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Eurasia Research Quarterly Newsletter: SSHRA (July 2019- September 2019)

Writer: Eurasia StaffEurasia Staff

Updated: Oct 22, 2019

Social Science & Humanities Research Association (SSHRA)

Dear SSHRA Members,

Greetings and sincere thanks for your patronage and support. SSHRA has now grown to 14839 followers and members from 60 countries.

We are glad to present you our latest edition of the newsletter. The newsletter showcases the associations of current and upcoming endeavors.

Conferences Held:

SSHRA has successfully organized following International conferences in the period of July 2019- September 2019.

Click here to access the conference videos

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We thank all the participants for their active participation in our Conferences. We thank all members, participants, and supporting organizations for making these conferences successful.

We will be glad to partner with your organization.

Please write to  for assistance.

Job Openings

SSHRA is searching for talented and energetic conference coordinators (part-time) who are working/ studying at the following locations:

Bali/Budapest/Mauritius/Bangkok/Barcelona/Istanbul/Rome/London/Jakarta/Hong Kong

It's a golden opportunity to be a part of our global team, to interact and associate with International academicians, display your leadership and organizing skills and earn handsome honorarium.

All interested and eligible candidates are requested to contact us with their CV, Photograph, Cover Letter on

Eurasia Research International Conference began with opening remarks by Honourable Keynote speaker highlighting the main context on Teaching Issues. The main aim of this conference was:

  • Advancement of Research and Innovative ideas through conference, workshops, seminars, and publications

  • Fostering a global community based on research and knowledge

  • Fostering innovation and ideas through research-based activities

  • Global dissemination of ideas and research through the use of technology

  • Working towards world peace and community development

Our worthy Keynote speakers open up the conference enlightening participants with their speech. Here is the list of keynote speakers who participated in our conference:

Bruce A. Bidgood, Associate Professor in the School of Social Work, University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC), Canada

Dr Ashutosh Misal, Dr D Y Patil Institute of Management Studies (DYPIMS), Savitribai Phule Pune University (Formerly University of Pune), Pune, Maharashtra, India

Jérome Chan, Senior Lecturer in Law, Programme Leader for LLB Commercial, LLB Extended and LLB Extended (UGIC), The School of Law & the Centre for Criminology, University of Greenwich, London, England

Anna Rudakowska, Associate Professor, Tamkang University, Taiwan

Dr. Jari Martikainen, Junior Researcher, University of Eastern Finland, Finland and Lecturer of Visual Culture Studies at Ingman College of Crafts and Design, Finland

Mr Jayganesh Dawosing of Lecturer, Department of Bhojpuri, Folklore and Oral Traditions, Mahatma Gandhi Institute, Mauritius

Dr. Sita Yiemkuntitavorn, Associate Professor, School of Educational Studies, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand

Oleg Shovkovyy, Lecture of International Business Management, Naresuan University International College, Thailand

Anna Gagat-Matuła, PhD, Adjunct Professor, Institute of Special Needs Education of the Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland

Ana Saldanha, Translator (English and Spanish into Portuguese), Lecturer, Mentor (Member of the EMCC and Associate Board Member IMA), Lisbon, Portugal

Dr Emma Cunningham, Senior Lecturer in Criminology, Teesside University in the School of Sciences, Humanities and Law, Middlesbrough, England

Alan Mulvey, Department of International English, Kyoto Tachibana University, Japan

Dr. Agnieszka Iłendo-Milewska, Director, Faculty of Psychology, Private University of Pedagogy, Białystok, Poland

Assoc. Prof. Marek Matejun, Vice-Dean of Science and International Cooperation at the Faculty of Management and Production Engineering, Lodz University of Technology, Poland

Dennis Relojo-Howell, Founder of Psychreg, Conference Chair of ICPCE 2019, UK

Assoc. Professor Dr. Noor Hasmini Abd Ghani, Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Kampus Kota, Karung Berkunci 36, Pengkalan Chepa, 16100 Kota Bharu Kelantan, Malaysia

Dr. Wang Lixun, Associate Dean, Faculty of Humanities, Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Eurasia Research makes continuous efforts in transforming the lives of people around the world through education, application of research & innovative ideas. In order to Promote Young Researchers, Eurasia Research International conferences, Provides Young Research Scholarship in the form of a full Registration fee waiver to participate in such events. This gives immense encouragement to the researchers who have brilliant ideas to exhibit their research work on the International platform. Eurasia Research aims for promoting research and talent of scholars by giving the scholarship to 5 selected applicants for each conference.

In order to Promote Young Researchers, Eurasia Research International conferences, Provides Young Research Scholarship in the form of a full Registration fee waiver to participate in such events.

Here is our List of Young Research Scholars who participated in our conference:

Name of delegate: Mohd Usman

Affiliation: Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India

Paper Title: The Socio-Cultural Dimensions and the Work Dynamics of the Artisans of the Chikan Embroidery Industry of Lucknow: A Critical Analysis of the Constraints in Accessing Micro-Credit and the Measures for the Promotion of Women’s Entrepreneurship

Abstract: In the era of globalization, micro-finance has been deemed as a solution to the credit issues of workers in the unorganized sector and a tool for women empowerment through entrepreneurship and self-help group formation in the domestic and home-based industry. The Chikan embroidery industry in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, is largely an informal and a home-based industry with the precedence of women artisans who work on a contractual basis. In the wake of the very limited success of the measures taken by the government for the amelioration of the artisans, mobilization as self-help groups and the promotion of women’s entrepreneurship through micro-finance have been considered the feasible solutions to the ills of the women artisans. But, the present study unravels many challenges to this proposition and enriches the understanding of the Chikankari workers of Lucknow. The study has a policy implication that the measures launched for their amelioration through entrepreneurship should be informed with their socio-cultural context and work dynamics. Finally, the study concludes with the proposition that an industry-specific approach is required for a better affirmative action suited to the changed scenario in the Chikan industry of Lucknow.

Keywords: Chikan embroidery, microfinance, entrepreneurship, home-based, women workers, self-help group

Name of delegate: Uditi Bhatt

Affiliation: School of Liberal Studies, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, India

Paper Title: Subcontinent of India: A Part of the Earliest and Most Advanced Civilisation of the World

Abstract: This paper examines the subcontinent of India from the point of view that it was partially home to the earliest and most advanced civilization in the world. By examining this case, the paper clarifies the hold that the myths that have been around since centuries all over the world are not mere stories but in fact, they tell us a greater truth about the civilization that existed at the end of the Ice Age. The topic studied in this paper includes the myths and folklore from around the world juxtaposed with each other in order to highlight the similarities. Each statement made in the paper is backed by scientific and archeological proof and thus the paper is divided into three major portions to prove the claim: (1) Mythical Parallels with History (2) Technological Brilliance in Ancient Scriptures (3) Archeological Proof. Data has been collected from documentary archives, interviews, books, newspaper archives, published reports and folklores. This paper challenges the argument that myths are inconsequential and are mere stories passed down for generations. It holds the view that a more technologically advanced civilization existed before the timeline that history gives us and if examined minutely, the proofs of its existence can be easily visible. This paper attempts to bring to light the existence of the mythical cities citied in ancient Indian texts and various other mythologies and how the Indian subcontinent was an integral part of it all.

Keywords: Technologically Advanced Civilisation, end of Ice Age, India, Mythology, History

In each, Eurasia Research Conference, the best paper award is given to the best researches. In Social Science and Humanities Research Association (SSHRA), the Best paper award is given to the participants with the best scholarly paper submitted and presented at the conference.

Name of Delegate: Charles Chen

Affiliation: School of Computer Science and Engineering, Minnan Normal University, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, PRC

Paper Title: An Technology acceptance model of factory workshop workers

Abstract: With the progress of information technology, some enterprises begin to implement Augmented Reality (AR) technology to improve production efficiency and establish a competitive advantage. However, the introduction of AR new technology has impacted on the original mode of production. What factors affect the perception and acceptance of AR new technology by workshop workers (here as equipment maintenance technician and production line operators) and their willingness to use AR new technology is what this research intends to explore. Based on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Social Cognitive Theory (SCT), Social Influence Theory (SIT) and Task-Technology Fit (TTF) theory, this paper proposes research models and hypotheses to investigate factory workshop worker’s perception and acceptance of AR technology.

Keywords: Technology Acceptance Model, Social Cognitive Theory, Task-Technology Fit, Social Influence Theory, Augmented Reality.

Name of Delegate: Devin Pollitt

Affiliation: School of Social Work, University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, Canada

Paper Title: Cultural Dissonance and the Up/Down Sides of Compassion in Canadian Palliative Care Workers: Contrasting

Structural Models.

Abstract: Canada, like many industrialized western countries, is experiencing a rapidly aging citizenry with retirement-aged residents (over 65 years) projected to represent an estimated 23% to 25% of the population by 2036. This has translated into an increased demand for Hospice and Palliative Care (PC) which is founded on the use of "compassion" as a cornerstone element of quality care. A growing body of literature exists on both the deleterious (down-side) and positive ( up-side) effects of the prolonged use of compassion and its impacts on both patients and professionals. There exists a paucity of research on the potential role of the workplace culture in mediating the impacts of the compassion demands of PC. The current research attempts to address this gap through an examination of how the evaluations of individual and organizational cultural values, and the dissonance between the two, can be used to predict and potentially improve the compassion satisfaction while decreasing the compassion fatigue of the palliative healthcare professional.

Key Words: cultural dissonance, compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue, structural equation modeling

Name of Delegate: Antonio Olivera-La Rosa

Affiliation: Department of Psychology and Social Sciences, Universidad Catolica Luis Amigo, Colombia

Paper Title: The Uncanny Feeling: A Moral Emotional Response

Abstract: The “uncanny valley” hypothesis (Mori 1970/2005) posits that some near-human looking entities (e.g., androids, wax figures, sex toys, etc.) can elicit a distinctive negative emotional response (the uncanny feeling, UF). Interestingly, some authors suggested that the UF can be elicited by appraisals of people with “creepy” (i.e., weird/strange) facial features (e.g., Botox victims). The fact that people draw multiple social inferences from facial cues about a person implies a remarkable puzzle: Is there an implicit link between the perception of uncanny faces and the perception of deviant (abnormal) morality? In other words, the feeling that something is “not right” with the human face functions as an automatic signal that something is “not right” with the morality of a person?

Method: First, we examine the relevant features of the UF in order to explore whether the phenomenology of the UF favors its function as an emotional signal against ambiguously dangerous social entities. Second, we review the most striking findings of person perception, the automaticity of moral judgments, dehumanization, and research on moral character (i.e., the perceived disposition to produce morally good or bad acts, Bocian et al., 2018).

Results & Conclusions: The revisited analysis of the literature suggests a causal link between the UF and moral cognition. We propose that the UF functions as an emotional signal that something is “not right” with a human-like entity, and therefore needs to be avoided. We claim that this mechanism functions as a moral heuristic: twisted facial features may reveal twisted minds, likely to hold some obscures motives improper of a “fully human” being

Name of Delegate: Willem Petrus de Villiers

Affiliation: Department of Procedural Law, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa

Paper Title: Permanent stay of prosecution: S v Brooks 2019 1 SACR 103 (NCK)

Abstract: Section 35(3)(d) of the South African Constitution, 1996 provides that an accused has the right to have his trial begin and be concluded without unreasonable delay. In the case, supra the application for a permanent stay of the prosecution was triggered by the refusal of the trial judge in an earlier case and the intention of the State to retry the applicants. One of the questions that arose was whether the court in the recusal application could take into account the merits of the previous trial in deciding whether there was an unreasonable delay or not. In the paper, I discuss the facts of the case and the factors to be taken into account when an application for a permanent stay of prosecution is considered under South African, US and Canadian law. I conclude whether it is possible to take into account the merits of a previous trial under South African law.

Keywords: Criminal law/procedure, Permanent stay of prosecution

Name of Delegate: Beris Artan Özoran

Affiliation: Department of Public Relations, Faculty of Communication, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey

Paper Title: A New Storytelling Way of Organizations: Manifesto- A Critical Study

Abstract: We made up of stories. Since we were born, we were surrounded by stories. We grew up with fairy tales, we tell stories on buses, dinner tables, on the phone talking with our friends and also we listen to stories every day from different sources. It is really hard to think about our lives without stories. Stories disseminate emotions and help to bound people. Brands also, recognize the power of storytelling. Because of the rising competition among brands, they started to use “storytelling” to differentiate from others. Scholars working on “postmodern culture” points out a shift in consumer-brand relations. They said the rational bound in consumption relations was untied. It means that people are no longer consuming based on rational thoughts instead, they are consumed by their emotions. They are buying a good based on its “meaning” formed by communication strategies of the brand. This makes “storytelling” more important than before. One can see the increase in stories spreading by brands. In addition to that, a new way of storytelling occurred. Some brands are using manifestos in their communication campaigns. A manifesto is “a written statement declaring publicly intentions, motives, or views of the issuer” ( Manifestos have revolutionist characteristics. Therefore, it is expected that brands that use manifesto storytelling have a statement and a revolutionary idea. The aim of this article is to analyze Dove’s Real Strength and Real Beauty, Diesel’s “be stupid”, Axe’s “Boys do Cry”, Nike’s “Find Your Greatness”, Levi’s “Go Forth” Manifestos by using critical discourse analysis. It is found that all the manifestos have common characteristics that point out “postmodern culture”. The manifestos analyzed in this article have features of “postmodern culture” like spectacle, the juxtaposition of opposites, individualization, modular identity and fragmentation.

Keywords: Storytelling, Manifesto, Brand, Postmodern Culture

Name of Delegate: Leung Kwok Prudence Lau

Affiliation: Department of Cultural and Creative Arts, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Paper Title: Art Deco Architecture in Hong Kong: Theatre Buildings and Modern Cinema Heritage

Abstract: In the 1930s-50s, numerous new theatres opened in different districts across Hong Kong. These buildings indicate a flourishing of entertainment businesses in Hong Kong and the high demand for this form of leisure from the local society. Interestingly, most of these theatre buildings were built in the Art Deco architectural style. Most of these theatre buildings are now demolished, but a socio-history of entertainment and theatre buildings in Hong Kong are missing in academia and there is a need for repositioning in the field. This paper argues that Art Deco, a modern architectural style, can be understood as a form of entertainment and demonstration of resistance of the colonized in early twentieth-century Hong Kong.

The paper also aims at demonstrating that these theatre buildings are not passive objects, but rather subjects that are able to consume the dominating culture to ‘self-fashion’ and ‘self-represent’, in using postcolonial theoretical terms. Previous research has been done on Chinese cinema operators and cinema businesses in Hong Kong but little research has been conducted to link the architecture or urban landscape to postcolonial theories. This paper will, therefore, perform a two-tiered methodology. First, it will reveal the ways in which the patron, architect and the audience of the theatre buildings interacted with each other in laying the foundation of modern cinema and entertainment history in Hong Kong. Second, the research will adopt postcolonial theory to analyze and problematize the architectures, and investigate the ways that they ‘self-fashion’ and ‘self-represent’ different identities. The study will ultimately examine the reach of Art Deco into the everyday life of Hong Kong in the form of architecture and cinema, critique the dynamics between the dominated-subjugated in colonial Hong Kong, and offers a new way to study architectural heritage by emphasizing its socio-political implications.

Keywords: Cultural Heritage, Modern Architecture, Art Deco, Cinema, Hong Kong

Name of Delegate: Sharif Haider

Affiliation: School of Social Work, The Open University, United Kingdom

Paper Title: Impact of ICTs on Social Work

Abstract: Background: Unstoppable advancement of ICTs impact on every aspect of our lives, from personal to professional life. Social work is not immune to it, ICTs have impacted six spheres of social work practice: administrative tasks including communication, performance, interventions, service delivery, education, and research. However, it is not clear now ICTs are impacting on a specific area of social work.

Purpose: The purpose of the study was to explore how ICTs are impacting on social workers in a hospital to facilitate prompt and safe hospital discharge. This research carried out in England.

Research Design: The study utilized a qualitative research methodology using three focus group discussions. 34 social workers participated in the focus groups.

Findings: Qualitative data suggested that social workers were not exploiting ICTs fully to support their work and their service users. Currently, in a hospital, social workers were using communication technologies and patients databases more than any other ICTs channels. They were using organizational databases mostly on administrative purposes i.e. collecting, inputting and extracting data and information from databases about their patients. However, these databases were also used by their managers as a surveillance and performance management tool. Other than administrative and performance management tool databases did not provide and support social work decision making nor interventions. Furthermore, data also suggested that in some instances ICTs supported social workers to become efficient in discharge patients but in some instances, it reduced their ability to act promptly.

Originality: This research study showed that there is a need for social workers to exploit ICTs in their full potential to become efficient and effective practitioners. They need to go beyond using ICTs for administrative and communication purposes.

Conclusion: Findings provided a mixed picture of exploiting ICTs in hospital social work. It is vital that social workers proactively engage and involve a range of ICTs to improve their practice.

Keywords: Information and Communication Technologies, Social Work, Databases, Administrative, Decision Making, Interventions, Discharge

Name of Delegate: Michal Jachowicz

Affiliation: Department of Social Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Jagiellonian University, ul. Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków, Poland

Paper Title: Guarantee for Protection of Public Health in the Field of the Functioning of the Pharmaceutical Market from a View of the Public Choice Theory

Abstract: In the light of Polish law, a generally accessible pharmacy is a public health protection facility. As a consequence, conducting pharmacy activities is characterized by a specific dualism of objectives, i.e. the need to implement an economic objective appropriate for a pharmacy as an enterprise and a public objective appropriate for a pharmacy as a public health protection facility. The object of pharmacy activities are, in particular, the provision of pharmaceutical services that remain in the domain of practicing the profession of the pharmacist as a profession of public trust. The provisions of Polish Pharmaceutical Law, shaping the principles of rationing pharmaceutical activities in Poland, and thus determining the subjective structure of the pharmacy market, have undergone a particular change, which entered into force on 25/06/2017, giving rise to polarization of participants in the pharmacy market for entrepreneurs who have obtained permission to operate a pharmacy before the entry into force of the above amendments to the Act and those who applied for permission to operate a pharmacy under the amended provisions. The indicated difference relates in particular to the ownership structure of the pharmacy as an enterprise. The change in the Pharmaceutical Law introduced a subjective limitation, according to which only an entrepreneur with the right to practice as a pharmacist may apply for authorization to operate a pharmacy, while entrepreneurs who do not fulfill this requirement, who have obtained a license to operate a pharmacy before the date of entry into force of the amendment, remain still entitled to perform pharmacy operations on the basis of permits granted to them, which remain valid. Taking into account the existing differentiation of the pharmaceutical business model, it is necessary to assess the legal conditions of the public health protection guarantee in the field of the entrepreneur's social interest. This assessment should concern both running a pharmacy by a non-pharmacist and an entrepreneur with the right to practice as a pharmacist. Recognizing the close correlation between the economic objective and the public objective of the pharmacy, the question should also be asked about the significant changes in Pharmaceutical Law aimed at strengthening the pharmacist's position as an important participant in the market of pharmacy services and their impact on the appreciation of the quality of pharmaceutical services, and hence on the improvement of the quality of public health protection in Poland. All these issues are part of the public choice theory.

The State supplies a wide variety of goods, from national defense to education and health care to police and fire protection. Some of these goods like education or health care are also provided privately – others, like national defense or public administration, are the exclusive province of government. What are the economic properties of such goods? The economists noted the central role played by prices in market economies. Because of the price system, markets result in an efficient allocation of resources. Prices ration private goods. Those consumers who are willing and able to pay the requisite price obtain the good. So – from the perspective of guarantee for the protection of public health in the field of the functioning of the pharmaceutical market – we have to ask: What is distinctive about the goods typically provided by the State? What prevents them in many cases from being provided privately? And if they are provided privately, why is the private supply likely to be inadequate

Keywords: health care; market of pharmacy services; private good; public good, Poland

Name of Delegate: Nuchnudee Chaisatit

Affiliation: Tourism and Gastronomy School, University of Colima, Manzanillo, State of Colima, Mexico

Paper Title: Forest Resources Impact Assessment from Tourism Activity in San Pedro Acapulco, Mexico

Abstract: San Pedro Atlapulco is an indigenous rural community, located in the municipality of Ocoyoacac, in the Mexico state; which is contiguous to the Insurgente Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla national park. Formerly its inhabitants were dedicated to the agricultural activity and sale of natural resources. Currently, the main base of the economy is based on tourism because of its proximity to the coniferous forest (cedar, oyamel, and pine) that give a pleasant atmosphere in the valleys, places where tourism activities are being developed. The forest presents some necessary effects to evaluate, for which, the present work has as objective to present the evaluation of the effects of the recreational tourist activity on the forest of the community of San Pedro Acapulco. The research is developed with the methodological proposal of the Framework for the evaluation of Natural Resource Management Systems incorporating the sustainability indicators (MESMIS) from economic and socio-environmental indicators.

Keywords: Recreational activity, Forest, Tourism, Sustainable development, Ecotourism

Name of Delegate: Muhammad Kamran

Affiliation: Department of Business and Law, University of Sunderland, London Campus, England, United Kingdom

Paper Title: Employment challenges among adult male ex-offenders after incarceration: A conceptual analysis

Abstract: This paper examines the phenomena of adult male ex-offenders' employment challenges after incarceration using a conceptual analysis. It is believed that the phenomenon of post-release ex-offenders' employment issues is the major challenge of the criminal judicial system. Imprisonment creates a set of experiences for adult male offenders as they often lose their jobs and discouraged from obtaining employment upon their post-release. There are two main barriers they face in the labor market which are the (1) unemployment and (2) stigma associated as an ex-offender with having a shady background.

This paper also observes some major issues that are considered important when it comes to the analysis of reducing re-offending and employment challenges among adult male ex-offenders after incarceration. This article analyses that individuals who have been imprisoned are at risk of reoffending. The purpose of this paper is to focus on apparent challenges that ex-offenders face as they attempt to reintegrate into the community. However, most of them go back to prison again if they cannot find stable and worthwhile employment opportunities in the labor market. It is evidently established that the phenomena of ex-offender employment are a big challenge to reduce level recidivism. This research study investigated the employment challenges encounter by adult male ex-offenders after incarceration. Whereas, previous research has mainly taken place within large, rehabilitation issues and has ignored employment challenges.

Name of Delegate: Petr Polak

Affiliation: Institute of Economic Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Paper Title: Airbnb Taxation

Abstract: Airbnb is an internet platform that provides mediation of accommodation operating according to the principles of a shared economy. Because it is a new type of business, it is an environment with very limited regulation, but it has a big influence on the housing market. Especially in Prague, which currently lacks flats for long-term lease. This thesis is to be the very first to provide a unique view of the Prague market and then it discusses possible ways of regulation in the form of taxation of professional hosts. At the same time, the thesis analyzes determinants of the price of accommodation using the hedonic model. These results are then used to estimate the hosting revenue. According to the results, the regulation and form of taxation should be supplemented by a maximum short-term rental period of 135 days per year, so that the owners of the property are motivated to rent it out primarily for the long-term.

Keywords: Airbnb, Taxation, Prague market

Name of Delegate: Dr. Liptak Katalin

Affiliation: Department of Labor Market and Employment Policy, University of Miskolc, Miskolc, Hungary

Paper Title: Analysis of The Factors of Social Innovation and Competitiveness in Hungary

Abstract: To interpret social innovation, it is possible to attribute the specialty of employment to the peripheral regions. Yet, the latest development of new products, services, and new methodologies, driven by social values, initiated and implemented by social players, which interprets new social interactions as a backward process of social development, places social innovation as the main point of employment. The aim of the study to introduce the differences between the technical innovation in the classical sense and the social innovation, as well as analysis of the widening effect of social innovations on employment and their role in rural development. Some of the social innovations are some of the most exemplary cases that have an employment-enhancing effect in both rural and urban areas. Competitiveness is particular importance not only in terms of the world economy but also in regional economic and local economic development. In this paper, I examined the values of the Regional Competitiveness Index (RCI) in Hungary and the best-known social innovations in these regions. The second aim of the research is to explore and compare the relationship between competitiveness and social innovations at the regional level in Hungary. As a result of my research, it can be stated that the social innovations presented will contribute to improving the quality of life of people living in rural areas and people with disabilities in urban areas through employment.

Keywords: social innovation, competitiveness, employment

Name of Delegate: Emechebe Nkiru Camilla

Affiliation: Ph.D. Student of Mass Communication, Ebonyi State University Abakiliki, Nigeria

Paper Title: Influence of Technology in the Responsibility of Mass Media on Cultural Renewal/Transmission

Abstract: The ubiquitous nature of mass media in contemporary society has significantly influenced the right and responsibilities of mass media on culture transmission. From the pristine days of print and broadcast media to the present internet-based communication media, technology has so much globalized the society and brought to reality the Marshall McLuhan’s “global village” philosophy. The paper, therefore, evaluated how the thoroughly mediated nature of the society has significantly influenced the responsibilities theory and the social learning theory. This paper aimed at evaluating the influence of technology on cultural globalization. The paper adopted a critical analytic cum historical approach and found out the revolution in mass media, occasioned by technological advancement, has significantly improved cultural globalization and renewal. The paper recommended that the internet-based media technologies should exercise restraint in cultural globalization so as suppress certain unacceptable culture in different societies.

Keywords: Technology, Mass media, Culture, Renewal

Name of Delegate: Dr. Khaled Igbaria

Affiliation: Department of Arabic Language & Literature, Saadi Centre For Studies In Arabic Language & Literature, Kaye

Academic College of Education, Beer Shiva, Israel

Paper Title: Arab Spring Revolutions throughout Modern Arabic Poetry

Abstract: Language is not only an instrument or a symbol, but it also represents a nation’s spirit (Harel-Shalev, 2016; Cook, 2000). Arabic literature, since classical times, is a mirror for Arab societies and their lives, including politics, economics, cultures, and civilizations. In this context, Shamsuddin and Hj. Ahmad (2017) explore how languages construct such a mirror: All languages in the world have particular importance because the language is a tool of expression and imagination of human feelings and emotions. So, the languages are such a mirror for the life of nations and people. In this mirror, we can see the pictures full flipped to their culture, civilization, geographical regions, development, customs, and traditions: their happiness and sorrows, societies and economy, living natural sources and factors of death. (p. 123) In harmony with that, Simon (2015) indicates that, while Arabic poetry in the 19th and 20th centuries focused on nationalism and the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, in the 21st century, it explores both nationalism and political themes. Thus, one could expect that fiction and literature could reasonably represent historical social and political events such as the Arab Spring 2010-2011 revolutions that were, in the first decade of the 21st century, in the Middle East, a core dominant historical event. Thus, our paper will explore various reflections on the Arab revolutions of the Arab Spring (2010-2011) through modern Arab poetry, focusing on four selected poems as /cases of study. In addition, this study will explore poetic methods, language, and diction, and compare the selected poems. For diversity, while all the selected poems are modern Arabic poetry, one of them is neo-classic Arabic poetry of Ibrāhīm Obaydī, and three others are free verse poetry from Ahmed Matar, Musʿab al-Mūrādī, and Ahmad Msāʿdih.

Keywords: Arabic Spring Revolutions, Modern Arabic Poetry

Name of Delegate: Masanori Kimura

Affiliation: Department of General Education, Faculty of Agriculture, Kindai University, Nara, Japan

Paper Title: Analysis of the Official Messages of University Presidents in Japan: Do They Tell Us Something About The Future Design Of Universities

Abstract: Japan is now experiencing a rapidly declining birthrate and an aging society. Due to the fact that the majority of university students in Japan are between the ages of 18 and 22, the decline of the young population is a big hurdle for university management with the number of bankruptcy cases anticipated to increase in another ten years. Under the circumstances, Japanese universities are taking various measures to survive. Accordingly, the university president who is the head of the faculty, as well as part of management, needs to have a firm vision for the future design of the university. This presentation examines the presidents’ visions of the three types of universities in Japan: national universities subsidized by the central government, public universities financially supported by local governments, and private universities that account for 78 % of the universities and looks for differences in the future design. For this purpose, the author collected the official messages that 741 university presidents uploaded on their websites as of December 2017 to January 2018, and analyzed them (138,420 words in total) by text mining. The results suggest that the presidents of the three types of universities employ different keywords in their messages to show the future design of their universities. The presidents of national universities often employ words suggesting the importance of receiving a top-class rating in the world university rankings or include expressions implying that they are determined to serve their local community through vigorous research activities. The presidents of public universities frequently use words that are related to the quality of education and contribution to their local community through practical training of human resources such as training of medical staff. On the other hand, the presidents of private universities often employ such words as “you”, "the founding ideals of the university", "tradition", "and good education", and even words like "fun.” Moreover, it seems that many of the presidents of private universities deliver their messages to solicit prospective students rather than to introduce their mission to the general public. Japanese universities have long refrained from sharing a clear-cut aim of the university with the public. However, based on his analysis of the presidents’ messages, the author argues that the universities are now willing to publicly describe how they can uniquely contribute to the society and concludes that it is the only way for them to survive.

Keywords: higher education, university administrative management, the future design of the university

Name of Delegate: Nadjouia Hallouch

Affiliation: Department of English, Faculty of Letters, Languages, and Arts, Djillali Liabes University, Sidi-Bel-Abbes, Algeria

Paper Title: The Phelps-Stokes Commission and Education in Nigeria

Abstract: Before 1925, there was an absence of official intervention in education in Nigeria. The educational enterprise was the duty of the Christian missions, which concentrated on religious teaching. However, in 1920 the Phelps – Stokes Fund of the United States of America set up a commission that visited West, South and Equatorial Africa. After long investigations, the commission submitted its report which opposed the colonial system of education in Africa and issued recommendations calling for the improvement of African education. This report was regarded as a turning point in African education in general and Nigeria in particular because it obliged the colonial government to adopt the first educational policy in 1925. The questions which are raised here are: - Did the colonial government succeed to implement the recommendations of the commission? -To what extent

Keywords: education, Nigeria, Christian missions, Phelps –Stokes Commission, policy

Name of Delegate: Dominique Nduhura

Affiliation: Media School, Hallym University, Chuncheon, South Korea

Paper Title: Is Women Political Inclusion an end in itself A Thematic Meta-Synthesis of Women Representation in the Rwandan Political Institutions and it's Potential to Propel Gender Equality

Abstract: Informed by the theory of women’s political representation, the present paper employs a thematic meta-synthesis method to investigate whether or not women's political inclusion in the political institution's ushers in gender equality in Rwandan society. The main findings from recent studies suggest that Rwanda is among the most gender-equal countries in the world and the first country in the world to attain the target of 61.3 percent of women parliamentarians. Therefore, some scholars believe that high political representation of women may increase power for some women by allowing them to have a greater voice in society and access to education. However, others contend that numerous women do not ensure gender equality in all spheres of life as they continue to suffer excessively from politico-ethnic exclusion, unemployment, poverty, heavy domestic responsibilities, gender-based violence, and lack of access to health care services. Legal changes and policies designed to promote gender equality are unquestionably worsening as compared to the past. Although an underlying economic rationale remains leading, gender policies and strategies are implemented with attention to quantitative results rather than qualitative outcomes. Our findings suggest that the current statistics on the gender gap do not express the real situation of Rwandan women. Besides, these findings yield a theory that high women's political participation does not translate into gender equality. Future research should aim to explore possible solutions to the identified problems.

Keywords: Women Political Inclusion, Representation Theory, Gender Equality, Rwanda

Name of Delegate: Palmer Prince Dagadu

Affiliation: School of Law, Xiamen University, Xiamen, PR. China

Paper Title: Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS): Reform Proposals and Their Associated Hidden Risks

Abstract: As investment regulation remains a matter of state sovereignty, countries and international organizations in the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) mechanism reform arena seem to take their own reform paths. Challenges posed by the current investor-state dispute settlement mechanism create the need for its reform. The proliferation of ISDS in International Investment Agreements (IIAs) shows how appurtenant this mechanism has become. Moreover, with the increasing number of ISDS cases, the debates about the cons of the mechanism are also gaining recognition especially in countries where ISDS is on the agenda of IIA negotiations. The issue of ISDS reform is so crucial that it should be done in a well-informed manner and take into account the interests of all stakeholders in a well-balanced approach. However, despite the ongoing consensus about the necessity to reform the current ISDS mechanism, the scope, procedures, and modalities for the reform remain contested because the reform proposals by some Countries and international organizations come with certain hidden risks that may end up further fragmenting the international investment system.

This article sets out some possible reform proposals and probes into the hidden risks that are associated with them. It further suggests that in order to strike a progressive balance between the interests of the disputing parties; the investors and the states, the ISDS reform proposals be should develop and implement in a concerted effort by employing a multilateral framework that will integrate the ISDS mechanism and domestic court proceedings.

Keywords: Investor-State Disputes Settlement, International Investment Agreements, Reform, Hidden Risks

Name of Delegate: Kurnia Arofah

Affiliation: Department of Communication Science, Faculty of Social and Politic, University of Pembangunan Nasional

Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Paper Title: Communication Culture of Sangiran World Heritage Site Society: an Ethnography Study

Abstract: Sangiran site in Indonesia is one of world conservation sites listed by Unesco in 1996 in which many scholars and students give attention to study human evolution there, or tourists come to get a unique experience in an archeological site. The problem arises when the development of the site expected by residents, contradicts the conservation principle of an archaeological site. Current solutions on the site’s conservation become grievance by the residents who feel that the conservation only concerns to fossils and sites, yet neglecting the existence of resident who has been living for a long time in Sangiran area. This research use ethnography of communication methods to explore how communication culture in the Sangiran site affecting the conservation effort. The result from the research shows 1. There are two main themes of messages as narration that was shared an inside and outside among groups or communities in the Sangiran site. First narration was talking about Mythology vs Science perception related to Sangiran Site existence. Second, a theme that was related to Economy vs Conservation perception in Sangiran; 2. There are communication gap activities between Sangiran residents and some institutions that involved and interested in Sangiran and vice-versa. Therefore, prejudice, rumors, and issues emerge between both sides hinder the spirit of conservation of site for the prosperity for all parties related to Sangiran. In a nutshell, communication forum such as focus group discussion or public hearing needed to unite all party in Sangiran so the communication gap could be bridged

Keywords: Communication culture, communication gap, conservation, cultural heritage

Name of Delegate: Dalmacito Jr. Cordero

Affiliation: Theology and Religious Education Department, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines

Paper Title: Online Pornography Addiction among Millennials: Causes, Effects, and Intervention

Abstract: The advancement in technology which gave genesis to the booming of various platforms of social media created not only positive effects but at the same time detrimental ones, such as the decline of values among the millennials. While it is true that there was indeed a very rapid transfer of information which made interconnectedness and collaboration easier, this same development also brought a quick downfall of moral values among the young ones, most especially, since many of them were immersed and got addicted to online pornography. Online pornography is considered as one of the evil causes of moral decline among youth at present. The task of this paper, therefore, is to present the causes and effects of online pornography to our youth based on the testimonies of self-confessed porn addicts which were taken from selected blogs and other personal websites. From these confessions, substantial and relevant content of the curriculum for educational institutions, through its humanities and social sciences fields, can be formulated or highlighted for effective intervention. This recommendation benefits not only the problematic millennials and the school but the whole society in general.

Keywords: Addiction, Liberal arts, Moral values, Online pornography, Social media

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