Dear STRA Members,
Greetings and sincere thanks for your patronage and support. STRA has now grown to 11762 followers and members from 55 countries
We are glad to present you our latest edition of the newsletter. The newsletter showcases the associations of current and upcoming endeavors.
Conferences Held:
STRA has successfully organized following International conferences in the period of April 2020- Jun 2020.
5th ICTEL 2020 – International Conference on Teaching, Education & Learning, 13-14 April, London
ICSTR Berlin – International Conference on Science & Technology Research, 14-15 May 2020
4th ICSTR Kuala Lumpur – International Conference on Science & Technology Research, 14-15 May 2020
ICSTR Seoul - International Conference on Science & Technology Research, 22-23 May 2020
3rd ICSTR Prague - International Conference on Science & Technology Research, 04-05 June 2020
6th ICSTR Singapore – International Conference on Science & Technology Research, 11-12 June 2020
ICSTR Paris - International Conference on Science & Technology Research, 10-11 June 2020
3rd ICSTR Budapest – International Conference on Science & Technology Research, 03-04 July 2020

We thank all members, participants, and supporting organizations for making these conferences successful.
We will be glad to partner with your organization. Please write to for assistance.
Job Openings
STRA is searching for talented and energetic conference coordinators (part-time) who are working/ studying at the following locations:
London/Berlin/Kuala Lumpur/Seoul/Prague/Singapore/Paris/Budapest
It's a golden opportunity to be a part of our global team, to interact and associate with International academicians, display your leadership and organizing skills, and earn handsome honorarium.
All interested and eligible candidates are requested to contact us with their CV, Photograph, Cover Letter on
Eurasia Research International Conference began with opening remarks by Honourable Keynote speaker highlighting the main context on Teaching Issues. The main aim of this conference was:
Advancement of Research and Innovative ideas through conference, workshops, seminars, and publications
Fostering a global community based on research and knowledge
Fostering innovation and ideas through research-based activities
Global dissemination of ideas and research through the use of technology
Working towards world peace and community development
Our worthy Keynote speakers open up the conference enlightening participants with their speech. Here is the list of keynote speakers who participated in our conference.

Dr. Liudmyla Gryzun
Ph.D. & Second Doctoral Degree in Pedagogical Science, Full Professor of Computer Science Department, National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Engr. Marizen B. Contreras
Registered Professional Industrial Engineer, Mechanical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, University of Batangas, Philippines

Dr. ShahryarSorooshian
Department of Business Administration, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Dr. Manoj Sahni
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, School of Technology, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gujarat, India
Eurasia Research makes continuous efforts in transforming the lives of people around the world through education, application of research & innovative ideas. In order to Promote Young Researchers, Eurasia Research International conferences provide Young Research Scholarship in the form of a full Registration fee waiver to participate in such events. This gives immense encouragement to the researchers who have brilliant ideas to exhibit their research work on the International platform. Eurasia Research aims for promoting research and talent of scholars by giving the scholarship to 5 selected applicants for each conference.

Name: Sena Yaw Atsyo
Affiliation: Department of Agricultural Machinery and Technologies Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey
Topic: A Review of Some Physical and Mechanical Properties of Cassava Related to Harvesting and Processing Machines
Abstract: For many years now, harvesting of cassava is difficult because there has not been a well-designed machine to harvest, separate, and convey the crop in a one-time operation. This means that the harvesting of the crop is labor-intensive and partially mechanized. In all the unit operations in cassava production, several machines and types of equipment have been mechanized successfully. However, cassava harvesting and peeling have remained a serious global challenge to engineers involved in machine design.
In light of this, some pieces of literature on the physical and mechanical properties of cassava were reviewed and the study parameters were highlighted qualitatively. This review also presents the harvesting methods for cassava around the globe, considering its merits and limitations for future development.
We found out that cutting shear stress and force increased with increasing cassava tuber age because of an increase in density and starch content. Additionally, the proportion of peel in cassava roots ranges from 0.106 to 0.215. The frictional properties of cassava are essential in the design and development of machines for post-harvest operations of cassava roots. Furthermore, the angle of repose of unpeeled cassava is required for the design of the hopper and that of the peeled is required for the design of the chute. In terms of capacity, manual, semi-manual and fully mechanized harvesting options require about 22-51 man h/ha, 16-45 man h/ha, and 1-4 man h/ha respectively. The fully mechanized method is very efficient, and the field is plowed alongside harvesting which saves time, fuel, and cost of operation.
Even though less research is carried out on cassava harvesting mechanization compared to other crops, the current development is a harvesting machine hitched to a tractor with a conveyor unit powered by the PTO system. The knowledge of this review would be a blueprint for engineers in designing cassava mechanical harvesters.
Keywords: Machine design, Mechanical harvester, Literature review, Morphology of cassava, Engineering properties
STRA is in the process of expanding its knowledge base, to bring together worldwide researchers and professionals, encourage intellectual development, and to create opportunities for networking and collaboration. In each, Eurasia International Conference, article, project synopsis, teaching notes, observations are submitted by the international community of Researchers, Practitioners, Students, and Educationists for the development and spread of ideas. The Editorial Review is showcased on the association’s website, newsletter, social media, and upcoming endeavors. Some of the Editorial Reviews are shared below:

Erma Suryani
S.T., M.T., Ph. D., Information Systems Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya, Indonesia

Gihan Suresh Aluvihara
Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, 20400, Sri Lanka

Marzieh Nazarynia
Department of Physics, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

Agung Adi Firdaus
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia

MATTER: International Journal of Science and Technology; has the sole objective of providing a meaningful platform to international researchers to publish their academic research and to share the knowledge without any financial burden and yet complying with the highest international standards.

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