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Newsletter: TERA (Jan-Mar 2023)

Writer's picture: Eurasia StaffEurasia Staff

Dear TERA Members,

Greetings and sincere thanks for your patronage and support. TERA has now grown to 12662 followers and members from 65 countries.

Teaching and Education Research Association (TERA) is an international community of Researchers, Practitioners, Students and Educationists for the development and spread of ideas in the field of teaching and education.

TERA is promoted by Eurasia Research. TERA aims to bring together worldwide researchers and professionals, encourage intellectual development and create opportunities for networking and collaboration. These objectives are achieved through Academic Networking, Meetings, Conferences, Workshops, Projects, Research Publications, Academic Awards and Scholarships.

The driving force behind this association is its diverse members and advisory board, who provide inspiration, ideas, efforts and drive collaborations. Scholars, Researchers, Professionals are invited to become a member of TERA and join this ever-growing network, working for benefit of society and research with the spirit of sharing and mutual growth.

Salient Features:

  • 50,000 + and growing network of professionals

  • Professional and Experienced team

  • Conferences in Asia, Europe & Africa

  • Events at reputed institutes and grand venues

  • Lifetime membership

  • Strong Social Media Platform for networking

  • Young Researcher Scholarships

  • Research publication in international journals

TERA Fellow Program in Education

Fellow Program in Education of ‘Teaching and Education Research Association’ (TERA).

The program offers an opportunity to learn the key concepts and latest trends in the teaching industry from the stalwarts in the industry. The applicant would be honoured with a certificate of ‘Fellowship’ by the Program Director of TERA.

The Fellows of TERA would receive International recognition and visibility amongst the global teaching fraternity.

Program Objectives:

This Fellow program is designed to help to teach professionals to acquire, develop and master the qualities of effective teaching, specifically relating to building human relationships, working with diverse learners and using instructional technology effectively.

The fellow program creates a global community of professional teachers who are nurtured by the best in the teaching industry from various institutions and countries, giving the program a global advantage.

This Fellow program is designed for teaching professionals seeking international recognition, visibility and training from the best in the industry.

TERA invites academicians, practitioners, professionals, students, and researchers to join as Life-Time members.

Individuals/ Institutions/ Corporates can become a member by submitting the membership fee and filling the Membership Form given below.

Key Highlights and Benefits:

  • TERA members enjoy benefits that are essential to career and academic success.

  • Life-Time Membership

  • 10,000+ Members from across the globe

  • Effective networking through social media platforms and International Conferences

  • Membership is the starting point to participate in TERA conferences and to join as a domain expert, reviewer and conference committee member

  • Member’s name and affiliation is announced on the Association’s website

  • Members can mention their membership on their Resume, Profiles and for other academic and professional purposes

  • Publication opportunity in our Best in class Journals and Magazines

  • Access to new research information and latest trends through our content and network

  • Leadership position opportunities in TERA

Life-Time Membership Fee: USD 60

We are glad to present you with our latest edition of the newsletter. The newsletter showcases the associations of current and upcoming endeavours.

Eurasia Research International Conference begins with opening remarks by the honourable Keynote speaker highlighting the main context on Teaching and Education.

Our worthy Keynote speakers open up the conference enlightening participants with their speeches. Here is the list of keynote speakers who participated in our conferences:

Dr Ravichandran Krishnamurthy

Professor (former) New York Institute of Technology, Abu Dhabi Campus, UAE

Professor, Acharya Bangalore B School, Bangalore, India

Dr Ravichandran Krishnamoorthy is currently working as Professor with Acharya Bangalore B School, Bangalore India and he worked as a professor with the New York Institute of Technology for the past 10 years and has more than 30 years of Teaching and Research Experience.

An astute and result-oriented professional with over 30 years of extensive experience in operations, business development, academics, and institution building. Received the Award for “Outstanding Contribution towards Education 2016 & 17” from World Sustainability Council at DUBAI. Also due to his contribution to the field of finance, he was appointed as a consultant for the Abu Dhabi Stock exchange and for developing an Educational application for Arpuda app private limited. He received a championship Award from WSIS (UN forum) for his two sustainable development projects. Conducting Interdisciplinary research in the area of computer science and biotechnology and filed two patents on the same.

Dr Froilan D. Mobo

Assistant Director, Department of Research and Development, Philippine Merchant Marine Academy

He is a Graduate Doctor in Public Administration from the Urdaneta City University Class of 2016. and also, a Graduate of 2nd Doctorate Degree - Ph.D. in Development Education at the Central Luzon State University, Nueva Ecija, Philippines. After obtaining his Doctorate Degree he was promoted and designated to the position of Assistant Director / Extension Coordinator and Associate Professor II of the Department of Research, Development, and Extension at the Philippine Merchant Marine Academy (PMMA) and this gave him an opportunity to work with different international research institutions such as Regional Director and Ph.D. Lecturer in Cel Academic, Malaysia., Lecturer in the Graduate School, Columban College, Olongapo City. He was also appointed as the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research, Malang, Indonesia. As a researcher by heart, he is an External Peer Reviewer in various international research journals and has been invited as a keynote / Resource Speaker at various international conferences abroad and international universities around the globe. In 2019, he was awarded an Outstanding Alumnus in the Graduate School of Urdaneta City University, Pangasinan, and was a Multi-Awarded International Researcher and Global Leader from 2020 and at the present. Recently, He was appointed as the Ambassador at Large, Country Ambassador, and Director for the International Human Rights Movement Philippines under the umbrella of the United Nations. At present, He was appointed as a Technical Research Evaluator by the Department of Science and Technology and was able to publish 56 research articles with 23 citations in ResearchGate and 13 Citations in Google Scholar indexed in Google Scholar, EBSO, DOAJ, ISI, and Crossref. He also published 12 international books in Europe, Indonesia, and India. has been involved in university / collegiate teaching, research writing, and publication. She has served as Training Institute Administrator for twenty years drafting academic policies while doing a collaboration with members of higher education. Dr. Maria has expertise in teaching Entrepreneurship, Strategic Management, and MBA dissertation writing. She has acquired certification from Oman SME-MOHE as a Certified Entrepreneur Educator.

Hazriq Idrus The Speaking Factory Pte Ltd, Singapore

Hazriq Idrus is a stage actor turned professional speaker and workshop leader who specializes in the areas of Creative Leadership & Communications. He founded The Speaking Factory Pte Ltd with a mission to help leaders and teams connect, communicate and co-create effectively. Hazriq authored, “The Stage Fright Antidote!” a self-help book to facilitate people overcome presentation anxiety; and co-authored 8 other books. Besides serving as an adjunct lecturer on innovation & design thinking modules at Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Hazriq is still heavily involved in the performing arts to keep himself adept in the areas of creativity and creative thinking.

Jose Elmer S. Oficiar

University of Mindanao Tagum, Tagum City, and Davao del Norte, Philippines

Dr Jose Elmer Oficiar is a college and graduate school professor at the University of Mindanao Tagum Branch. He has been teaching English, Linguistics, and Literature for 15 years in the said institution. He is an active researcher of LGBTQ+ topics and is considered to be one of the prime movers for the inclusivity of gay teachers in the academe which lead him to be awarded the “Pride Excellence Award” for his research in “Morpho-Semantic Analysis of Gay Lingo” given by the City Government of Tagum. He is a Peer Reviewer and consultant for research in various institutions in the Region. He was invited to be the Chief Speaker for Australasia International Model United Nations and delivered a topic on “The Value of Research in International Diplomacy”. He is a published author of books in Communicative English and Philippine Literature. And, once served as one of the Lead Auditors for ISO 9001:2015 in his school until 2019.

The main aims of the conference are:

  • Advancement of Research and Innovative ideas through conferences, workshops, seminars, and publications

  • Fostering a global community based on research and knowledge

  • Fostering innovation and ideas through research-based activities

  • Global dissemination of ideas and research through the use of technology

  • Working towards world peace and community development

Chat Session with Eminent Participants

Chat Session with Eminent Participants

TERA is in the process of expanding its knowledge base, to bring together worldwide researchers and professionals, encourage intellectual development, and create opportunities for networking and collaboration. At each, Eurasia International Conference, articles, project synopsis, teaching notes, and observations are submitted by the international community of Researchers, Practitioners, Students, and Educationists for the development and spread of ideas. The Editorial Review is showcased on the association’s website, newsletter, social media, and upcoming endeavors.


In each, Eurasia International Conference, Best Paper Award is given to Best Researchers. In the TERA – Teaching & Education Research Association, the Best paper award is given to the participants with the best scholarly paper submitted and presented at the conference. Some of the Best Paper are as below:

Name & Affiliation: Shukurat Adeshola Shopeju

Faculty of Education, National Open University of Nigeria, Lagos, Nigeria

Title: Effect of Psychomotor Domain and Karate Training in Unleashing Potential in Learners through Guidance and Counselling

Abstract: This research work is basically set to investigate and showcase the advantage of karate training and psychomotor domain development in unleashing potential in learners through guidance and counselling. Guidance and Counselling session in schools serves as an impetuous in helping parents and learners understand the essence of karate which serves as a fantastic tool in propelling the psychomotor domain of learning cum affective and cognitive domain. It is quite obvious that educators and the school curriculum dwell more on the affective and cognitive domain of learning, without paying attention to the psychomotor domain of learning. The research adopted a descriptive design of survey type. A study sample of 200 respondents was selected from the population and the use of a questionnaire as the method of data gathering and data collection was employed. Data collected from the questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive statistics, involving percentages. Analysis of the data collected for Section B of the questionnaire was based on four – a point Likert rating scale. The findings revealed that learners’ academic performance was improved by 20 % through karate training compared with students who were not involved in karate training, while learners need their parent’s support and an instructor with a master in order to unleash their potential. The study concluded that learners should be exposed to karate training under the supervision of a counsellor and instructor in order to overcome the fear of sustaining injuries during training which will make them well-disciplined, focused, and confident in order to become true and self-reliant adults. The study recommends the need to include karate training in the school curriculum for learners to enhance and improve learners’ academics, psychomotor and cognitive behavior performance and maintain a high quality of education. Keywords: Karate training, Psychomotor domain, learners, Guidance, and Counselling.

Name & Affiliation: Charat Khattapan

Graduate Education, Sharon Lust School of Education, Augustana University, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA

Title: The Exploration of Students’ Perspectives, Utilization, and Perceptions of Lecture Capture in Online Classes

Abstract: This poster presentation presents the survey results that investigated the students’ perspectives, utilization, and satisfaction of lecture capture video clips in an online class. Based on the survey results at the end of the selected online classes, students prefer to use the lecture capture video clip as their study materials for their online classes, and they also demonstrate a strong preference toward the online class equipped with lecture capture video clips. The survey results (n=86) revealed several important factors that could be implemented into online class preparation and considered for study habits. Additionally, the majority of the students also believe that multimedia in online classes can help them understand class contents better than exclusively using text-based learning materials.

Name & Affiliation: Zdeněk Vopat

Charles University Faculty of Education, Prague

Title: The historical approaches towards child’s education: Locke Rousseau and EU comparison

Abstract: In my contribution, I would like to examine how the approaches toward children’s education change over a period of time. I am going to argue that approaches toward education are not value neutral, and that reflect the particular epoch. To demonstrate this idea, I would like to compare Locke’s and Rousseau’s approaches to child education. Then I would proceed to compare their ideas with the approach of the EU toward education. As a research approach, I am going to use a textual analysis of Locke’s and Rousseau’s works on education. As far as the EU is concerned, I am going to use textual analyses of the official EU documents. I am going to argue that Locke’s emphasis on private education which aim should to prepare the young boy for his future role as a leader reflects Locke’s position in English society. On the other hand, Rousseau’s more “hands-free” approach towards education reflects not only the upcoming ideas of a French revolution whose aim was to get rid of royal despotism, but also it is an anticipation of romanticism with its accent on individualism and return to nature. I am going to argue that European Union with its emphasis on competitiveness is closer to Locke’s ideas on education.

Name & Affiliation: Suhana Ramli

Accreditation Compliance Unit, Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA), Cyberjaya, Malaysia

Title: Student-Centered Learning Efficacy in 2u2i and Wbl-Based Programs Among Participating Malaysian Higher Education Provider Based on Preliminary Study

Abstract: The national education system must adapt to the 21st-century paradigm change in order to produce quality graduates who are holistic, balanced, and entrepreneurially ready, as well as bright, skilled, and knowledgeable. Student-centered learning (SCL), a teaching-and-learning (TnL) method, is presently being adopted in Malaysia's higher education system in an effort to develop students' inclinations and higher thinking capacity while also revealing each individual's talents in a certain sector. In addition, 2U2i and work-based learning (WBL) study modes were established to lessen students' reliance on traditional learning by emphasizing particular industrial in-field learning and continuous learning. Although research on the acceptability level of SCL in traditional TnL covering instructors and students in class has been conducted, there is a paucity of evidence on the effectiveness of SCL incorporating industrial participants and interns inside 2U2i and WBL programs. Thus, the purpose of this study is to verify the reliability and validity of the instrument that will be used to determine the efficacy of SCL in 2U2i and WBL programs among participating local higher education providers (HEP) aside from confirming the existence of SCL elements within the programs. The initial data collection procedure involved questionnaires with students from colleges that provide 2U2i and WBL programs, as well as industry players to whom the students are currently affiliated. Based on the data analysis, the results suggest that the instrument used is viable for this research purpose and easily understandable by respondents. However, due to the small sample size and differences in the implementation of 2U2i and WBL programs, the findings of this study are insufficient to formulate a truly effective instruments to determine actual level of effectiveness of SCL adaptation in 2U2i and WBL-based programs. Keywords: Student-Centered Learning, 2U2i, Work-Based Learning

Eurasia Research makes continuous efforts in transforming the lives of people around the world through education, the application of research & innovative ideas. To Promote Young Researchers, Eurasia Research International conferences provide a Young Research Scholarship in the form of a full Registration fee waiver to participate in such events. This gives immense encouragement to the researchers who have brilliant ideas to exhibit their research work on the International platform.

PUPIL: International Journal of Teaching, Education, and Learning, is open access, peer-reviewed, and refereed journal. The main objective of ‘Pupil’ is to provide an intellectual platform for international researchers. ‘Pupil’ aims to promote interdisciplinary studies in Teaching and Education and become the leading journal in humanities and social science in the world. This journal is dedicated to the miracle called ‘Society’ that powers all types of civilizations and is fueled by the spirit of survival and co-existence.

  • Google Scholar

  • CrossCheck – iThenticate (Plagiarism Detection); Member Name: Eurasia Research

  • Referencing and DOI by CROSSREF, Membership Prefix (10.20319)

  • SCRIBD (Archiving) Portico (Archiving)

  • DRJI Indexing ROAD: Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources

  • Index Copernicus

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