchers measured the motivation of the selected respondents through a standard questionnaire called the Sports Motivation Scale developed by Pelletier, et. al. The participants were asked to fill out the questionnaire after the marathon event. The data gathered was analyzed and interpreted using IBM SPSS version 20. As shown in the results, the age, gender, and years of running have no significance with intrinsic motivation. Similar with extrinsic motivation, the age and gender have no significance. However, there is significance between the years of running and extrinsic motivation. Therefore, the researchers concluded that long distance elite runners who have been running for a number of years are more extrinsically motivated.
Keywords: Motivation, Self-Determination Theory, Long Distance Runners, Marathons

Topic: Why I Dislike Academic Writing: Exploring Langauge Anxiety in ESL Classroom
Abstract: Academic writing is usually considered as a difficult skill where most second language (L2) learners would not deny the fact that they have experienced anxiety when they write. When the L2 learners enter the tertiary education, most of them found academic writing to be problematic because they are not familiar with different writing styles and the important linguistic knowledge of L2 that they may never have learned in high school. This would eventually shake their self-confidence which leads to writing apprehension. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate how language anxiety affects academic writing and how it would affect the second language writing performance. The sample involved ten second-semester Foundation students in Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus. It also encompassed the underlying causes of anxiety from the learners’ perspectives, which should provide better understanding of possible obstacles that L2 learners may face in writing. Using the Second Language Writing Anxiety Inventory (SLWAI) (Cheng, 2004), the level, types and causes of writing anxiety were obtained and triangulated by a semi-structured interview. Although there has been some research on the correlation between anxiety and language acquisition, most of it focuses on general writing among Degree students. Thus, by focusing on the role of anxiety in academic writing performance among L2 learners, it is hoped that it will provide genuine understanding of anxiety and how it can be addressed in order to support successful second language acquisition among Foundation students before proceeding to the higher level of education.
Keywords: Academic Writing, Language Anxiety, Writing Apprehension

Topic: Emotional Distress Associated with Learners with Dyslexia
Abstract: At the present time, English has become a very significant language all over the world as a result of globalization. In the last decade, the importance of learning English in Algeria has increased, the government having introduced it to learners from the first year at the Middle Schools. In fact, it has effectively turned out to be mandatory for Algerian learners to speak English. However, learning English as a Foreign Language can be challenging and frustrating especially for those with dyslexia which in turn affects negatively student mental health. According to Cheng and Myers ( 2010) learning difficulties are mainly the result of emotional disturbance.
Teachers have to teach diverse types of students, making it highly important for teachers to be familiar with their needs. As has been mentioned above, there are many learners with emotional difficulties, and as a result, they have problems in learning a language. The present study aims to investigate Algerian EFL teachers’ knowledge about the emotional disturbance among learners with dyslexia. A sample of 7 EFL teachers was recruited from different schools in Algeria from the four regions (North, West, East, and South). Findings reported that there is a massive lack of awareness of the social and emotional effects. Furthermore, through their experiences, teachers reported a variety of signs associated with learners with dyslexia such as lack of self-confidence, poor personality, intense anxieties, feeling of frustration and hopelessness, anger, feeling unwanted in the classroom, mocked, poor self-image, and where the situation went even worse to see teachers as enemies. Moreover, findings showed that the psychological side is neglected in the Algerian educational environment where teachers claimed that the educational system in Algeria focus more on results rather than the learners’ needs. Also there is an absence of psychologists in schools and that presents a challenge to teachers as they cannot play the role of a psychologist and a teacher at the same time.

Topic: The Impact of Trust On Leadership During Mergers and Acquisitions: Case studies from the Indian Telecom Sector
Abstract: Managing employees’ trust on the organization, during mergers and acquisition is definitely a critical leadership challenge in today’s global environment. Prior leadership research has been an evidence of how a leader communicates during a downsizing event with the employees who would be expected to feel more vulnerable can create the foundation for future trust in the leader. (Kasper-Feuhreand Ashkanasy, 2001).
This paper explores the dynamics of trust during post-merger and acquisition integration planning in the Indian Telecom Sector. This study is purely doctrinal in nature, focusing on secondary sources which helps in examining major mergers in the telecom Industry in India namely Vodafone-Hutchison Essar Merger in 2007, Idea and Spice Telecom merger in 2008, Reliance Industries and Infotel merger in 2010, Vodafone and Idea Merger, Bharti Airtel and Telenor Merger, Tata Teleservices and Bharti Airtel merger.
The objective behind the study of these mergers is to understand the cultural disparity in the organizations and the leadership role in the cultural amalgamation of the two companies for retaining the employees. Further this paper attempts to understand the role of trust in the organization as well as on the leader post the merger when the employees are already experiencing a level of estrangement. The significance of analysing these perspectives in the above mentioned specific cases is to bring out the factors responsible for successful mergers and the consequences of failed mergers from a human resource perspective.
Keywords: Telecom, Trust, Mergers, Estrangement, Organization

Topic: Choice Of Decision Mode And Cognitive Cross-Cultural Competency In International Peacekeeping Operations:Comparative Study Of Indonesian And French Peacekeepers
Abstract: This research was based on a PhD. Dissertation done at the Faculty of Psychology, the University of Indonesia. It tested the robustness of decision mode theory from Weber et al. (2004; 2008), and evaluated the structural relationships of three psychological constructs considered supporting cross-cultural cognitive competency. Research participants consisted of 241 Indonesian and 83 French peacekeepers. Regression results found experiential thinking style as predictor of recoqnition mode and unpredictability as predictor of rule-based mode, to be universal. For the Indonesian sample, intercultural learning strategy mediated meta cognitive cultural intelligence and experiential thinking style. In addition, experiential thinking style was found to be a predictor of the accuracy of decision mode prediction choosen by individuals from the other culture. For the French sample, rational thinking style was the significant predictor.
Keywords: Decision Mode, Intercultural Learning Strategy, Experiential Thinking Style, Rational Thinking Stytle, and Metacognitive Cultural Intelligence

Topic: An Analysis on the Use of First Person Deictic Expressions in DKI Jakarta Governor Candidates Speech
Abstract: The governor election for DKI Jakarta has been popular to be discussed in Indonesia, especially among Jakarta citizens. The descriptions delivered by all candidates are attention-grabbing to be studied in the discourse analysis’ point of view since the candidates’ speech is considered to be political in order to gain polls from citizens as voters. The data of this study is taken from TV’s official account of YouTube and then analyzed in accord with Miles and Huberman’s framework for qualitative data analysis. The findings show that the use of kami and kita in speech, instead of saya lessen the social power of the speaker. Further, the public as the addressee of the speech is provoked to get involved in the speaker’s group identity by mostly using first person deixis kita.
Keywords: Social Power, Political Discourse, First Person Deixis, Kita

Topic: Psychological Aspects in Lawyer-Client Relationship: Lawyer's Perspective
Abstract: This study aimed to explore the psychological aspects in lawyer-client relationship based on lawyer’s perspective. This study included four male lawyers who have been practicing for more than five years, and had been assisting clients through litigation and non-litigation. The method used in this study is qualitative Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). The results are obtained through a phenomenological approach that studies individual experiences and how individuals interpret the experience. The result showed that one of the factors which influences the quality of the relationship between lawyers and clients is personality of each party. The characteristics of an ideal relationship between lawyers and clients are equality in position, no excessive intimacy, and uphold professionalism. The specific findings in this study reveal that there are three psychological aspects that are most needed in lawyers and client relationships. The first is the openness of the client. The second is the motivation / good intentions of the lawyers, and the last one is the supporting interpersonal competences.
Keywords: Psychological aspects of law, Lawyer-Client relationship, Lawyer’s perspective, Professionalism
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