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Eurasia Research Quarterly Newsletter: STRA (December 2018- March 2019)

Writer: Eurasia StaffEurasia Staff

Updated: Apr 10, 2019

Scientific and Technical Research Association (STRA)

Dear STRA Members,

Greetings and sincere thanks for your patronage and support. STRA has now grown to 6642 followers and members from 47 countries

We are glad to present to you our latest edition of newsletter. The newsletter showcases the associations current and upcoming endeavors.

Conferences Held:

STRA has successfully organised following International conferences in the period of December 2018- March 2019:

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We thank all members, participants and supporting organisations for making these conferences successful.

STRA Collaborations: It is our constant endeavor to associate with academicians, researchers, students, professionals and organisations. This collaboration is the crux of our growth and contribution to the society. We are proud to have following organisational collaborations:

  • Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (Venue Provider)

  • Yildiz Technical University, 34349 Beşiktaş, Istanbul, Turkey (Venue Provider)

  • Rumah University, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Venue Provider)

  • Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ, UK (Venue Provider)

  • Buein Zahra Technical University, Iran (Collaboration)

  • Research and Markets Limited, Dublin, Ireland (Collaboration)

  • CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), China (Collaboration)

  • International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics (IJCSBI), Mauritius (Collaboration)

  • Linton University College, KTG Group, Malaysia (Collaboration)

  • Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Conference Center, Bangkok, Thailand (Venue Provider)

  • Peacful Mind Foundation, India (Partner)

  • Tresorix Ltd. Mauritius (Collaboration)

  • ResearchSEA, Asia Research News, UK (Media Partner)

  • International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, Mauritius (Collaboration)

  • International Journal of Supply Chain Management (Scopus indexed), London (Collaboration)

  • GTIS, Taiwan (Green Technology Invention Society, Taiwan) (Collaboration)

  • Tecnico (Universidade de Lisboa), Campus da Alameda, Lisbon, Portugal (Venue Provider)

  • Srishti International, Bangalore, India (Collaboration)

  • Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain (Venue Provider)

  • Kasetsart University, KU Home, Bangkok, Thailand (Venue Provider)

We will be glad to partner with your organisation. Please write to  for assistance.

Job Openings

STRA is searching for talented and energetic conference coordinators (part-time) who are working/ studying at following locations:

Dubai/ London/ Barcelona/ Lisbon/ Rome/ Kuala Lumpur/ Bali/ Singapore/ Bangkok

Its a golden opportunity to be a part of our global team, to interact and associate with International academicians, display your leadership and organizing skills and earn handsome honorarium.

All interested and eligible candidates are requested to contact us with their CV, Photograph, Cover Letter on

Eurasia Research International Conference began with opening remarks by Honourable Keynote speaker highlighting the main context on Teaching Issues.The main aim of this conference was:

The main aim of this conference was:

  • Advancement of academic knowledge through encouraging research activities.

  • To create a global community of scholars

  • Promotion of innovative thinking and ideas on a global platform

  • Making knowledge accessible to one and all using technology and ideas

  • Contributing towards making the world a better place to live

Our worthy Keynote speakers open up the conference enlightening participants with their speech. Here are our List of keynote speakers who participated in our conference.

Prof. Sergei Gorlatch, Professor of Computer Science, University of Muenster, Germany

Dr. Yousuf Alkhezi of Mathematics Department - College of Basic Education, PAAET, Kuwait

Svetlana S. Muradyan, PhD in Education Sciences, Lecturer of Chair of Special Pedagogy and Psychology of ASPU, Armenia

Made Indra Wijaya, M.D., M.H.A. PhD (Medical Science) Candidate at Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences (CUCMS), Malaysia

Eurasia Research makes continuous efforts in transforming the lives of people around the world through education, application of research & innovative ideas. In order to promote Young Researchers, Eurasia Research International conferences, Provides Young Research Scholarship in the form of full Registration fee waiver to participate in such events. This gives immense encouragement to the researchers who have brilliant ideas to exhibit their research work on the International platform. Eurasia Research aims for promoting research and talent of scholars by giving the scholarship to 5 selected applicants for each conference.

Name of delegate: Ahalya Ravendran

Affiliation: School of Manufacturing Systems and Mechanical Engineering, Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology(SIIT), Thammasat University, Thailand

Paper Title: Low Cost Collision Avoidance System on Holonomic And Non- Holonomic Mobile Robots

Abstract: Technological advancement in industries necessitates development in autonomous mobile robots with obstacle avoidance for applications in industries, hospitals and educational environment. Holonomic motion allows the mobile robots to move instantaneously in any direction with no constraints while non-holonomic motion restricts the motion in limited directions. This study presents the comparison of obstacle avoidance performance using low cost sensors on holonomic and non-holonomic mobile robots. The robot prototypes are developed and implemented with stable control system for better mobility. Experimental results show that the omnidirectional mobile robots avoid collisions with limited space and less time while non-holonomic mobile platforms exhibits reduced computational complexity and efficient implementation. The developed mobile robots can be used for diverse task specification applications.

Keywords: Obstacle avoidance, Multi-Ultrasonic Sensor Fusion, Navigation, Mobile Robots

Name of delegate: Praveena Kumara V

Affiliation: Research Scholar, Department of Geology, Central University of Karnataka, Kadaganchi, Kalburgi, Karanataka, India

Paper Title: Accounting of Groundwater in Sira Taluk, Karnataka, India

Abstract: Groundwater is the most precious and widely distributed renewable natural resource of the earth. Water is the basic ingredient of life and no life on earth can exist without water it influences economic, industrial and agricultural growth. The world's total water resources is estimated at 1.36 million Ha m. out of this global water resource 97.2% is saline water and only 2.8% are available as fresh water. The objective of the investigation is to evaluate the hydrological& Hydrogeological condition of the study area and also to analyze the status of ground water both quantitatively as well as qualitatively Study area lies in the southern plains of Karnataka. The region has uneven landscape with highest elevation is 721(Tuppadakonna) msl and lowest is 620 (Chikkagola) msl. The water samples collected from 12 locations are analyzed for TH, Ca, Mg, and pH, EC, CO3, HCO3, SO4, F, Cl, K, Na and NO3. The detailed Hydrogeological investigations were carried out in Sira taluk, Tumkur district. In the study area 6 borewells were inventoried and 12 water samples were collected for water quality analysis. Ground water is primary source of drinking and irrigation in the taluk especially in north region. The depth to water level of shallow aquifer as well as in deeper aquifer during post monsoon season shows fall in water level because of failure of monsoon. Quality of ground water in the area is generally good and suitable for drinking and irrigation purposes. Still there is a need to evaluate different factors for proper characterization of different physicochemical parameters indicating the portability of the groundwater comparing to the nearby surface water. Also remedial methods need to be finding out where ground water had already been contaminated by the natural or human intervention.

Key words:-Saline, Landscape, Hydrology, Shallow, Monsoon. In each, Eurasia International conference, Best Paper award is given to Best Researches. In Scientific and Technical Research Association (STRA), Best paper award is given to the participants with the best scholarly paper submitted and presented at the conference.

Name of delegate: Kah Keng Wong

Affiliation: Department of Immunology, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian, Malaysia

Paper Title: CCDC50-positive Lymphoid Cells Confer Better Survival in R-CHOP-treated Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma

Abstract: Background: It was previously observed that coiled-coil domain containing 50 (CCDC50) protein was frequently expressed in lymphoid cells (LCs). In this study, CCDC50+ LCs are hypothesized to be present in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) associated with better prognosis. Methods: CCDC50 expression profile was examined by immunohistochemistry in a panel of R-CHOP-treated DLBCL cases (n=156) with anti-CDDC50 antibody (HPA001336; Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, USA). Results: In DLBCL cases, 73.1% (n=114/156) of the cases contained CCDC50+ LCs and these cases demonstrated significantly better overall survival (OS; p=0.0126) and progression-free survival (PFS; p=0.010). CCDC50+ LC cases were not associated with all clinico-demographic and laboratory parameters investigated [age, gender, lactate dehydrogenase levels, extranodal involvement, ECOG performance status, cancer stage, International Prognostic Index (IPI)] except being significantly associated with the GC B-cell-like DLBCL (GCB-DLBCL) subtype by Hans algorithm (p<0.001). In multivariate analysis, presence of CCDC50+ LCs was predictive of OS (p=0.036; HR:1.79; 95% CI:1.04-3.07) and PFS (p=0.042; HR:1.69; 95% CI:1.02-2.81) independent of IPI but dependent on GCB-DLBCL subtype (OS: p=0.094; PFS: p=0.075). Conclusion: CCDC50+ LCs may play roles in triggering the immune response against DLBCL cells.

Name of delegate: Budi Setiadi

Affiliation: Department of Electrical Engineering, Bandung Polytechnic,Bandung, Indonesia

Paper Title: Development of Navigation Visual Sensory Aids for Blind Persons to Pedestrian Using Camera

Abstract: Activities on foot on the pedestrian path for blind persons are a challenge. Need to use stick aids, sense of touch, or assistance from a companion (human, animal) to explore the pedestrian lane. Such a method requires that the device be touched by the object, disrupt the main function of the sense of touch, and always depend on the companion. This study maximizes the function of the camera as a navigation for blind persons in activities on the pedestrian path. The camera capture in the form of a standard RGB color image is converted to an XYZ color system to produce images that can better highlight the pedestrian path than other colors. A color filter is used to isolate the pedestrian path from other objects. Morphology close to highlight the pedestrian path as much as possible. The results of this process obtained images that contain many white objects with different widths, can certainly represent the pedestrian path. Using a moment of inertia formula against the x-axis Ix. y-axis iy, and the inertia multiplication of the x-axis and y-axis ixy is obtained by calculating the main axis and the angle. The angle θ is calculated against the x-axis with counterclockwise direction used as navigation for the net disability going forward with a certain angle tilt. The results of measurement testing yield success accuracy of 85.8% in light intensity <43200 lux.

Keywords: blind persons, image processing, RGB to XYZ conversion, color filter, morphology.

Name of delegate: Machiraju P.V.S

Affiliation: Department of Chemistry, DEAN-R&D, Pragati Engineering College (Autonomous), JNT University, Kakinada, India

Paper Title: Quality Evaluation of Subsurface waters in rural habitations by Assessing Chemical, Metal toxicity and Microbial


Abstract: Water is a universal solvent and significant natural resource which is vital for the survival of all ecosystems on the planet of the earth. Agricultural activities with their intensive utilization of agro chemicals pose a significant potential for negative impact on the quality of subsurface water. Expansion and intensification of cultivation are among the predominant global changes of this century. The purpose of the present study is aimed at evaluating the ground water quality in rural habitations near agricultural activity in East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh, India. Impacts have been assessed through the systematic collection of subsurface water samples in the study areas and characterized for a range of physicochemical parameters viz., pH, EC, TDS, TH, Ca2+,Mg2+,TA, Na+, K+, Cl-, SO42-, PO43- and NO3- for assessing chemical contamination. Irrigation parameters are determined to evaluate the water quality for assessing their potentials for application. Multivariate Factor analysis is performed for the parametric data set. This provides an insight into the source of parameters which are responsible for the water quality changes that occur in subsurface waters. The waters are further characterized for metal ions to assess the level of metal toxicity and microbial analysis to estimate the bacterial contamination. The present study elucidated the effectiveness of factor analysis in evaluating the changes in subsurface water quality which is dominated by natural and anthropogenic activities. The research results revealed that waters though are free from metal toxicity, chemical contamination make the waters unsuitable for drinking and domestic purposes. Presence of pathogenic bacterial species confirms that these waters affect human health by causing waterborne diseases.

Key words: Ground water, Agriculture, Characterization, Parameter, Metal ion, Bacteria.

Name of delegate: Siew Mee Bong

Affiliation: School of Veterinary and Life Sciences, Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia

Paper Title: Infectious Diseases and Changing Climates: Quantifying Threats to Freshwater Fish from Multiple Stressors

Abstract: Freshwater fishes are increasingly threatened by a number of anthropogenic process, including the introduction of exotic fishes and pathogens. Climate change represents another significant threat, both directly, by increasing water temperature and indirectly, by exacerbating existing stressors. Increasing water temperature may increase the incidence and severity of infectious disease by enhancing the survival of pathogens and parasites, and compromising host defenses. The aim of this study was to determine the joint effects of infectious disease and temperature on the survival and metabolic response of freshwater fishes, using as model species the Western pygmy perch, Nannoperca vittata, a species endemic to south-western Australia, and the bacterium Photobacterium damselae damselae (Pdd). Fish were challenged via immersion at bacterial concentrations of 104, 105, 106 and 107 CFU/ml and temperatures of 17°C, 23°C and 28°C. Mortality increased significantly with increasing temperature. When Pdd was grown in vitro at 17°C, 23°C and 28°C, there was a significant positive relationship between temperature and growth rate. Standard metabolic rate (SMR) and maximum metabolic rate (MMR) were compared between fish either exposed or not exposed to sublethal concentrations of bacteria, and maintained at temperatures of either 17°C, 23°C or 28°C. Both SMR and MMR increased with increasing temperature and with bacterial exposure. There was also a significant interaction between temperature and exposure level for both SMR and MMR. As a consequence, aerobic scope (the difference between MMR and SMR) was reduced by bacterial exposure at 17°C and 23°C, but not at 28°C.

Keywords: infectious disease, metabolism, survival, temperature

Name of delegate: Taishi Nemoto

Affiliation: Faculty of Information Sciences and Arts, Toyo University,Tokyo, Japan

Paper Title: A Proposal of a Communication System Expressing Basic Motions and Proper Nouns in a Single Stroke

Abstract: In recent years, casual communication is increasing with SNS and messenger apps. For example, it is a conversation for killing time that is mainly done among young people, called “communication without contents”. Furthermore, you can also see conversations with pictograms and stickers that do not even use letters. What is necessary for such simple communication is not an enumeration of existing keyboards and pictograms. It is a simple input method that expresses minimum motions and proper nouns. Specifically, it is a system that can input four to nine action verbs and proper nouns that are minimum necessary for communication with one stroke similar to graffiti. Graffiti is a character input system that was installed on the predecessor Palm of smartphones. A new input interface that has evolved this existing input system is widely accepted for modern instant communication style. In this research, we propose the basic concept of this input system.

Keywords: SNS, information, communication, Palm, Graffiti, Single Stroke, input system

Name of delegate: Syarief Nur Hidayat

Affiliation: Faculty of Engineering,University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

Paper Title: The Strategy of Projects Success Enhancement in the Interior Contractor Firms

Abstract: The property growth that is quite high in Indonesia has a good influence on interior business, both interior design and interior contractors. An interior project not only has high complexity but also requires proper planning at the beginning of the project, good division of labor, provision of appropriate teamwork and control and supervision of projects in their daily activities related to efficiency and effectiveness in order to achieve success. The purpose of this study is to determine strategies that can be used by interior business actors, especially contractors, to increase the success of the projects they are working on. The survey method is used to collect data from a sample of approximately 30 project managers and other interior project managers (designers, consultants, supervisors). Quantitative data analysis is carried out to evaluate the relationship between variables and then to determine strategies for increasing project success with expert validation.

Keywords : Project management, Projects success strategies, Interior projects

Name of delegate: Afdal Julianto

Affiliation: Faculty of Engineering, Civil Engineering Departement, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

Paper Title: Investment Analysis of The Project Construction Corn Grain Dryer Factory Based on Risk

Abstract: Investment in the construction of corn grain dryer factory to support food infrastructure and development of agro-based upstream industries is still lacking in Indonesia, both government-owned and private-owned, especially in areas outside Java (remote area). The problem of loss and investment risk which often arise before and after the factory operates becomes a major problem causing a lack of interest for investors. Conventional investment analysis methods does not consider risk into their calculation of investment. This study analyzes the feasibility of investing based on the risks that arise during and after the construction of the factory. The research method used in this analysis is based on primary data which is then processed using Monte Carlo simulation and risk analysis approach based on AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) method conducted by study of literature, interviewing, survey and expert validation. The results of this study are expected to provide recommendations or input for private and government investors to investing in the construction of corn grain drying factory in Indonesia.

Keywords: Factory Investment, Risk Analysis, Analytic Hierarchy Process

Name of delegate: Abd El Wahab El Ghareeb

Affiliation: Department of Zoology, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt

Paper Title: Enhancement of the Regeneration Capabilities of the Neuro- Ectomised Dog Peripheral nerves using Nano Techniques

Abstract: Nano science is the science of small particles of materials on a nanometer scale in at least one dimension. Nanomaterials include nanotubes, nano fibers, liposomes, nanoparticles, polymeric micelles, nano gels and dendrimers. Our study aims at evaluating motor nerve regeneration using nanofibrils technique. Nine adult mongrel dogs were included in this study. A one and half cm gap was made in the nerve by direct cutting of both sides (proximal cut and then distal to avoid the double shock). The nanofibrils were used to fill the space and cover the two fixed ends in six of the dogs, another three animals were used as control, the nerve was cut and the space in between the two fixed ends was left without nanofibrils. Complete weight bearing occurred 2-3 weeks after implantation of the nanofibrils. All animals with implanted nanofibrils used their limb successfully at 3-4 weeks and the animal gait returned to its normal condition without any remarkable symptoms of lameness and the joints angles displayed its normal posture. Histopathological examination revealed better organized histological structures of nanofibre treated nerve samples than untreated control one with with nearly complete bridging of nerve fibers across several bundles separated by thick perineural connective tissue. Thus we concluded that nanofibres can be regarded as an efficient regeneration enhancing material in peripheral nerve injuries.

Keywords: Nano science, nanofibers, motor nerve, nerve regeneration.

Name of delegate: Pavel Krystynik

Affiliation: Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, v.v.i. Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic

Paper Title: Phosphorus Recovery from Sewage Sludge

Abstract: Phosphorus (P) is one of the key macronutrients essential for plant growth. Current agriculture is dependent on application of phosphates (fertilizers based on phosphorus) to enhance plant growth and to meet increasing food consumption demands. Given the fact that P is non-renewable resource, it is essential to find indirect and secondary P resources – especially from waste (P-enriched) materials. The example of such P secondary sources can be sewage sludge, waste biomass or P contaminated waste water. P recovered from waste water can be precipitated by various precipitation methods as magnesium-ammonium phosphate (struvite) under defined conditions. P obtained from sewage sludge is concentrated in solid residual after treatment by thermochemical methods (e.g. pyrolysis) – ashes. In case of waste biomass, solid residual is called bio-char, which contains concentrated P and also other non-volatile elements (heavy metals). P in bio-char have a great potential to be extracted by chemical leaching using acidic solutions, however, heavy metals are recovered as well. Further treatment methods for pure phosphorus recovery need to be applied to acidic leachate – e.g. sequential precipitation, membrane filtration etc. The aim of this contribution is to demonstrate capability of acid chemical leaching of phosphorus followed by its precipitation from the liquid phase.

Matter: International Journal of Science & Technology

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