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Eurasia Research Quarterly Newsletter HBSRA (December 2018 - March 2019)

Writer's picture: Eurasia StaffEurasia Staff

Updated: Mar 29, 2019


HBSRA – Healthcare & Biological Sciences Research Association

Dear HBSRA Members,

Greetings and sincere thanks for your patronage and support. HBSRA has now grown to 5476 followers and members from 51 countries.

We are glad to present to you our latest edition of newsletter. The newsletter showcases the associations current and upcoming endeavors.

Conferences Held:

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We thank all members, participants and supporting organisations for making these conferences successful.

HBSRA Collaborations:

It is our constant endeavor to associate with academicians, researchers, students, professionals and organisations. This collaboration is the crux of our growth and contribution to the society.

We are proud to have following organisational collaborations:

  • Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (Venue Provider)

  • Yildiz Technical University, 34349 Beşiktaş, Istanbul, Turkey (Venue Provider)

  • Rumah University, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Venue Provider)

  • Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ, UK (Venue Provider)

  • Buein Zahra Technical University, Iran (Collaboration)

  • Research and Markets Limited, Dublin, Ireland (Collaboration)

  • CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), China (Collaboration)

  • International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics (IJCSBI), Mauritius (Collaboration)

  • Linton University College, KTG Group, Malaysia (Collaboration)

  • Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Conference Center, Bangkok, Thailand (Venue Provider)

  • Peacful Mind Foundation, India (Partner)

  • Tresorix Ltd. Mauritius (Collaboration)

  • ResearchSEA, Asia Research News, UK (Media Partner)

  • International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, Mauritius (Collaboration)

  • International Journal of Supply Chain Management (Scopus indexed), London (Collaboration)

  • GTIS, Taiwan (Green Technology Invention Society, Taiwan) (Collaboration)

  • Tecnico (Universidade de Lisboa), Campus da Alameda, Lisbon, Portugal (Venue Provider)

  • Srishti International, Bangalore, India (Collaboration)

  • Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain (Venue Provider)

  • Kasetsart University, KU Home, Bangkok, Thailand (Venue Provider)

  • Universiti Teknologi Mara (UTM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Venue Provider)

  • The American College of Greece, Athens, Greece (Venue Provider)

We will be glad to partner with your organisation. Please write to  for assistance.

Job Openings:

HBSRA is searching for talented and energetic conference coordinators (part-time) who are working/ studying at following locations:

Dubai/ London/ Barcelona/ Lisbon/ Rome/ Kuala Lumpur/ Bali/ Singapore/ Bangkok

Its a golden opportunity to be a part of our global team, to interact and associate with International academicians, display your leadership and organizing skills and earn handsome honorarium.

All interested and eligible candidates are requested to contact us with their CV, Photograph, Cover Letter on

Eurasia Research International Conference began with opening remarks by Honourable Keynote speaker highlighting the main context on Health Issues.The main aim of this conference was:

The main aim of this conference was:

  • Advancement of academic knowledge through encouraging research activities.

  • To create a global community of scholars

  • Promotion of innovative thinking and ideas on a global platform

  • Making knowledge accessible to one and all using technology and ideas

  • Contributing towards making the world a better place to live

Our worthy Keynote speakers open up the conference enlightening participants with their speech. Here are our List of keynote speakers who participated in our conference.

Dr. Yoshiko Yamaguchi of Faculty of Nursing, Kwassui Women’s University, Japan

Nizar Abdul Majeed Kutty, Department of Physiotherapy at University Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia

Janet Davis, College of Nursing, Purdue University Northwest, 2200 169th Street, Hammond, Indiana USA

Made Indra Wijaya, M.D., M.H.A. PhD (Medical Science) Candidate at Cyberjaya University, College of Medical Sciences (CUCMS), Malaysia

Abdulelah Mohammed Alhaidary of Clinical Nursing Director of Intensive care Unit, Prince Sultan Military Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Prasit Phoosomma(Plenary Speaker) of Division of Energy Technology, School of Energy,Environment and Materials, King Mongkut's University of Technology,Thonburi, Bangkok

In order to Promote Young Researchers, Eurasia Research International conferences, provide Young Research Scholarship in the form of full Registration fee waiver to participate in such events.

Name of Person Attending: Jacky Bhagat

Affiliation: Department of Zoology, Goa University, Goa, India

Paper Title: Genotoxicity of cerium oxide nanoparticle in zebrafish and green mussel Perna viridis using alkaline comet assay

Abstract: Cerium oxide nanoparticles or nanoceria has versatile application in biomedical, solar cells and gas sensors. Increasing utilization of nanoceria has raised concerns over its release to environment and potential exposure. In vitro studies have shown its genotoxic potential, but reports on aquatic life are very limited. In this study, zebrafish (Danio rerio) and green mussel (Perna viridis) was exposed to different concentration 10, 20, 50 µg/l of nanoceria for 24, 72, and 120 h and the genotoxic response was measured using comet assay. The results showed significant (p < 0.05) increase in tail DNA (TDNA) and olive tail moment (OTM) as measured using comet assay in exposed animals as compared to control. The highest TDNA and OTM were measured after 120 h of exposure with 50 µg/l of nanoceria in zebrafish as well as in green mussel. The results of this study demonstrate that short-term exposure to nanoceria causes genotoxic response in zebrafish and green mussel, hence its environmental release should be carefully monitored.

In each, Eurasia International conference, Best Paper award is given to Best Researches. In Teaching and Education Research Association (TERA), Best paper award is given to the participants with the best scholarly paper submitted and presented at the conference.

Name of Person Attending: Benchamaphorn Nakamadee

Affiliation: Faculty of Public Health,Naresuan University, Thailand, Phitsanulok

Paper Title: Predictive Factors that Influence Depression among Junior High School Students in the Lower Northern Region.

Abstract: This was a descriptive cross-sectional survey. A multi-stage sampling technique, was used to recruit 550 junior high school students from 9 schools in the Muang District of Phitsanulok. Data were collected using self-report questionnaires. Measurements used, 1) personal information questionnaire; GPAX, type of family structure, friends, negative life events, 2) the Thai version of Rosenberg self-esteem scale, and 3) the Thai version of Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI-Thai) using the score of 15 as the cutoff point. All tools were subjected to a reliability test based on Cronbach Coefficient, which yielded reliability values of 0.98 and 0.83 respectively. Data analysis was conducted by descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression at a significant level of 0.05.

Key words: Depression, Risk factors, Adolescent

Name of Person Attending: Adel S S Ajedi

Affiliation:Biology Department, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University,Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia

Paper Title: Moringa oleifera and Marrubium vulgare L. leaf aqueous extract inhibit inflammatory response in S. typhimurium-infected mice.

Abstract: The current study aimed to evaluate immunomodulatory effect of Moringa oleifera and Marrubium vulgare leaf aqueous extracts as single and as combination in Salmonella typhimurium-infected mice. The immunomodulatory effect were evaluated as cure agent (in mice previously infected with S. typhimurium) and as protective agent (in mice infected with S. typhimurium at the end of treatment period). Methods: Fifty female BALB/c mice, aged 7-9 weeks were divided into 10 groups: control positive group (C+), normal mice (C-), protective groups (P1, P2 & P3) and cure groups (P4, P5, P6, P7 and P8). Different concentration (100, 500 and 1000 mg/kg BW) of each plant extract were used as single and as combination for 14 days. At the end of the treatment period, all mice were sectioned and mice splenocytes were isolated. Immunomodulatory markers were checked using flow-cytometry which include CD4+CD8+, CD4+CD62L+, CD8+CD62L+, CD8+IL17+ and CD8+IFN-γ+. Results: The results showed that the leaf aqueous extract of M. oleifera produced potential immunomodulatory effects as protective and cure agent. The single treatment of M. oleifera as cure agent (P4) leading to a significant decrease in the double positive (CD4+CD8+) T cells activation and production of IL-17 and IFN-γ. Furthermore, the level of naïve CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were increased significantly (p<0.05) after single treatment with M. oleifera as protective agent (P1). M. oleifera and M. vulgare as cure agent also showed immunomodulatory effect in the level of double positive T cells, IL-17 and IFN-γ at low dose (P6, 100 mg/kg BW), whereas the level of naïve CD4+ and CD8+ T cells increased at high dose of M. oleifera and M. vulgare. However, the immunomodulatory effects were higher during single treatment with M. oleifera. Conclusion: These results suggest that single treatment with M. oleifera extract more effectiveness than combination treatments with M. vulgare in S.typhimurium-infected mice. These findings have proven that M. oleifera and M. vulgare will be a very good material for future herbal medicine. Keywords: immunomodulatory, Moringa oleifera, Marrubium vulgare L., Salmonella infection

Name of Person Attending: Alexander Sirotkin

Affiliation: Faculty of Natural Sciences,Constantine the Philosopher, University in Nitra,Nitra, Slovak Republic

Paper Title: Novel regulators of female reproduction

Abstract: Development in animal biotechnology, assisted reproduction, human and veterinary medicine requires search for new regulators of reproductive functions. This is the review of original data concerning the role of some metabolic hormones (GH, leptin, ghrelin, obestatin), growth factors (IGF-I, IGFBPs, EGF, thrombopoietin), intracellular mediators of their action (cyclic nucleotides, protein kinases, transcription factors and related cDNA, siRNA and miRNA gene constructs) on basic ovarian functions (cell proliferation, apoptosis, secretion, oogenesis, ovulation, production and viability of pups) in different species (pig, rabbit, humans and chicken). Practical applications of some these molecules for characterization, prediction and control of reproductive processes in these species was examined too.

Name of Person Attending: Vigneswari Sevakumran

Affiliation: Faculty of Fundamental Science,University of Malaysia Terengganu,Terengganu, Malaysia

Paper Title: Surface Functionalization of Poly (3-Hydroxybutyrate-Co-4-Hydroxybutyrate) Scaffolds as Potential Biomaterial

Abstract: The biomaterial surface plays a crucial role as it forms the interface between the scaffold and the cells. Polymers have exhibited poor cell attachment capability due to the hydrophobic and lack of cell recognition sites thus, limiting their application. There are numerous approaches in functionalizing a biomaterial. In this study, we propose to investigate the biofunctionalization of P(3HB-co-4HB) biopolymer using short peptide sequences [Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD)] to enhance cell attachment, proliferation and cell material interaction. Recently, we have proven that nanofibrous P(3HB-co-4HB) biopolymer has enhanced the biocompatibility and cell attachment efficacy of the biopolymer. The P(3HB-co-4HB) will be electrospun in an attempt to mimic an extracellular matrix structure and RGD will be immobilized onto the surface. A P(3HB-co-4HB) mixture dissolved in 1:4 volume of dimethylformamide and chloroform will be electrospun to produce a nanofiber scaffolds and RGD, will be covalently grafted onto the surface of the electrospun P(3HB-co-4HB) by aminolysis. Due to the fibrous framework of the nano-P(3HB-co-4HB) matrix which mimics the extracellular matrix, immobilization of RGD peptide in improving the functional characteristics and microenvironment of the scaffold as potential cardiac patch will be investigated. The goal of this study is to fabricate nano-P(3HB-co-4HB)-RGD scaffold aimed to address the common problem faced in cardiac tissue engineering by achieving a surface with favorable characteristics that enhances cell attachment and maturation.

Name of Person Attending: Dr. Narendra Pamidi

Affiliation: Senior Lecturer in Anatomy,Jeffrey Cheah School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Monash University

Malaysia,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Abstract: The development of type 2 diabetes (T2D) is contributed by unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle. However, the precise mechanism involved is not entirely identified. Various experimental models are used to study T2D including genetic- and chemically induced- models. Unfortunately, these models are much different from the T2D in general population. In addition, although there are increasing studies on therapeutic approaches for T2D, the studies emphasized on environmental enrichment (EE) are limited.

Name of Person Attending: Brenda Bin Su

Affiliation: Department of Biomedical Sciences,School of Medicine at University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV),TX,


Abstract: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is particularly prevalent in Latin Americans (14.4% twice as high as for non-Hispanic whites in the US) and the prevalence of diabetes in the UAE adult citizens in the Northern Emirates was 25.1% from a total of 872 Emirati were studied. More effective therapeutic strategy is urgently needed for preventing and treating diabetes to avoid diabetic complications. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2015 to Chinese Medicine Scientist encourages us as Chinese Medicine scientists to translate the precious gift “Traditional Chinese Medicine” (TCM) from China to the world. TCM is a complete medical system that has been used to diagnose, treat, and prevent illnesses for more than 2,000 years. The aim of this study is to summarize the evidences from three randomized clinical trials among Chinese of the efficiency of TCM on the prevention and treatment on diabetes and some of its complications. First a multicenter randomized clinical trials (RCT): a total of 420 individuals from 11 hospitals with impaired glucose tolerance were administrated Chinese medicine decoction (Tianqi capsule) for 12 months. The reduction of the risk of diabetes was 32.1% compared with placebo. No severe adverse events occurred. Second multicenter RCT: 480 overweight patients with early stage T2DM were recruited and were randomly divided into two groups, Chinese medicine decoction GQD and placebo for 12 week. The results showed that GQD reduced 1.02% of HBA1c in average compared with 0.47% in the placebo group. In another RCT study of GQD, 187 patients, with early stage T2DM from 4 hospitals in China, were treated with GQD for 12 weeks. The reduction of HbA1c exhibited GQD dose-dependent manner and a short chain fatty acid production. Bacterium of Faecali and Bacillus were significantly enriched, which showed significant negative correlation with HbA1C and fasting blood glucose in the treated group. Third multicenter RCT with a noninferiority study: a total 800 T2DM patients with inadequate glycemic control, of which one-half of the patients were drug-naïve and the other half were already on metformin treatment. In drug naı¨ve group, the total hypoglycemia rate and the mild hypoglycemic episode in the Xiaoke Pill arm were 38% (p = 0.024) and 41% (p = 0.002) less compared to Glibenclamide arm; in Metformin group, the average annual rate of hypoglycemia was 62% lower in Xiaoke Pill arm (p = 0.003). In conclusion, Chinese medicine decoctions improve the body repair system to prevent as well as treat diabetes amongst the Chinese ethnic group. The application of these formulas will also provide benefits to Mexican Americans and to Emirati who have risk to develop diabetes and incur its complications.

Name of Person Attending: Joko Ariyanto

Affiliation: Biology Education of Teacher Training and Education Faculty,Sebelas Maret University (Universitas Sebelas

Maret),Surakarta, Indonesia

Paper Title: Economic Value of Cover Crop on Wonogiri Carst Area

Abstract: The objective of this research is to acknowledge the species composition of cover crop along with  its benefit and to acknowledge the economic value of cover crop on carst field.

The research is an explorative research carried out by doing some surveys to some spots in free area as samples in Wonogiri carst field. The method used including field exploration combined with interview and study of secondary data. The evaluation of cover crop economic value carried out by using two approaches such as 1. Identification of the benefit and the function of mangrove resources; 2. Quantification of the whole benefit and the function of mangrove recources.

The researh has found 192 species on cast area. Based on their uses the 192 species are grouped into fooder, medicine, food, ornamental, herbicide, perfume,spices, aromatherapy, compost, and flavor. The top three group based on its sum specias are medicine (65 species) fooder (12 species) and food ( 9 species). The total economic value of cover crop on Wonogiri carst is Rp. 171.703.858.662..

In conclusion, there are 162 species composition of cover crop on Wonogiri carst field that give many benefits and give high economic value.

Key words: Economic Value, Cover Crop, Carst area

Name of Person Attending: Yumiko Ishikawa

Affiliation: Faculty of Healthcare and Medical Sports, School of Nursing,Teikyo Heisei University,Ichihara, Japan

Paper Title: Association between Eye or Ear Problems and Psychosocial Functioning in Community-dwelling Seniors

Abstract: Back ground: Many older persons are living with ear or eye problem in the community. To understand prevalence of ear or eye problems in com

munity dwelling seniors and its influence in psychosocial functioning may give the healthcare providers to plan health promotion program in community.

Objective: To examine the association between eye or ear problems and psychosocial functioning in a community in Japan.

Methods: Cross-sectional study of community dwelling older people were recruited in a town of Tochigi prefecture Japan in 2015. 915 volunteers aged over 60 who completed questionnaire were included in the analysis. Self-reported demographic information, health conditions, and psychosocial functioning were corrected. Logistic regression was performed to examine correlation between eye or ear problems and psychosocial conditions.

Key words: Eye or ear problems, community dwelling seniors, psychosocial functioning

Name of Person Attending: Linus Augustin

Affiliation: Department of Biotechnology,National Institute of Technology, Durgapur,Durgapur, West Bengal, India

Paper Title: Docking Studies of Mangiferin as Potential agent against Colorectal Cancer

Abstract: Mangiferin, a xanthone isolated from Curcuma amada has therapeutic properties. In the present study the anticancer property of mangiferin was evaluated by docking with colorectal cancer receptors using AutoDock Vina. Mangiferin showed good binding affinity with a score ranging from -10.3 to -6.7. In colorectal cancer (CRC) major pathways are deregulated which leads to cancer progression. APC, KRAS and CDK8 proteins involved in Wnt/β-catenin pathway are hyperactivated and these proteins were docked with mangiferin. Similar results were obtained when mangiferin was docked with proteins involved in the apoptotic pathway (Bcl-2 & Bcl-xL). Mangiferin showed higher affinity towards enzymes involved in Arachidonic acid (AA) metabolism. Mangiferin also had good binding affinity with MAD2 and BUBR1, which are proteins involved in chromosome instability pathway. These results show the potential of mangiferin to be development as an anticancer drug. Though the docking studies showed the anticancer property of mangiferin, further in vitro studies are required to evaluate the mechanism of action of mangiferin in the treatment for CRC.

Keywords: Mangiferin, CRC, Autodock Vina, CASTp

Name of Person Attending: Vijeshwar Verma

Affiliation: School of Biotechnology,Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Kakryal,Katra, India

Paper Title: A Multiplex PCR Assay to Detect Important Human Pathogens Like Shigella, Escherichia Coli And Shiga Toxin-Producing E. Coli In Milk

Abstract: For the simultaneous detection of three important pathogens, Shigella, Escherichia coli and Shiga-toxic Esch. coli a A multiplex PCR (mPCR) assay has been designed. For the detection of Esch. coli and Shigella uidA gene was targeted, however, ipaH and stx1 genes were used for the detection of Shigella and shiga-toxin producing strains. The primers were so designed that the detection of pathogens was very specific and precise in the mPCR protocol resulting in specific amplicons representing the specific genes in question e.g., amplicons from ipaH and uidA gene fragments pointed to the presence of Shigella spp., amplification from uidA alone pointed to the presence of Esch. coli and presence of verotoxin gene amplicon pointed to the vero-toxinogenic nature of the culture. The protocol is so sensitive that it could detect a single pathogenic cell in a 20 µl PCR assay in both individual and mPCR assay, very useful for on spot detection of pathogens in sensitive food samples like milk.

Name of Person Attending: Sudarshan Surendran

Affiliation: Department of Anatomy, Melaka Manipal Medical College (Manipal Campus),Manipal Academy of Higher

Education,Manipal, karnataka, India

Paper Title: A Rare Case of Entrapment of Superficial Branch of Radial Nerve within the Split Tendon of Brachioradialis Muscle

(Wartenbergs Syndrome)

Abstract: The radial nerve terminates at the level of lateral epicondyle of humerus into its superficial and deep branches. The superficial branch runs deep to the brachioradialis (BR) muscle until the lower thirds of the forearm. Then it winds around the lower end of radius to move to the dorsal aspect of the hand where it supplies the skin. This being a cutaneous nerve, any entrapment or compression as seen in the present case would result in sensory disturbances along the dorsum of the hand. The present case was identified during a routine dissection session for undergraduate medical students. The BR muscle presented with a split tendon before insertion into the lateral surface of the styloid process of radius, in the left upper extremity of a male cadaver (age approximately 50 years). Before entering the dorsum of the hand, the superficial branch of radial nerve (SBRN) split into two divisions after passing between the two slips of the BR tendon. The rest of the course of the nerve was seen to be normal. This condition in a living person would result in compression of the SBRN during the actions of BR muscle causing pain over the region supplied by it. The symptoms aggravate during pronation and wrist movements involving BR, which typically are termed as Wartenberg’s syndrome. There are cases reported of the SBRN being trapped within the fascia of the forearm, but entrapment of SBRN within the split tendon of BR is considered to be a rare case. In patients suffering from a long term, this would result in paresthesia over the dorsum of the hand. Positive Tinel’s sign over the area of supply of SBRN is seen along with local tenderness and the same may also be seen during hyperpronation. During surgical procedures involving such variations, entrapment of SBRN between the split tendon of BR or within any tight fascial malformations should be considered. Releasing the nerve from such entrapments would improve the condition of the patient by relieving the symptoms.

Keywords: Radial nerve, Brachioradialis, Nerve compression, Wartenberg’s syndrome, Tinel’s sign

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