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Newsletter: HBSRA (April-June 2021)

Writer's picture: Eurasia StaffEurasia Staff

Dear HBSRA Members,

We offer our sincere thanks for your patronage and support. HBSRA has now grown to 14762 followers and members from 58 countries.

Healthcare and Biological Sciences Research Association (HBSRA) is an international community of researchers, practitioners, students, and professionals for the development and spread of ideas in the field of healthcare and life sciences.

HBSRA is promoted by Eurasia Research. HBSRA aims to bring together worldwide researchers and professionals, encourage intellectual development and create opportunities for networking and collaboration. These objectives are achieved through academic networking, meetings, conferences, workshops, projects, research publications, academic awards, and scholarships.

The driving force behind this association is its diverse members and advisory board, who provide inspiration, ideas, efforts and drive collaborations. Scholars, Researchers, Professionals are invited to become a member of HBSRA and join this ever-growing network, working for benefit of society and research with the spirit of sharing and mutual growth.

Salient Features:

  • 15000 + and growing network of professionals

  • Professional and Experienced team

  • Conferences in Asia, Europe & Africa

  • Events at reputed institutes and grand venues

  • Life-time free membership

  • Strong Social Media Platform for networking

  • Young Researcher Scholarships

  • Research publication in international journals

HBSRA invites academicians, practitioners, professionals, students, and researchers to join as Life-Time members.

Individuals/ Institutions/ Corporates can become a member by submitting the membership fee and filling the Membership Form given below.

Key Highlights and Benefits:

  • HBSRA members enjoy benefits that are essential to career and academic success.

  • Life-Time Membership

  • 10,000+ Members from across the globe

  • Effective networking through social media platforms and International Conferences

  • Membership is the starting point to participate in HBSRA conferences and to join as a domain expert, reviewer, and conference committee member

  • Member’s name and affiliation is announced on the Association’s website

  • Members can mention their membership on their Resume, Profiles and for other academic and professional purposes

  • Publication opportunity in our Best in class Journals and Magazines

  • Access to new research information and latest trends through our content and network

  • Leadership position opportunities in HBSRA

Life-Time Membership Fee: USD 55

We are glad to present you with our latest edition of the newsletter. The newsletter showcases the associations of current and upcoming endeavours.

Our worthy Keynote speakers open up the conference enlightening participants with their speeches. Here is the list of keynote speakers who participated in our conferences:

Eurasia Research International Conference begins with opening remarks by the honourable Keynote speaker highlighting the main context on Healthcare and Life-Sciences.

Dr. Anuli Njoku, DrPH, MPH

Associate Professor, Southern Connecticut State University, USA

Dr. Anuli Njoku is an Associate Professor in the Department of Public Health at Southern Connecticut State University. Her academic and research training has focused primarily on community-based health promotion and disease prevention efforts at the local, regional, and international levels. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Public Health from Rutgers University, Master of Public Health from Boston University, and Doctor of Public Health from Drexel University. Her broad research interests include social determinants of health, health disparities, cultural competency in higher education, environmental health equity, rural health, and the scholarship of teaching and learning. Her research centers on mentored, interprofessional, and global research to promote health equity. She has over 14 years of teaching experience, including developing and teaching over 20 undergraduate and graduate public health courses. She has over 15 publications, including publishing on police brutality against Blacks in the USA, racial disparities in COVID-19 outcomes, and infusing health disparities awareness into the Public Health curriculum, learner-centered curriculum development in Public Health, rural health, and sociocultural determinants of health disparities. She is an ongoing reviewer for various health-related journals, textbooks, and conferences. She has also presented over 20 peer-reviewed conference proceedings at regional, national, and international venues.

Dr. Siddrah Irfan

National University of Science and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan

Dr. Siddrah Irfan has done her Ph.D. in Psychological Medicine from Universiti Putra Malaysia. Her research interests are interpersonal relationships, cognitive vulnerability, and psychological problems among youngsters. She has received training in quantitative research methods, mixed-method research design, systematic reviews, and meta-analysis, advanced statistical analysis, and various quantitative analysis software/tools (e.g SPSS, AMOS, Smart PLS, MPLUS, and R). In addition to this, she has also done a six months Certificate course in Cognitive Behavior Therapy with hypnosis from the London College of Clinical Hypnosis Asia. She has been actively involved in activities related to mental health and research such as delivering lectures on mental health, counseling, organizing workshops on psychological first aid and analysis techniques, and participated in organizing international conferences. Her articles are published in various international journals. She is teaching various courses on research methods, neurological basis of behavior, mental health, cognitive psychology, and statistics. She won the NUST scholarship for PhD-2015, gold medalist in BSc, and was awarded as best session presenter at ICOSS-2019.

Dr. Rozana Huq Organizational Behaviourist | Specialist Leadership Educator and Coach | Principal RHM Training UK

Dr. Rozana Huq is an Organisational Behaviourist, Leadership Coach, Conference Speaker, Lecturer, Author, and Philanthropist. She is based in Belfast, UK, and is the Founder and Principal of RHM Training. She achieved her Ph.D. from Queen’s University Belfast, UK. She holds a certified life coach (with distinction) and has won Marketing Awards for outstanding dissertations.

Dr. Huq has taught at Queen's University, Belfast, on the MBA and Leadership course at the School of Management and Leadership and Empowerment at the School of Social Sciences, Education, and Social Work on the Modern Organisations Module.

Dr. Huq’s research was based on the framework of EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management). She was invited by EFQM in Brussels who has recognized her research to present a series of webinars which has been positively received. She has developed models to implement Employee Empowerment in practice and has also created a Business Model to enable Entrepreneurs and Business startups to be empowered. Her areas of teaching and training are Organisational Culture, Leadership and Empowerment, Psychological Empowerment, Entrepreneurship, Women in Leadership, Building Resilience, Stress Management, and Well-being.

Dr. Huq’s experience of working with different communities and understanding of people's issues and her ability to make decisions at board levels resulted in her appointment as an NHS Non-executive Director. About her outstanding community work, she was invited to meet Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and an invitation to Downing Street, London.

Website Link:

Major Udaya Konarasinghe

Managing Director/Research Consultant/Scientist, Institute of Mathematics and Management, Sri Lanka

Major Udaya Konarasinghe (Retired) is an academician, researcher, and registered Scientist. He has proven his value to the motherland as a military person and taken initiative to serve the world. He is the founder of the Institute of Mathematics and Management of Sri Lanka providing Education, Research, and Analytical Support Services.

Major Udaya has sound knowledge in, Research Methodology; Time Series Forecasting, and Statistical Software handling. He has contributed his research outcomes to; Peer reviewed journals, International conferences, Academic forums, and Symposia. He has held conference track chair positions in the fields of; Quantitative finance and econometrics, International trade, and finance. His excellence for novel research in Economics, Public Policy, Law, and Education was appreciated by the "Outstanding Paper Award in 2017", at the University of Sri Jayawardanapura, Sri Lanka. He is a member of the National Science Foundation (NSF) of Sri Lanka. He is the Editorial Manager and a Reviewer of, Journal of New Frontiers in Mathematics & Statistics; Journal of New Frontiers in Economics & Business; Journal of New Frontiers in Healthcare & Biological Sciences; Journal of New Frontiers in Education & Social Sciences, published by Institute of Mathematics and Management of Sri Lanka. Also, he is a member of the reviewer panel of the International Journal of Statistics and Mathematics, published by Premier Publishers.

Major Udaya has obtained a Master of Business Administration (MBA) and other academic and professional qualifications. “Quantitative Research Methodology” is his main teaching interest him. He uses his expertise in handling statistical software; MINITAB, MATLAB, SPSS, and many more for the benefit of students, reading for Master’s degrees and Doctoral degrees in the fields of; Medicine, Education, Management, etc. His research interest is; model development for time series forecasting, applied statistics, econometric, epidemiology, tourism economics, and non-western management systems.

Major Udaya is determined and dedicated to supporting the world to combat the Covid-19 pandemic, spends his valuable time estimating and forecasting the infected cases of Covid-19.

Dr. M. A. Motalib Hossain

Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Nanotechnology and Catalysis Research Centre (NANOCAT), University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Dr. M. A. Motalib Hossain is working as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Nanotechnology & Catalysis Research Centre (NANOCAT), University of Malaya (UM). He has completed his Research Assistant from September 2013 to December 2017 in the same institution. He received his Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Biology from the University of Malaya in 2017. His research primarily focuses on the development of multiplex PCR assays for the authentication of food products. Dr. Hossain has experience in the development of DNA Biomarkers, conventional and real-time multiplex PCR systems, Halal authentication, and food control. For the first time, he developed double genes targeted multiplex PCR assay, this new concept has enhanced security in molecular diagnosis. He had been invited as an invited speaker in several international workshops (like International Workshop on Nanobiotechnologv for Food, Agriculture and Health, IWNFAH 2018, and International Workshop on Recent Trend of Nanotechnology, IWRTN 2019). He has contributed 21 papers in ISI top-ranking journals with 5 international Conference Proceedings. His work has been made a patent and one of his articles was selected as international science news (ACS News PressPac: Aug 10, 2016). He has received Bronze Award from Invention, Innovation & Design Exposition 2018 (IIDEX 2018) at Universiti Teknologi Mara (UTM), Malaysia.

Web site:


Google scholar ID:

Web of Science Researcher ID: A-1707-2019

Dr. Agnieszka Ilendo-Milewska

Director, Faculty of Psychology, Private University, Bialystok, Poland

Ph.D. Agnieszka Ilendo-Milewska is a psychologist. She is a director of the Faculty of Psychology at the Private University of Pedagogy in Bialystok, in Poland. She is a head person and founder of the Private Primary School of Computer Science and Languages in Bialystok and also an expert at the Ministry of National Education.

Her major research interests include self-regulation, dysfunctional behavior, and social relation. Her scientist’s project is concentrating on 'Self-regulation among middle school students and 'Emotions and relationships between groups'. She has published widely in Polish and English. She has authored several books: 'School environment in the students' experiences, tendencies of changes' (2016), and 'Dysfunction among middle school students (2009). She awarded the Medal of the Commission of National Education in Poland for exceptional services to education and upbringing (2017), Medal Diligentiae for urgency and good posture, granted by the President of the City of Białystok (2018), Award of the Ministry of National Education for outstanding achievements in didactic and educational work (2019).

Nasser Drareni

Associate Professor, English Specific Purposes, University of Lounici Ali Blida2, Algeria

Nasser Drareni is a Professor of English-specific purpose in different sciences at Faculty of Economics, Commercial and Management Sciences, University of Lounici Ali Blida2 in Algeria, where he has taught for 21 years. He has published in national and international journals and is interested in the following research lines: active learning such as team-based and problem-based learning, concept maps and DIKW hierarchy or pyramid systems, Second language learning and teaching using active learning, English for Specific Purposes in different sciences such as medical education (risk factors for cardiovascular diseases), marketing, accounting, effective exchange rates, and management and also using Artificial Intelligence (AI) with Machine learning (ML) and Deep learning (DL) to promote learning and teaching English specific purposes (ESP) in different sciences. His recent work is on projects related to the education reform of English Specific Purposes (ESP) in different sciences at the University of Lounici Ali Blida2, Algeria.

Profile web links:

The main aims of the conference are:

  • Advancement of Research and Innovative ideas through conference, workshops, seminars, and publications

  • Fostering a global community based on research and knowledge

  • Fostering innovation and ideas through research-based activities

  • Global dissemination of ideas and research through the use of technology

  • Working towards world peace and community development

Chat Session with Eminent Participants

HBSRA is in the process of expanding its knowledge base, to bring together worldwide researchers and professionals, encourage intellectual development, and create opportunities for networking and collaboration. In each, Eurasia International Conference, article, project synopsis, teaching notes, observations are submitted by the international community of Researchers, Practitioners, Students, and Educationists for the development and spread of ideas. The Editorial Review is showcased on the association’s website, newsletter, social media, and upcoming endeavours.

Eurasia Research makes continuous efforts in transforming the lives of people around the world through education, application of research & innovative ideas. To Promote Young Researchers, Eurasia Research International conferences provide a Young Research Scholarship in the form of a full Registration fee waiver to participate in such events. This gives immense encouragement to the researchers who have brilliant ideas to exhibit their research work on the International platform.

LIFE: International Journal of Health and Life-Sciences publishes original papers, review papers, conceptual framework, analytical and simulation models, case studies, empirical research, technical notes, and book reviews. ‘LIFE’ publishes original laboratory methods, industrial design, related technical tools, and methods-oriented review articles on all aspects of biomedical and life sciences. Special Issues devoted to important topics in health and life sciences will occasionally be published

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