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Newsletter: HBSRA (January-March 2021)

Writer's picture: Eurasia StaffEurasia Staff

Updated: Apr 14, 2021

Dear HBSRA Members,

We offer our sincere thanks for your patronage and support. HBSRA has now grown to 14762 followers and members from 58 countries.

Healthcare and Biological Sciences Research Association (HBSRA) is an international community of researchers, practitioners, students, and professionals for the development and spread of ideas in the field of healthcare and life sciences.

HBSRA is promoted by Eurasia Research. HBSRA aims to bring together worldwide researchers and professionals, encourage intellectual development and create opportunities for networking and collaboration. These objectives are achieved through academic networking, meetings, conferences, workshops, projects, research publications, academic awards, and scholarships.

The driving force behind this association is its diverse members and advisory board, who provide inspiration, ideas, efforts and drive collaborations. Scholars, Researchers, Professionals are invited to become a member of HBSRA and join this ever-growing network, working for benefit of society and research with the spirit of sharing and mutual growth.

Salient Features:

  • 15000 + and growing network of professionals

  • Professional and Experienced team

  • Conferences in Asia, Europe & Africa

  • Events at reputed institutes and grand venues

  • Life-time free membership

  • Strong Social Media Platform for networking

  • Young Researcher Scholarships

  • Research publication in international journals

HBSRA invites academicians, practitioners, professionals, students, and researchers to join as Life-Time members.

Individuals/ Institutions/ Corporates can become a member by submitting the membership fee and filling the Membership Form given below.

Key Highlights and Benefits:

  • HBSRA members enjoy benefits that are essential to career and academic success.

  • Life-Time Membership

  • 10,000+ Members from across the globe

  • Effective networking through social media platforms and International Conferences

  • Membership is the starting point to participate in HBSRA conferences and to join as a domain expert, reviewer and conference committee member

  • Member’s name and affiliation is announced on the Association’s website

  • Members can mention their membership on their Resume, Profiles and for other academic and professional purposes

  • Publication opportunity in our Best in class Journals and Magazines

  • Access to new research information and latest trends through our content and network

  • Leadership position opportunities in HBSRA

Life-Time Membership Fee: USD 55

We are glad to present you with our latest edition of the newsletter. The newsletter showcases the associations of current and upcoming endeavours.

Our worthy Keynote speakers open up the conference enlightening participants with their speech. Here is the list of keynote speakers who participated in our conferences:

Eurasia Research International Conference begins with opening remarks by the honorable Keynote speaker highlighting the main context on Healthcare and Life-Sciences.

Nuria Recuero Virto

Delegate for Institutional Communication and Digital Transformation, Management & Marketing Department, Faculty of Commerce and Tourism, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Topic: Health first! Introducing Clean Generation

She holds a Ph.D. from the Universidad Complutense of Madri, a master’s degree in Media Business Management from Universidad Carlos III, and a B.A. degree in Media Studies from the Universidad San Pablo CEU. She has won several academic awards: ESIC AEDEM for the best Marketing research (2017), finalist of the award Tribuna FITUR Jorge Vila Fradera for the best doctoral thesis (2015), PostDoctoral researcher in la Cátedra Santander UCM (2018-2014), predoctoral researcher grant (FPU-UCM; 2014-2010) and Erasmus grant to Rome (2006-2005). Her research has been published in journals such as Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Tourism Review, entre otras. She is a reviewer of JCR and SJR journals, speaker at international congresses, Associate Editor at Cuadernos de EstudiosEmpresariales (UCM), and member of the research team MARKCO2.

Marie Grace Gomez

Associate Professor, College Education, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Philippines

Topic: Health literacy programs for persons with disabilities

Marie Grace Gomez is an Associate Professor of the College Education, University of the Philippines, Diliman. She is currently the director of the Diliman Learning Center. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science, a Master of Arts degree in Education, a major in Guidance, a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Education major in Guidance, and another doctorate in education major in Special Education, all from the University of the Philippines. She is currently a member of the Subcommittee of Education of the National Council on Disability Affairs. She is the recipient of the UP Centennial Professorial Chair Award, the UP International Publication Award, and the One UP Professorial Chair. She is a member of the Pi Gamma Mu Honor Society in the Social Sciences, the Phi Kappa Phi, and the Pi Lamda Theta Honor Society for Teachers. She has published and presented research both internationally and locally in the areas of disability, counseling, child protection rights, and program development.

Nasser Drareni

Associate Professor, English Specific Purposes, University of Lounici, Ali Blida2, Algeria

Topic: Effectiveness of Concept Mapping through Problem-Based Learning on Learners’ Critical Thinking Skills in Medical Education

Nasser Drareni is an Associate professor of English specific purposes in different sciences at the Faculty of Economics, Commercial and Management Sciences, University of Lounici Ali Blida2 in Algeria, where he has taught for 21 years. He has published in national and international journals and is interested in the following research lines: active learning such as team-based and problem-based learning, concept maps and DIKW hierarchy or pyramid systems, Second language learning and teaching using active learning, English for Specific Purposes in different sciences such as medical education (risk factors for cardiovascular diseases), marketing, accounting, effective exchange rates, and management and also using Artificial Intelligence (AI) with Machine learning (ML) and Deep learning (DL) to promote learning and teaching English specific purposes (ESP) in different sciences. He is recently working on projects related to the education reform of English Specific Purposes (ESP) in different sciences at the University of Lounici Ali Blida2, Algeria.

Profile web links

The main aims of the conference are:

  • Advancement of Research and Innovative ideas through conference, workshops, seminars, and publications

  • Fostering a global community based on research and knowledge

  • Fostering innovation and ideas through research-based activities

  • Global dissemination of ideas and research through the use of technology

  • Working towards world peace and community development

HBSRA is in the process of expanding its knowledge base, to bring together worldwide researchers and professionals, encourage intellectual development, and create opportunities for networking and collaboration. In each, Eurasia International Conference, article, project synopsis, teaching notes, observations are submitted by the international community of Researchers, Practitioners, Students, and Educationists for the development and spread of ideas. The Editorial Review is showcased on the association’s website, newsletter, social media, and upcoming endeavors. Some of the Editorial Reviews are shared below:

Dr. Ajeet Jaiswal

Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur, Tamil Nadu, India

Md. Rezwan Ahmed Mahedi

Bachelor of Pharmacy (Professional), Comilla University, Cumilla, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Eurasia Research makes continuous efforts in transforming the lives of people around the world through education, application of research & innovative ideas. To Promote Young Researchers, Eurasia Research International conferences provide Young Research Scholarship in the form of a full Registration fee waiver to participate in such events. This gives immense encouragement to the researchers who have brilliant ideas to exhibit their research work on the International platform.

LIFE: International Journal of Health and Life-Sciences publishes original papers, review papers, conceptual framework, analytical and simulation models, case studies, empirical research, technical notes, and book reviews. ‘LIFE’ publishes original laboratory methods, industrial design, related technical tools, and methods-oriented review articles on all aspects of biomedical and life sciences. Special Issues devoted to important topics in health and life sciences will occasionally be published

  • Google Scholar

  • CrossCheck – iThenticate (Plagiarism Detection); Member Name: Eurasia Research

  • Referencing and DOI by CROSSREF, Membership Prefix (10.20319)

  • SCRIBD (Archiving) Portico (Archiving)

  • DRJI Indexing ROAD: Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources

  • Index Copernicus

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