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Eurasia Research Quarterly Newsletter: TERA (August 2018-November 2018)

Writer's picture: Eurasia StaffEurasia Staff

Updated: Nov 24, 2018

Dear TERA Members,

Greetings and sincere thanks for your patronage and support. TERA has now grown to 8504 followers and members from 47 countries.

We are glad to present to you our latest edition of newsletter. The newsletter showcases the associations current and upcoming endeavours.

Conferences Held:

TERA has successfully organized following International conferences in the period of  August 2018-November 2018 :

Click here for Videos

We thank all members, participants and supporting organisations for making these conferences successful. TERA Collaborations: It is our constant endeavour to associate with academicians, researchers, students, professionals and organisations. This collaboration is the crux of our growth and contribution to the society. We are proud to have following organisational collaborations:

  • Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (Venue Provider)

  • Yildiz Technical University, 34349 Beşiktaş, Istanbul, Turkey (Venue Provider)

  • Rumah University, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Venue Provider)

  • Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ, UK (Venue Provider)

  • Buein Zahra Technical University, Iran (Collaboration)

  • Research and Markets Limited, Dublin, Ireland (Collaboration)

  • CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), China (Collaboration)

  • International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics (IJCSBI), Mauritius (Collaboration)

  • Linton University College, KTG Group, Malaysia (Collaboration)

  • Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Conference Center, Bangkok, Thailand (Venue Provider)

  • Peacful Mind Foundation, India (Partner)

  • Tresorix Ltd. Mauritius (Collaboration)

  • ResearchSEA, Asia Research News, UK (Media Partner)

  • International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, Mauritius (Collaboration)

  • International Journal of Supply Chain Management (Scopus indexed), London (Collaboration)

  • GTIS, Taiwan (Green Technology Invention Society, Taiwan) (Collaboration)

  • Tecnico (Universidade de Lisboa), Campus da Alameda, Lisbon, Portugal (Venue Provider)

  • Srishti International, Bangalore, India (Collaboration)

  • Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain (Venue Provider)

  • Kasetsart University, KU Home, Bangkok, Thailand (Venue Provider)

We will be glad to partner with your organisation. Please write to for assistance.

Job Openings

TERA is searching for talented and energetic conference coordinators (part-time) who are working/ studying at following locations:

Dubai/ London/ Barcelona/ Lisbon/ Rome/ Kuala Lumpur/ Bali/ Singapore/ Bangkok

Its a golden opportunity to be a part of our global team, to interact and associate with International academicians, display your leadership and organizing skills and earn handsome honorarium.

All interested and eligible candidates are requested to contact us with their CV, Photograph, Cover Letter on

Eurasia Research International Conference began with opening remarks by Honourable Keynote speaker highlighting the main context on Teaching Issues.The main aim of this conference was:

  • Advancement of Research and Innovative ideas through conference, workshops, seminars and publications

  • Fostering a global community based on research and knowledge

  • Fostering innovation and ideas through research based activities

  • Global dissemination of ideas and research through use of technology

  • Working towards world peace and community development

Our worthy Keynote speakers open up the conference enlightening participants with their speech. Here are the List of keynote speakers who participated in our conference.

Mahend Gungapersad of Bhujoharry Quartier Militaire, Mauritius

Ivy Casupanan of College of Teacher Education, Chairperson, Ramon Magsaysay Technological University, Zambales, Philippines

Vasiliki Kakosimou of Head officer of Regional Asylum Office (RAO) of Piraeus, Athens

Dr. Kanlaya Daraha of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus, Pattani, Thailand

Dr Monika Krajcovicova of School of Education and Professional Studies, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia

Dr. Liudmyla Gryzun of PhD & Second Doctoral Degree in Pedagogical science, Full Professor of Computer Science Department, National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Dr Namita Panicker of Chelsea and Westminster NHS trust, London, UK, Affiliated with Imperial College School of Medicine, London, United Kingdom

Dr. Holger Nord of Area Manager, Victorian School of Languages, Australia

Ana Saldanha of Department of Humanities, Universidade Autonoma de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal

Anam Shahid of Faculty of Business, Cromwell UK International Education, British Campus, Al Rumailah, Ajman, UAE

Dr. Shahryar Sorooshian of Faculty of Industrial Management, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia

Dr. Prasangani K.S.N. of Senior Lecturer, Department of English Language Teaching (DELT), Faculty of Social Sciences & Languages, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka

In order to Promote Young Researchers, Eurasia Research provide Young Research Scholarship (YRS) in the form of full Registration fee waiver to participate in such events.

Sayantan Mandal of Centre for Policy Research in Higher Education (CPRHE), National Institute of Educational, Planning and Administration (NIEPA) New Delhi, India

Topic: Towards Effective Teaching in Higher Education: a synthesis of national level research in selected Indian Colleges and Universities

Abstract: This paper, based on the large scale national level empirical study of selected public higher education institutions (HEIs)1, reflects on the issues and challenges of teaching in colleges and universities in India and how to make teaching, learning effective. It focuses specifically on teaching practices at various levels and disciplines, and examines the following major issues: (a) teaching in undergraduate and graduate levels, and (c) how to make teaching effective based on the empirical findings. The study, based on the survey of more than 2000 students and 500 teachers from various Higher Education Institutes (HEI) in India has been conducted through quantitative and qualitative research tools, including classroom observations, revealed the diverse practices. It also reveals the reasons, why higher education teaching in India is largely less effective to promote learning in contemporary contexts. It also argues why the situation of India is similar to other developing countries and contexts, with possible uniqueness. Based on the analysis, the paper propose a set of six (6) context specific principles or action points to help foster teaching in Indian HEIs. All of the principles were established on the basis of empirical evidences. They aim at addressing some of the major challenges and highlighting the practices that could benefit teachers and students of general colleges and universities of India and similar developing countries. These principles also provide insights for teachers and administrators wanting to make higher education teaching and learning effective. They also provide potential areas of future research, to examine the teaching effectiveness on learning outcomes in different types of higher educational institutions (e.g. technical, medical, vocational). Keywords: Teaching in Higher Education, Teaching in Indian Higher Education, Teaching Learning in Colleges and Universities, Empirical Research on Higher Education Teaching

Keyword: Teaching in Higher Education, Teaching in Indian Higher Education, Teaching Learning in Colleges and Universities, Empirical Research on Higher Education Teaching

Oh Siew Pei of Faculty of social sciences and liberal arts, UCSI University, Kuala Lumpur

Topic: Do school virtual learning culture mediate the relationship between principal e-leadership practices and teacher attitude toward using Frog VLE?

Abstract: The purpose of this investigation is to explore the relationship between principal e-leadership practices and teacher attitude toward using the Frog VLE a virtual learning platform and the mediating effect of school virtual learning culture. This is a non-experimental research using a cross-sectional survey technique through administration of a questionnaire. Data were analysed by employing structural equation modelling analysis using Smart PLS 2. The respondents in this study are 351 secondary school teachers from Klang district, Selangor. The findings revealed that there is statistically significant causal relationship between principal e-leadership practices, school virtual learning culture and teacher attitude toward using Frog VLE. In addition, school virtual learning culture is a positive and significant partial mediator for the relationship between principal e-leadership practices and teacher attitude toward using Frog VLE. The generalizability of the findings is limited as the study focuses specifically on a virtual learning platform known as Frog VLE and only on Malaysia. Based on the findings, school principals should focus on school virtual learning culture in order to ensure that teachers are positive toward using the Frog VLE. The findings made a contribution in terms of allowing us to understand the indirect effect of school virtual learning culture on the relationship between principal e-leadership practices and teacher attitude toward using Frog VLE.

Keyword: e-leadership practices, school virtual learning culture, attitude, Frog VLE, virtual learning platform

Putri Dewi Sartika of Master of science education at school of postgraduate, Indonesia University of Education, Bandung

Topic: Development of Integrated Science Teaching Material on the Topic of Environmental Pollution to Increase Critical Thinking of Junior High School Students

Abstract: This research aims to obtain an overview about the increase of critical thinking of students using integrated science textbooks on the topic of environmental pollution compared to textbooks from curriculum 2013 and the effectiveness of integrated science textbooks on the topic of environmental pollution that can increase critical thinking. The research method in this study was the Research and Development (R&D). The object of this research was the integrated science teaching material on the topic of environmental and the implementation in Junior High School Student. While the subjects of this research were Junior High School Students grade VII in Bandung. The textbooks development method was adapted from the model for the process of writing instructional materials. Based on the result from the effect size, the textbook developed by multimode representations was effective to increase students' critical thinking skills. The increase occurred in all aspects of critical thinking skills. The test hypothesis showed significant difference in students' critical thinking skills between experimental classes using integrated science textbooks with control classes using integrated school textbooks.

Keyword: Critical Thinking Skill, Environmental Pollution, Integrated Science, Teaching Material

Aditi Gupta of Junior Research Fellow, Defence Institute of Psychological Research, DRDO, India

Topic: Boosting Psychological well being of Adolescent: Psychoneurobic Intervention versus Mindfulness Training

Abstract: There is an estimated 1.2 billion young people aged 10-19 in the world, comprising the largest generation of adolescents in history. WHO estimates approximately one in five young people under the age of 18 experiences some form of developmental, emotional or behavioral problem. The present study investigated effectiveness of two types of intervention – Psycho-neurobics and Mindfulness meditation on the psychological well being of high school children aged 15 to 17 in Delhi-NCR. Although, mindfulness meditation intervention have shown benefits of boosting psychological well-being, little is known about its relative efficacy compared with psycho-neurobic training, which is grounded in traditional Indian spiritual health system. The quasi-experimental group designs examined the effect of 4 months mindfulness training and psycho-neurobic training as compared to control group on pre-identified adolescent exhibiting low psychological well-being. Analysis of Variance and Pearson correlation revealed both treatment groups experienced significant increase in psychological well being. However, significant difference emerged in improvement trajectory of different domains of psychological well-being where psycho-neurobic treatment yielded greater effectiveness in comparison to mindfulness meditations. The study empirically demonstrates psycho-neurobics as an effective intervention that can be integrated with school curriculum for at-risk adolescent in Indian subpopulation. It also directs to importance of assimilating indigenous healthcare methods along with western models for boosting psychological well-being.

Keywords: Psycho-neurobics, Mindfulness, Psychological well-being, Adolescent, School-based intervention

Satya Surya Pranit Sai Garikipati

Sri Prakash Synergy School, Ramaraopeta, Peddapuram – East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh, India

Topic: A Visual Technique to Solve an Arithmetic Problem and its Generalization

Abstract: Visualization is a technique used in many branches of mathematics. Geometry without visualization cannot be understood (of course coordinate geometry gives algebraic methods of geometry problem). But visual methods are not used in schools to solve arithmetic or algebra problems. In this paper a visual method is attempted to solve an arithmetic problem. It is generalized also. A common arithmetic problem from a school text book is as follows.

AB is a straight road. Two persons standing one at A and another at B move towards each other with certain constant speeds. After reaching the opposite positions they continue returning with the same speeds. In a given interval of time how many times they meet?

A simple visualization technique solves the problem effectively.

Keywords: Arithmetic Problem, Visualization, Generalization

In each, Eurasia International conference, Best Paper award is given to Best Researches. In Teaching and Education Research Association (TERA), Best paper award is given to the participants with the best scholarly paper submitted and presented at the conference.

Logamurthie Athiemoolam of School for Initial Teacher Education, Faculty of Education, Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa

Topic: Theatre- In- Education Within And Beyond The University Lecture Room

Abstract: The paper focuses on how theatre-in-education was used as a vehicle to explore education related issues first within the university lecture room and then staged for a wider audience.

The theatre-in-education was implemented within the context of a third year Education module entitled ‘Issues and Challenges in Education’, which is a compulsory module for all B.Ed (Bachelor of Education) students. In my role as a lecturer teaching one of the groups namely B.Ed (Intermediate Phase – Language group), I implemented drama and theatre-in-education as a pedagogy to teach the module. This paper will specifically focus on the use of theatre-in-education as a pedagogy to teach across the curriculum, in this case, with specific reference to the teaching of an education module.

Having introduced the students to the value of drama and theatre-in-education, with reference to specific units covered, I asked students to produce their own pieces of theatre based on one of the themes namely social justice that they could present to the class. On the day of the presentations, each group had an opportunity to present their theatre piece, which we used to interrogate the key issue of social justice.

I asked the students to identify one piece of theatre that was of particular significance and that we could present to a wider audience based on the theme of social justice. The students selected a play focusing on how a disadvantaged boy rose above his circumstances to become a motivational speaker; which we staged for learners from marginalized communities.

The students wrote reflections on their experiences relating to theatre-in-education as a pedagogy and participated in focused group interviews. The findings of the study indicate that students’ perceived theatre-in-education as a powerful pedagogy as it enabled them to be active participants, to share in the lived experiences of others and deepened their insights on social justice issues.

Keywords: Pedagogy, Theatre-in-Education, Drama Pedagogy, Drama-in-Education

Manilyn Piloton-Narca of Arts and Sciences, Cebu Doctors' University, Mandaue City, Philippines

Topic: Grit and Intelligence as Predictors of Academic Achievement in Science

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to identify the profile of the students with regards to grit, the behavioral and non-cognitive aspect, intelligence quotient (IQ), the cognitive dimension, and academic achievement in Science that was measured through a standardized test. Grit comprises a suite of traits and behaviors, including goal-oriented, the ability to know where to go and how to get there; motivation, which is having a strong will to achieve identified goals; self-control, the ability to avoid distractions and focus solely on the task at hand; and positive mindset, the courage to embrace challenge and viewing failure as a learning opportunity. This research investigated the predictability of IQ and grit on students’ academic achievement on Science. The research instrument used was the 12-item grit scale survey developed by Duckworth, Peterson, Matthews and Kelly (2007). This grit questionnaire was developed and validated in the study of Duckworth and Quinn (2009). The IQ test results of the students and the Science Diagnostic test scores were correlated with their grit measurement values using Linear Regression Analysis. The predictive relationship of these variables was determined using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software. Based on the results, both IQ and grit are significantly related to the academic achievement in Science. Grit and IQ are some important aspects that affect and shape the way the learners achieve in school or in any learning environment. These two, among other factors, greatly contribute to the near and far future of the learner, so these are very important considerations that must be looked into by schools and other learning institutions. In addition, there are other factors that can be looked into aside from correlating grit and IQ to standardized test scores. There are other performance measures that are closely associated with the behavior of students and that can make the predictability more useful.

Holger Nord of Area South East, Victorian School of Languages, Australia

Topic: Make Yourself UNomfortable

Abstract: Critical thinking as become a main objective in any curriculum design, from primary to tertiary, and is seen as a key response "to the challenges of the twenty-first century – with its complex environmental, social and economic pressures..." (Australian Curriculum v8.3) Yet with its growing importance for theory and practice - "a reified position" (Moore, 2011) - it appears that at the same time not only is there an uncertainty about its meaning and its applicability but also a lack of a critical grip.

This presentation will offer a re-call for the (old) critical/political disposition based on a general orientation toward a different (equal?) mode of economic, political, and cultural life, which can, however, only be accomplished by active and conscientious efforts to teach and expand this sense of difference. Clearly, there is educational work to be done. (Apple, Ideology, Equality, and the New Right, 1990, p. 311). From my vantage point, the Critical in Education is based on the following conception:

From this theoretical and pragmatic platform I will introduce some “uncommon” approaches to facilitate Critical Thinking, repositioning educators and students toward a more purposefully concept of Critical Thinking – bringing the Critical/Political back into our practice and classes!

A very short clip from ‘Men in Black’ at the beginning might provide just some needed inspiration and provocative questions...Make Yourself UN-comfortable!

Hajar Kashani of Young Researchers and Elites Club, Islamic Azad University, Tehran North Branch, Tehran, Iran

Topic: Effect of blogging on essay writing performance of Iranian students

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of blogging on the essay writing performance of Iranian graduate students. The writing performance was measured in terms of content, organization, language use, vocabulary, and mechanics. A quantitative experimental design was used to assess the effect of blogging on the Iranian graduate students’ essay writing performance compared to the control group who did not receive the treatment (blogging) and used conventional pen-and-paper tool for essay writing. The instrument to assess the participants’ writing performance in their pre and posttest was the TOEFL writing test. Results of the pretest and posttest of each group showed that both groups improved in their overall writing performance from pretest to posttest. Posttest results which compared both groups revealed that only in terms of content the blogging group outperformed the pen-and-paper group. Results of the study showed that essay writing can enhance the university students’ writing performance by using both conventional and technology-based tools. The study also suggests using blogging as a communicative tool of writing to the ESL/EFL teachers in order to lower the students’ anxiety level compared to the pen-and-paper tool and increase their motivation in writing.

Lamprini Chartofylaka of entre de Recherches et de Ressources en Education et Formation (CRREF), Universiti des Antilles,Guadeloupe, France DOM

Topic: ICTs perspectives in context-driven learning initiatives: using a collaboration platform for research in primary education

Abstract: In the 21st century, creating better learning environments for students implies the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) in didactic practices. As a matter of fact, the development of online tools such as Edmodo offers several opportunities for collaboration between classrooms around the globe. In this respect, the multi-iteration study “TEEC - Educational Technologies for Teaching in Context” makes use of computer-mediated environments, synchronous and asynchronous, within a didactic model of context-based learning approach between Guadeloupe and Quebec. Our project focus on students’ investigations on scientific objects of study in diverse disciplines and in different educational levels. For two experimentations in elementary schools, focusing on sustainable development and linguistics, Edmodo platform was implemented as the asynchronous tool for communication among our participants aged 9-12 years old. This paper elucidates the opportunities and the challenges on adapting Edmodo as a supporting tool for sharing in context-driven learning initiatives. The Design-Based Research (DBR) methodology is used for studying and validating our science learning didactic approach. Hence, DBR principles are also applied to the assessment of Edmodo as an asynchronous platform within our two successive iterations in primary education. In accordance with the global learning objectives of the project, data collected, principally through group notes (messages, documents) in Edmodo, aims to identify patterns on students’ participation, engagement and interaction in an asynchronous mode. Additionally, our article is nurtured by observation notes concerning the introduction process and the implementation stage of Edmodo to our participants. Our ultimate objective is to provide insights on the use of Edmodo as an asynchronous digital workspace for collaboration and sharing in context-dependent learning situations in elementary education.

Keywords: learning, didactic, context, asynchronous, Edmodo

HOI Wan Heng Sandy of University General Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Topic: Cognitive and affective influences on science anxiety in a science core-text general education course in Hong Kong

Abstract: Science anxiety hinders students from effective scientific literacy and confident application of scientific knowledge to solve problems in life and academic situations. Science anxiety commonly arises when students take science or science-related general education courses. “In Dialogue with Nature” is a compulsory general education course for undergraduates of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. It encourages students to engage in reading science classics and discussion about science-related issues, aiming at building up confidence in seeing things from scientific perspectives.

Individuals’ cognitive competencies and perceptual sets could both affect the information to which they attend. Teachers should thus pay as much attention to students’ perception of competence as to actual competence. Their perception of competence may more accurately predict students’ motivation and future academic choices.

A tailor-made questionnaire was developed to evaluate how science anxiety is related to students’ understanding of Nature of Science (NOS) (cognitive) and their self-efficacy towards this course (affective). The preliminary results of pre- and post- course surveys showed that students’ understanding of NOS and their self-efficacy towards the course increased significantly after taking the course, while their anxiety towards science had no significant change. In addition, regression analysis revealed that students’ science anxiety is correlated to course self-efficacy and their number of science courses studied in secondary school, but not correlated to understanding of NOS. This study thus provides insights into an effective teaching and learning strategy in general education courses.

Keywords: science anxiety, nature of science, NOS, self-efficacy, science core texts, general education, classics reading

Davut Uysal of School of Foreign Languages, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey

Topic: The Impact of Organizational Cynicism on Organizational Commitment: An Applied Research on Language Instructors in Turkey

Abstract: This study investigates the effects of organizational cynicism on organizational commitment. There are some studies in the literature regarding organizational cynicism. However, the number of studies on cynicism is very limited in Turkey, but the present study attempts to find out if there is a significant relationship between organizational cynicism and organizational commitment. This study was conducted at School of Foreign Language- Anadolu University in Turkey from 2016/5 through 2016/7. This study is one of the few empirical works so far in the field of organizational cynicism and its effect on organizational commitment in Turkey. This survey-type study is a descriptive one with regards to method employed in data collection. The author of the study investigated the attitudes of English language instructors with regards to organizational cynicism and organizational commitment. Ultimately, it explains the effects of organizational cynicism on organizational commitment. One hundred and sixty-seven questionnaires were distributed and one hundred thirty six usable questionnaires were returned, a response rate of 81%. The findings revealed a significant relationship between cynicism and their commitment to their organisation. The present study provides a number of valuable recommendations for managers and higher education organisations with regards to effective management practices.

Keywords: Organizational cynicism, organizational commitment, Turkey, English language instructors, management

Nanita Mohan of Department of Political Science, University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada

Topic: Teaching Political Science - A New Blended Offering

Abstract: The Department of Political Science at the University Of Guelph, Ontario, recently teamed up with the Office of Open Learning to create a brand new type of course offering for first year students that blends lecture, online components and face-to-face seminars. This course is one of its kind for the Department of Political Science, as it brings elements from three different types of course assessments into one comprehensive first year offering. This course is a multi-faculty effort designed to provide students, instructors and graduate teaching assistants the opportunity to present information using both large and small face-to-face classes, as well as independent learning via online components such as online discussions, blogs, and a “diving deeper” tool consisting of videos and other interactive elements. As course enrollment increases, many departments are forced to cut back on small groups seminars. This type of course enables students to obtain abstract or theoretical conceptualizations from their lectures and online components, and to transform these theoretical elements into a participatory learning experience via the face-to-face seminars. Another notable component of this course is the sequential breakdown of the different components and how the flow of information generates a time-effective distribution of information to students. This course has successfully presented itself as an alternative for future courses that require large enrollments without negatively affecting its pedagogical integrity. We would like to present this course as a new alternative to traditional course offerings.

Keywords: Pedagogy, Teaching Methods, Social Sciences

Dr. Priya Chadha of Department of Journalism, GGDSD College, Chandigarh, India

Topic: Virtual Classrooms: The Changing Communities

Abstract: Media Convergence and changing new communication technologies have created the new learning environment. The traditional approach of teaching is being replaced with online courses. Media Convergence and new communication technologies have created the new learning environment. Online courses with audio –visual tools such as colorful text, sound, images not only enhance learning but it has also turned the whole world into global village. There is need to revise the present pedagogies so that the use of ICT tools not only enhance the teachers basic skills and learning but should also play an important role on the student’s employment and economic growth of the country. Virtual classrooms are an emerging trend which allows active participation, interactive discussions and information with blended techniques and skills thus replacing interpersonal communications. Communities of practice can also use blended techniques, leveraging both face-to-face interactions and online tools and discussions (Means et al. 2010; Bakia et al., 2011).Today, with digitalization it has become very easy and convenient for the teachers to share and connect with the larger global community of educators but at the same time it has also created Rural-Urban Divide not only at the national level but also among develop and developing countries. In most of the developing countries there is lack of ICT infrastructure or the digital divide is because of geographic proximity to internet access and internet cafes .Luke (1993) agrees with Campbell that this expansion of technology will create a 'new class' of information-elite, which will be unreachable to the information poor. Some learners will undoubtedly thrive in the new liberating on-line learning situation, while others will flounder (Lynch & Bishop 1998).Effective learning is closely related to context delivery and medium. The present chapter through review of literature will try to explore the pros and cons of virtual learning, effecting the education system, community and society at the large.

Keywords: Media Convergence, New Communication Technologies, Virtual classrooms

Elmira Gerfanova of Department of the English Language and Methods of Teaching,Sh.Ualikhanov Kokshetau State University,Kokshetau, Kazakhstan

Topic: Foreign Language Education of Kazakhstan: Current Trends and Future Perspectives

Abstract: At present the dynamic processes happening in the social life of Kazakhstan, new aims and new trends of society modernization predetermine the demand for a large number of citizens who master one or more foreign languages. In the realia of modern market economy and information technology development the paramount importance is given to human resources as the main strategic factor of economic and social progress. Following this, foreign language education starts playing a significant role in the development of an individual as it fosters and expands his/her social and economic freedom.

The rising increase in demand for learning foreign languages can be explained by a number of factors. The processes of globalization stand first: since gaining its independence in 1991, Kazakhstan has been establishing social, cultural, economic, politic contacts with foreign countries around the world. The second reason is international integration in the sphere of education which results in broad cooperation of Kazakhstani educational institutions with foreign educational centers, the launching of new international projects, active participation of the teaching staff and students in various educational programs. Formation of a single educational space within the framework of the Bologna processes raised the question of reconsidering the previous system of education, foreign language education in particular, and led to its modernization. In order to meet the requirements of the world economy, business and science and take the leading positions in these spheres, the Kazakhstani system of education is still undergoing the process of modernization.

The paper aims at analyzing the paradigms which influenced the development of the national foreign language education, considers its trends and discusses the perspectives of its future development.

Keywords: Kazakhstan, Foreign language, Education, Modernization

Rey-Mark Basagre of College of Development Education, Central Bicol State University of Agriculture, Pili, Camarines Sur, Philippines

Topic: Inquiry Based Formative Assessment in Grade 10 Electricity and Magnetism

Abstract: This developmental and descriptive research using pre-experimental design aims to develop lessons using inquiry-based formative assessment and determine its effects on student conceptual understanding in Grade 10 Electricity and Magnetism. It seeks answers to the following: (1) What inquiry-based formative assessment could be design to promote student learning? (2) What lessons in electricity and magnetism could be developed using inquiry-based formative assessment? (3) What are the concepts in electricity and magnetism developed in the inquiry-based formative assessment process? (4) What is the effect of the inquiry-based formative assessment on students’ conceptual understanding? The respondents were the forty (40) Grade 10 students at Central Bicol State University of Agriculture – Laboratory High School SY 2017-2018. Qualitative analysis was used on the designed inquiry-based formative assessment, on the developed lessons and on the developed concepts on electricity and magnetism,. Gain score and paired t-test were used to compare the pretest and posttest. Eliciting-Brainstorming-Verifying is the inquiry-based formative assessment process designed to promote student learning through eliciting prior conceptions, brainstorming of concepts, revising of answers, designing activities, presenting activity results and verifying their revised answers. The develop lessons using inquiry based formative assessment were on Magnet, Principles of Magnetism , Electric and Magnetic Fields, Current-Carrying conductor, Electromagnetic Induction, Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction, Generators and Electric motors with features namely: competency-based, promotes open inquiry activities and collaborative learning. Also, the students’ concepts are developed and improvements on students’ conceptual understanding improved showed by the mean gain of 10.25. Therefore, the designed inquiry-based formative assessment and the developed lessons aligned to K to 12 science competencies can be used as supplementary instructional resources. Further studies about the use the designed formative assessment process in other subjects could be done to see its consistency.

Keywords: conceptual understanding, electricity and magnetism, formative assessment, inquiry-based, inquiry-based formative assessment process

Leah Luisa Panes of University of Makati, Manila, Philippines

Topic: Dimensions of learners satisfaction in the delivery of instruction in blended learning program in teacher education institutions

Abstract: The study sought to explore the delivery of instruction of blended learning program in duly-recognized teacher education institutions (TEIs) in Metro Manila with regards to the social and technical dimensions of learners’ satisfaction.

The descriptive exploratory method of research where quantitative and qualitative data were investigated was employed. The study involved teacher education students from identified colleges and universities implementing blended learning as respondents. Data gathering involved two phases: the collection of quantitative data through a student questionnaire and collection of qualitative data through focus group discussions, interviews, and classroom observations. The analysis and interpretation of data collected utilized statistical tools as frequency, percentage, mode, ranking, Chi-square test, and Kruskal-Wallis test using a combination of statistical packages on SPSS, Excel, and Megastat.

Findings revealed that the learner respondents’ profiles were predominantly females and regular students. In addition, the ICT literacy revealed that three quarters of the respondents had computer experience in the range of 4 years to more than 6 years; access to computer in-campus was at least once a week while access off-campus, was often through devices available at home; use and activities in the computer reflected 42.4% using it every day or almost every day; and the distribution on academic performance in Computer classes was highest in the range of 1.51-2.0 showing average academic performance.

Dr. Santhanam Sundaram Ramachandran

(President, Association of International Mathematical Education and Research, India)

Topic: Using Storytelling and Technology to Teach Mathematics

Abstract: In recent years technology plays an important role in the teaching and learning of all subjects and especially in mathematics also. This paper is an outcome of the interaction with a group of school children of age group 13-15 in India. Story telling is an effective method to create interest in mathematics. We think it may be suitable in lower classes only. But when technology is combined with story telling it works well for higher classes also. The following problem was taken from a common geometry book.

AB and CD are two parallel line segments such that AC is perpendicular to both AB and CD. AD and BC cut at D. DL is drawn perpendicular to AC. Find the length DL in terms of AB and CD.

A small situational story is scripted and conveyed to the group. They are allowed to use technology to solve the problem. After solving the problem they were asked to provide the proof.

Keywords: Storytelling, technology, teaching mathematics

Patrick Dougherty

 (English for Academic Purposes Program and Foreign Language Education, Faculty of International Liberal, Arts, Akita International University, Akita City, Japan)

Topic: Teachers Helping Teachers: Benefits of a volunteer teacher development program in the Asian context

Abstract: Teachers Helping Teachers (THT) is a grassroots organization founded by a local chapter of the Japanese Association for Language Teaching in 2004. THT is dedicated to the aid and assistance of fellow educators and students in and around Asia. Over the past fourteen years THT has fulfilled this mission by holding over fifty multi-day teacher training conferences and workshops with volunteer trainers and supported by local organizations and educational institutions in Bangladesh, Laos, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, the Philippines, and Vietnam. THT’s teacher-training seminars and workshops exhibit practical, student and teacher-friendly approaches to language education that are informed by current research in the field. Our volunteer teacher trainers come from Europe, North America, Australia, South American, and Asia. Our conference and workshop attendees are K – 12 teachers, university educators, and private school operators.

The focus of this current study is to determine trainee satisfaction with the THT conference and workshops, indicate what aspects of the training might be immediately useful for the trainees in their own teaching contexts, and to offer trainee insights into improvements of the overall THT teacher training program in Bangladesh, where the THT program has been active for the longest continual period of time. The study involves post conference and workshop surveys and focus group discussions and compares findings from earlier studies conducted by the same researcher in Bangladesh. The results have indicated high satisfaction rates with the overall THT teacher development program and also offers cogent suggestions for program improvement. The findings will be useful for not only THT but for any NGO or non-profit hoping to establish a like program within their own context.

Keywords: Teacher Training, Teacher Development, Asia


PUPIL: International Journal of Teaching Education and Learning; ISSN 2457-0648 has a sole objective of providing a meaningful platform to international researchers to publish their academic research and to share the knowledge without any financial burden and yet complying with highest international standards.

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