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Eurasia Research Quarterly Newsletter: TERA (December 2018- March 2019)

Writer's picture: Eurasia StaffEurasia Staff

Updated: Mar 29, 2019

Teaching and Education Research Association (TERA)

Dear TERA Members,

Greetings and sincere thanks for your patronage and support. TERA has now grown to 8504 followers and members from 47 countries.

We are glad to present to you our latest edition of newsletter. The newsletter showcases the associations current and upcoming endeavours.

Conferences Held:

TERA has successfully organized following International conferences in the period of  December 2018- March 2019:

Click here to access conference videos

Click here to access Conference Pictures

We thank all members, participants and supporting organisations for making these conferences successful. TERA Collaborations: It is our constant endeavour to associate with academicians, researchers, students, professionals and organisations. This collaboration is the crux of our growth and contribution to the society. We are proud to following organisational collaborations:

  • Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (Venue Provider)

  • Yildiz Technical University, 34349 Beşiktaş, Istanbul, Turkey (Venue Provider)

  • Rumah University, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Venue Provider)

  • Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ, UK (Venue Provider)

  • Buein Zahra Technical University, Iran (Collaboration)

  • Research and Markets Limited, Dublin, Ireland (Collaboration)

  • CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), China (Collaboration)

  • International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics (IJCSBI), Mauritius (Collaboration)

  • Linton University College, KTG Group, Malaysia (Collaboration)

  • Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Conference Center, Bangkok, Thailand (Venue Provider)

  • Peacful Mind Foundation, India (Partner)

  • Tresorix Ltd. Mauritius (Collaboration)

  • ResearchSEA, Asia Research News, UK (Media Partner)

  • International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, Mauritius (Collaboration)

  • International Journal of Supply Chain Management (Scopus indexed), London (Collaboration)

  • GTIS, Taiwan (Green Technology Invention Society, Taiwan) (Collaboration)

  • Tecnico (Universidade de Lisboa), Campus da Alameda, Lisbon, Portugal (Venue Provider)

  • Srishti International, Bangalore, India (Collaboration)

  • Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain (Venue Provider)

  • Kasetsart University, KU Home, Bangkok, Thailand (Venue Provider)

We will be glad to partner with your organisation. Please write to for assistance.

Job Openings

TERA is searching for talented and energetic conference coordinators (part-time) who are working/ studying at following locations:

Dubai/ London/ Barcelona/ Lisbon/ Rome/ Kuala Lumpur/ Bali/ Singapore/ Bangkok

Its a golden opportunity to be a part of our global team, to interact and associate with International academicians, display your leadership and organizing skills and earn handsome honorarium.

All interested and eligible candidates are requested to contact us with their CV, Photograph, Cover Letter on

Eurasia Research International Conference began with opening remarks by Honourable Keynote speaker highlighting the main context on Teaching Issues.The main aim of this conference was:

  • Advancement of Research and Innovative ideas through conference, workshops, seminars and publications

  • Fostering a global community based on research and knowledge

  • Fostering innovation and ideas through research based activities

  • Global dissemination of ideas and research through use of technology

  • Working towards world peace and community development

Our worthy Keynote speakers open up the conference enlightening participants with their speech. Here are the List of keynote speakers who participated in our conference.

Barbara Tam of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Seetha Sagaran, Personal Development Trainer, Motivational Speaker, Lifestyle Consultant, Dubai, UAE

Dr. Fidesrinur, M.Pd., Head of Early Childhood Education Program Major, Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia, Komplek Masjid Agung Al Azhar, Jakarta

Boontip Siritarungsri, School of Nursing, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Nontaburi, Thailand

Dr.Kanlaya Daraha, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciencces, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus, Thailand, Pattani, Thailand

Henjie A. Carmelotes, Beaconhouse Yamsaard International School, Thailand

Aseel S. Zibin, Assistant Professor of Linguistics and English Language, Department of English Language and Literature, School of Foreign Languages, University of Jordan, Jordan

Eurasia Research makes continuous efforts in transforming the lives of people around the world through education, application of research & innovative ideas. In order to promote Young Researchers, Eurasia Research International conferences, Provides Young Research Scholarship in the form of full Registration fee waiver to participate in such events. This gives immense encouragement to the researchers who have brilliant ideas to exhibit their research work on the International platform. Eurasia Research aims for promoting research and talent of scholars by giving the scholarship to 5 selected applicants for each conference.

In each, Eurasia International conference, Best Paper award is given to Best Researches. In Teaching and Education Research Association (TERA), Best paper award is given to the participants with the best scholarly paper submitted and presented at the conference.

Ajda Osifo of Academic Bridge Program,Zayed University,Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Name of delegate: Ajda Osifo

Affiliation: Academic Bridge Program,Zayed University,Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Paper Title: Exploring the Integration of Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) Applications and Web 2.0 Tools in

Differentiated Lessons in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Classes in United Arab Emirates Higher Education

Abstract: There is an increasing need to adopt digital and mobile technologies to enhance pedagogies in order to allow for flexibility; foster environments that accelerate learning, and cater for activities that reflect the contemporary workplace. Therefore, this paper will explore the integration of MALL and Web 2.0 tools in differentiated EAP classes and how they can assist EAP students, their English language learning and their classroom experience in higher education. Differentiation or academically responsive instruction is a continuous reflective practice of teaching and learning which concentrates on teaching strategies that provide students with numerous possibilities to meet their needs. Mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) favours social-constructivist and connectivist theories to learning and adaptive approaches to teaching. Effective implementation of differentiated instruction and MALL give diverse learners multiple options for building knowledge through problem solving, inquiry, collaboration and project based learning.

The aim of this paper is twofold. First, it will provide an overview of implementing differentiation using MALL applications and Web 2.0 tools in academic English classes in UAE higher education as well as stating the results of the study and student feedback. Second, differentiated lessons, possible challenges for teachers and students, and future implications will be discussed.

Keywords: Mobile assisted language learning, differentiation, mobile learning, Web 2.0 tools

Name of delegate: Dr. Radhika Bansal

Affiliation: Department of Humanities, School of Business, University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, India

Paper Title: Blending Formative and Summative Assessment Techniques in Blended Teaching-Learning Process of ESP


Abstract: The recent era in the field of education has been quite revolutionary in terms of the advent of new education phenomenon widely known as Hybrid, Blended & Online learning (HBO). The base of this transformation in the traditional teaching- learning process was to shift teacher-centric learning to student-centric learning paradigm. Undoubtedly, English Language Learners as well as the teachers were familiarized with Computer-assisted Language Learning (CALL) way back in 60s. Hence, the arrival of non-conventional methods of delivery and assessment techniques is not a surprise to ESP teachers. However, developing the understanding of assessment and assessment strategies is challenging for both the learner and the instructor. Along with the blend in the modes and method of delivery, the blend of summative and formative assessment technique definitely aims at a more conducive, goal/result oriented and self-regulatory impactful learning.

This paper aims to study the process and feedback of students on preferable method of blending Formative and Summative assessment techniques while starting the assessment process with Diagnostic form of assessment. This action-based research paper is supported by a self-designed and administered quantitative research conducted on 100 MBA (Oil & Gas) Semester-I Students to study the feedback of the said group of students who are exposed to blended assessment (formative & Summative) in their first semester Business Communication course.

Keywords: Formative 1, Summative 2, Assessment 3, Hybrid, Blended & Online Learning

Name of Delegate: Jeffrey Apat

Affiliation: Department of Education, Agusan Del Sur National High School, Philippines

Paper Title: Effectiveness of Virtual Dissection as Alternative Approach To Physical Dissection In Teaching Animal Anatomy and Physiology

Abstract: This study determined the effectiveness of virtual dissection as an alternative approach to physical dissection in teaching animal anatomy and physiology competencies through a quasi-experiment and a qualitative research design - Focus Group Discussion (FGD) that investigated the subjects’ perceptions on the conduct of animal dissection. Sixty-four (64) Grade 11 subjects in two homogenous, intact groupings: control (physical dissection) and experimental (virtual dissection) groups were given pre-test and post-test to determine their academic performance. The study showed that virtual dissection is an effective alternative to physical dissection in teaching anatomy and physiology. The z-tests revealed the significant difference between the pre-test and post-test mean scores of the subjects in both groups, showing a significant improvement of the subjects’ academic performance. The study also revealed the subjects’ perceptions of virtual dissection as an effective, more accessible, emotionally and morally acceptable, more informative, and educational alternative approach to physical dissection. ANCOVA of post-test mean scores revealed further that virtual dissection was more effective than physical dissection approach as the post-test mean score of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group. Furthermore, physical dissection was preferred by the subjects because of the real, richer experience and data it provided. Further studies to develop and innovate virtual laboratories to address present limitations are highly recommended. Alternating utilization of virtual and physical dissection was also recommended in teaching Anatomy and Physiology in the Basic Education Curriculum.

Name of Delegate: Matseliso Mokhele-Makgalwa

Affiliation: Department of Education Studies, Faculty of Education,University of the Free State,South Africa

Paper Title: Instructional Leadership and Classroom Practices: The Role of Teacher Leaders in Schools in Free State

Province, South Africa

Abstract: The role of leadership in the successful implementation of education reforms at school level has long been established in the literature. In recent time, various scholars have explored the nature and influence of teacher leadership in such successful implementations. Teacher leadership is therefore one of the important aspects to be considered in any education reform. As a result, any teacher professional development initiatives should therefore be linked to the issues of leading, for without addressing issues of leadership, the new learning from any initiative is likely to remain at a personal level and become restricted to an individual classroom. While much research has been done about teacher leadership in general, little is known about how the phenomenon of teacher leaders’ instructional leadership role plays itself especially in the developing world, including South Africa. This research is framed on the conception of leadership as a “social influence process” – a change in an individual’s thoughts, feelings and attitudes that results from interactions with another individual or a group. Using a qualitative case study design, this reported research explores in detail the role of teacher leaders in shaping mathematics teachers’ classroom practices in one district of the Free State province of South Africa. To collect the relevant data, five mathematics teachers and five heads of department were interviewed with the use of semi-structured interviews. The data reveals that negotiating the space for instructional leadership depends on the head of department knowledge of what is going on the classroom. Key words: Instructional leadership, classroom practices, professional development, teacher leadership

Name of Delegate: Oleg Shovkovyy

Affiliation: Faculty of Management Science, Silpakorn University, Cha-Am, Thailand

Paper Title: Preliminary Exploratory Research on Student Initiatives at Thai Universities

Abstract: Active learning methods, in which activities of the learner are productive, creative, and exploratory in nature, are increasingly fit into curriculums of the leading educational institutions as a way to improve the efficiency of educational processes. On the other hand, the proactive and self-involved participation of students in an academic life results in better and more effective learning. In this regard, providing students with an opportunity to participate or independently develop and launch various projects as well as to publish their findings and ideas in scientific journals are considered by many as cornerstones of such innovative educational practices. Does the Thai educational system follow the trend? The brief literature review suggests that this topic is somehow neglected or unsought in the current educational research in Thailand. As so, the aim of this study is to determine how are the things with student initiatives in the higher education system of Thailand.

The observational survey research employed a self-administered questionnaire to collect data from 469 students of 35 Thai universities, selected with application of non-probability convenience and voluntary response sampling techniques. The convenience part of respondents was the first and third year Bachelor students of Silpakorn University majoring in tourism and business management, whereas voluntary respondents were the students of different years at Bachelor and Master levels as well as some graduates from other universities.

Even though 60.1% of participants presented good academic results (GPA > 3), showed a full understanding of the educational value of participation in various projects and activities (63.5%), in one way or another way were participated in such (31%), or reported the presence of ideas worthy of subsequent development (32.7%), only 6 of those ideas were really meaningful. On the other hand, only 8.8% of the respondents to survey were aware of academic journals, whereas only the one had presented a topic worth to be published. Another interesting result of the study is that only less than 10% of respondents were able to clearly identify their life-time and professional goals.

In the author’s view, these, rather worrying findings require some further, more intent and deliberate investigation and attention not only from the academicians and educators but also from all stakeholders of the Thai educational system. At the same time, to respond to the problem, the author suggests establishing an independent, inter-institutional, nonprofit organization (the Student Initiative Support Center) that could support student initiatives regardless of objectives pursued by each individual educational institution.

Keywords – Education, Initiatives, Students, Support, Thailand.

Name of Delegate: Colin Walker

Affiliation: Werklund School of Education, Faculty of Graduate Studies,University of Calgary,Calgary, Canada

Paper Title: Unconvinced: An Analysis of Opinion Paragraphs in ELT Course books

Abstract: Just two years removed from the 2016 American presidential election, many remain bewildered at how frivolous name-calling, conjecture, and meaningless clichés replaced civil discourse. In place of talks on policy and legislation, Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump traded verbal jousts that were internationally televised and proliferated through social media: see Estepa (2017) and Keegan (2017). Sides have been taken. Battle lines have been drawn. The result, most would agree, has been a divided nation – one that focuses on competition, finger pointing, and allegiance to ideology. In the wake of this shift in political discourse, what is the alternative? What materials or resources are available to help students develop skills in persuasive writing and argumentation? To answer this question, this study examined argumentative writing samples taken from some of ELT industry’s flagship publishers. First, a snapshot of the data is presented by introducing the types of topics being discussed. Next, the data was critically analyzed by looking at key elements in argumentative writing (e.g. introduction, antithesis, transition, thesis, and preview). Findings of this study revealed two important insights: 1. There were significant gaps in comparing the types of topics in today’s media versus topics included in ELT course books, and 2. Many of the authors included in the data sample seemed to lack an awareness of basic skills in argumentative writing. How these issues can be addressed and other pedagogic implications will be discussed in the latter half of the presentation.

Name of Person Attending: Habib Hamam

Affiliation: Faculty of Engineering,University de Moncton,Moncton, Canada

Paper Title: Developing Engineering Design Ability Since the Primary and High SchoolsPaper Title: Developing Engineering Design Ability Since the Primary and High Schools

Abstract: It is too late to start developing in the student design ability when he/she enters the university. Students should start developing this ability earlier. By doing so, they also acquire the passion to design and open imagination and perspectives. Method: We learn many basic rules in the primary and secondary schools. Could the child or teenager design experiments to prove some of them? For example, 54 is a multiple of 9 because 5+4=9. Could the child find a systematic way to divide 54 (36, 45, 144, …) balls into groups of 9 balls. Results: We easily made children prove by design even complex rules such as Pythagorean theorem, Archimedes' principle, Earth is spherical, Explaining the horizon, Multiplication table. Conclusion: Design ability when developed in childhood may provide: efficient engineers, talented artists, productive researchers, innovative professionals, skills surgeons, artful managers, remarkable philosophers, deep thinkers, etc. thanks to wide imagination.

Name of Delegate: Dr. Olga Samsonova

Affiliation: Education Department,HCT, Abu Dhabi Womens Campus,UAE

Paper Title: Elementary Teachers Experiences and Views Using Interactive Whiteboards for Pedagogical Practices

Abstract: Student learning for the 21st century requires innovative teaching techniques. Often, many teachers are unaware of how they can integrate innovative teaching, especially using interactive whiteboards (IWBs), to develop curricula and facilitate student learning in order to develop their advanced knowledge and skills needed in the future. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to examine how U.S. elementary public school teachers use and perceive IWBs. Rogers’ theory of diffusion and innovation, Davis’s technology acceptance model, and Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior provided a conceptual framework for the study. The research questions focused on elementary teachers ’experiences and perceptions of IWBs and integrating this technology in their classrooms. Nine teachers who used IWBs in their pedagogical practices for at least a year were selected as the criteria for this study. They were administered 2 interviews over Skype or phone and their lesson plan snapshots were collected. To identify patterns and themes, the data was examined and coded using Dedoose software. Themes on teachers’ experiences consisted of developing lessons with IWBs, teaching with IWBs, and assessing with IWBs. Themes on teachers’ perceptions were productive integration of IWBs, pedagogical practices, issues with IWBs, and school support. Overall, participants had positive attitudes towards IWBs and considered them beneficial, though they identified the need for professional development, additional planning time for developing new lessons, consistent technology support, and upgrades of the technology. The social change implications from this research encompass teachers’ productive practice for integrating advanced technologies to support 21st century learning.

Name of Delegate: Shaheed Hartley

Affiliation: Science Learning Centre for Africa Faculty of Education,University of the Western Cape,Cape Town, South Africa

Paper Title: Developing a culture of science learning in rural schools in South Africa

Abstract: It is generally understood science and technology holds a myriad of employment and economic advancement pathways to future generations. It is also generally acknowledged that there is a need to improve the science and technology skills and knowledge of learners in order for them to navigate their way through the world they live in and to successfully access the opportunities available to them. It is therefore important for learners be given a solid base in science so that they can make informed decisions about their future based on scientific understanding and awareness of the potential that science holds in shaping that future. Hopefully this knowledge and awareness will encourage them to select science subjects and continue into science-based careers. As the technology in the modern world develops and advances a greater demand is created for an appropriately skilled human resource base to best serve and interact with the available science and technology as well as to improve and create innovations of current and new technology. There have been reports of a general downward trend of learner participation in science subjects and a number of international reports have highlighted various governments’ concern about the low uptake of science subjects. In developing countries the challenge is even greater to ensure interest and enthusiasm for the learning of science at school level with the number of learners taking up science and mathematics decreasing on an annual basis. International tests like TIMMS and PISA continually point to a trend of poor achievement in science and mathematics and highlight the challenges faced by developing countries. The PISA test (2012) also identifies successes of countries utilizing science-related extracurricular activities to communicate and improve learners’ participation, achievement and enjoyment of science. It is therefore imperative that the communication of science and all the potential it holds for future generations be done in a manner that would draw young learners to science and to sustain their interest and involvement in school science but also in activities beyond the school curriculum. The challenge to science practitioners, researchers and other stakeholders is to ensure that appropriate knowledge, skills and opportunities are conveyed to learners in meaningful way that would allow them to comprehend, apply and interact within the science and technology field and to add to the science research pipeline towards higher degrees. This paper reports on the use of science activities as a vehicle for communicating science to learners. It will review the application and the effects of these science activities in various contexts and highlight the author’s experience in South Africa.

Name of Delegate: Jane Jackson

Affiliation: Department of English, Faculty of Arts,The Chinese University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong, SAR

Paper Title: Student mobility and English as an academic lingua franca in Asia

Abstract: Internationalization imperatives are changing the landscape of higher education in Asia. In addition to providing mobility opportunities for both educators and students, in this vast region, more and more institutions are increasing the number of English-medium courses to attract non-local students and further diversify their campuses. To better understand the transition issues facing inbound international exchange students, a mixed-method study was conducted at a bilingual (Chinese-English) university in Hong Kong that annually hosts 1,000+ semester and year-long international exchange students from different parts of the world. This research centered on the experiences of 74 inbound semester-long international exchange students who enrolled in English-medium courses; all were L2 speakers of English from Asian or European countries who did not know a Chinese language. Pre- and post-semester questionnaire surveys were administered to the full cohort and semi-structured interviews were carried out with a sampling of participants (N = 28). The quantitative data was processed with the help of SPSS (descriptive statistics) and the qualitative data was inputted into an NVivo 11 Pro database and subjected to open, thematic coding. A triangulation of the mixed-method data drew attention to individual and environmental elements that appeared to facilitate or hinder the academic integration of the participants. The findings underscored the need for: 1) pedagogical interventions to better support the learning and engagement of newcomers (e.g., more in-depth orientations, English for Academic Purposes modules, eLearning workshops, social activities that purposefully integrate local and international students in and out of class) as well as 2) intercultural communication courses for all students, both domestic and non-local. (This project was supported by a Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG) from CUHK.)

Key words: internationalization, English as a lingua franca, academic mobility, needs analysis, English-medium courses

Name of Delegate: Ruth Wong

Affiliation: Department of English Language Education,The Education University to Hong Kong,Hong Kong

Paper Title: What Do They Actually Need? An Investigation of Learning Motivation of The Underprivileged Students

Abstract: Motivation plays an indispensable role in education because it directs students’ behavior toward goals; enhances cognitive processing which leads to effort and persistence in learning activities; and determines what learning behaviours should be enforced an brings learning outcomes. To the underprivileged teens, what is the meaning of learning? Why do they need to receive education? What drives them to learn? This paper aims to investigate the learning motivation of this group of adolescent and shed lights on classroom practices.

Motivation plays an indispensable role in education because it directs students’ behavior toward goals; enhances cognitive processing which leads to effort and persistence in learning activities; and determines what learning behaviours should be enforced an brings learning outcomes. To the underprivileged students, what is the meaning of learning? Why do they need to receive education? What drives them to learn? To answer these questions, this paper has established a framework of learning motivation to profile the learning motivation of the underprivileged students. Based on the proposed framework, a questionnaire has been developed. Over 2800 adolescents responded to the questionnaire. This study has found that teachers and parents played the most significant factors in motivating students to learn. With the found results, implications on classroom practices and education policy are discussed.

Key words: Motivation, adolescent, learning, behavioural problems.

Sirhajwan Idek, Language Department, Keningau Vocational College, Malaysia

Name of Delegate: Sirhajwan Idek

Affiliation: Language Department, Keningau Vocational College, Malaysia

Paper Title: Utilizing Visuals to Stimulate Novice Learners Verbalization to of Ideas in the Target Language

Abstract: The rise of information technology has transformed our way of communicating to each other as visuals have become as significant as verbal messages. Novice English language learners usually find it difficult to orally verbalize their understanding and ideas when they are given word-based texts. This research aimed to elicit oral responses from English language learners towards wordless still graphics by encouraging them to decode visuals through a specific strategy. The strategy is a set of hierarchical steps developed according to the model of understanding known as Structured Observed Learning Outcomes (SOLO) taxonomy with elements from several techniques including Visible Thinking Routine. The subjects were an intact class of 12 students of lower English language proficiency. Their responses towards a series of visuals were analyzed according to SOLO taxonomy. The findings revealed that they were able to orally verbalize their thoughts towards the visuals. This was an improvement from the initial reluctance and limited oral production they exhibited towards word-based texts. It is likely that wordless visuals might be as effective or probably more effective than words in eliciting ideas and language outputs from novice students. Hence, it is essential to consider viewing as the fifth language skill.

Keyword: Visual Literacy, SOLO Taxonomy, Still Graphics, English Language Learners.

Golden Gadoh, Faculty of Education, Asia-Pacific International University, Muaklek, Thailand

Name of Delegate: Golden Gadoh

Affiliation: Faculty of Education, Asia-Pacific International University, Muaklek, Thailand

Paper Title: Exploring the Transition Experience of Form One Students Staying in the Dormitory in Selected Faith-based High Schools in East Malaysia: A Qualitative Case Study

Abstract: The transition from primary school to high school is one of the challenges in one’s study life. This qualitative case study paper will explore the transition experience and coping methods of eleven purposefully selected Form One students of selected faith-based high school in east Malaysia. Data will be collected through interviews, coded and analyzed using MS-Word and MS-EXCEL. The study will identify emerging themes in the experiences of students and seek to identify any coping strategy used by the students to manage their transitioning period. Key results of this case study will provide insight to administrators of faith-based high schools on what and how to provide better support through transition program to ensure academic success and retention of transitioning high school students.

Keywords: Transition, Academic Adjustment, Form One, Faith-Based, Coping Methods

Yeh-chen Kuo, Department of Early Childhood and Family Education,National Taipei University of Education, Taipei, Taiwan

Name of Delegate: Yeh-chen Kuo

Affiliation: Department of Early Childhood and Family Education,National Taipei University of Education, Taipei, Taiwan

Paper Title: Early Childhood Educators' Responses to Children's Interpersonal Sexual Behaviors

Abstract: This paper presented a qualitative study which examined the experiences of Taiwanese early childhood educators (ECEs) who encountered children’s interpersonal sexual behaviors (ISBs) in the classrooms and how did they respond to children’s ISBs. The themes of missing pieces in inquiry, missing pieces in responding and blaming the victim were emerged after drawing on cases shared by 36 ECEs from the northern and the middle part of Taiwan who were recruited via websites that ECEs often visit and snowball sampling. The results of this study suggest that the discourse that children are sexually innocent underpinned ECE’s responses or lack of responses to children’s ISBs. Under the discourse that children do not understand sexuality, some of the ECEs hold the power to determine the meaning of children’s ISBs without seek for children’s motivation. Under the circumstance that children’s voice is missing, ECEs were not able to provide proper education based on children’s motivation.

Moreover, given the discourses that children should be protected to be remain ‘pure’ of it, some of the ECEs asked children who conducted ISBs to stop, diverted their attention or gave them an excuse to explain why they should stop without efficient educational actions. Instead, they focus on teaching children the rule of self-protection such as ‘wear the cloth that can protect yourself’ which not only passed the messages of blaming victims that they are responsible for attracting perpetrator, but also missed the opportunity to teach children the cultural appropriate ISBs. Further training on self-awareness of attitudes toward children’s sexuality and how to respond appropriately to children’s ISB is important for ECE to support healthy sexuality development.

Name of Delegate: Tina Moore

Affiliation: Middlesex University,United Kingdom

Paper Title: Show Me, Tell Me, Involve Me Modernising the Osce Assessment In Veterinary Nursing Education

Abstract: For some time, the staff at The College of Animal Welfare within the United Kingdom has become increasingly dissatisfied with the traditional approaches to assessing clinical competence. Current methods are out of date, do not facilitate deeper learning nor enable students to be ‘fit for practice’. This qualitative study aims to address those concerns.Concentrating on learning can be accomplished through careful manipulation of appropriate assessment processes. The use of the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is one such assessment tool that can facilitate and examine the higher order skills of analysis, synthesis and evaluation. A critical component of OSCE’s is the student’s ability to demonstrate their success in the mastery of content, concepts and skills. This is achieved through focusing on what they have learnt, rather than on what they have been taught.

Problem-Based Learning (PBL) provides the theoretical underpinning for using the OSCE as an assessment tool. PBL starts with the premise of a problem, query or puzzle to be solved. and assists student learning by integrating theory and practice. Prior to solving the problem, students need to acquire knowledge and professional and academic skills and understand client requirements and contextual factors of the situation. OSCE assessments also assist in providing the students the opportunity see the relevance in what it is that they are being assessed in. Students are able to see the relevance in what it is that they are being assessed in, particularly in the preparation for the real world of work. For some time, the staff at The College of Animal Welfare (CAW) has become increasingly dissatisfied with the traditional approaches to assessing clinical competence. Current methods are out of date, do not facilitate deeper learning and or enable students to be ‘ready for employment’. CAW has applied to the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) for a change of their OSCE assessment from the ‘skills station’ to the ‘scenario based’ approach. The RCVS have responded with a number of concerns namely, quality assurance of the assessments, i.e. the standard setting methodology of the pass mark, fairness, validity and reliability of the outcomes. The purpose of this study was to address these concerns (and provide an argument for the proposed change in assessment) by examining the preparation of the students and staff for the current assessments and comparing to students responses to the proposed approach which is adopted from the PG diploma in nursing programme at Middlesex University.


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