Dear TERA Members,
Greetings and sincere thanks for your patronage and support. TERA has now grown to 12662 followers and members from 65 countries.
Teaching and Education Research Association (TERA) is an international community of Researchers, Practitioners, Students and Educationists for the development and spread of ideas in the field of teaching and education.
TERA is promoted by Eurasia Research. TERA aims to bring together worldwide researchers and professionals, encourage intellectual development and create opportunities for networking and collaboration. These objectives are achieved through Academic Networking, Meetings, Conferences, Workshops, Projects, Research Publications, Academic Awards and Scholarships.
The driving force behind this association is its diverse members and advisory board, who provide inspiration, ideas, efforts and drive collaborations. Scholars, Researchers, Professionals are invited to become a member of TERA and join this ever-growing network, working for benefit of society and research with the spirit of sharing and mutual growth.
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Professional and Experienced team
Conferences in Asia, Europe & Africa
Events at reputed institutes and grand venues
Lifetime membership
Strong Social Media Platform for networking
Young Researcher Scholarships
Research publication in international journals
Fellow Program in Education of ‘Teaching and Education Research Association’ (TERA).
The program offers an opportunity to learn the key concepts and latest trends in the teaching industry from the stalwarts in the industry. The applicant would be honoured with a certificate of ‘Fellowship’ by the Program Director of TERA.
The Fellows of TERA would receive International recognition and visibility amongst the global teaching fraternity.
Program Objectives:
This Fellow program is designed to help to teach professionals to acquire, develop and master the qualities of effective teaching, specifically relating to building human relationships, working with diverse learners and using instructional technology effectively.
The fellow program creates a global community of professional teachers who are nurtured by the best in the teaching industry from various institutions and countries, giving the program a global advantage.
This Fellow program is designed for teaching professionals seeking international recognition, visibility and training from the best in the industry.
TERA invites academicians, practitioners, professionals, students, and researchers to join as Life-Time members.
Individuals/ Institutions/ Corporates can become a member by submitting the membership fee and filling the Membership Form given below.
Key Highlights and Benefits:
TERA members enjoy benefits that are essential to career and academic success.
Life-Time Membership
10,000+ Members from across the globe
Effective networking through social media platforms and International Conferences
Membership is the starting point to participate in TERA conferences and to join as a domain expert, reviewer and conference committee member
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Publication opportunity in our Best in class Journals and Magazines
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Leadership position opportunities in TERA
Life-Time Membership Fee: USD 60
We are glad to present you with our latest edition of the newsletter. The newsletter showcases the associations of current and upcoming endeavours.
Eurasia Research International Conference begins with opening remarks by the honourable Keynote speaker highlighting the main context on Teaching and Education.
Our worthy Keynote speakers open up the conference enlightening participants with their speeches. Here is the list of keynote speakers who participated in our conferences:

Amirhossein Taghipour
Kingmongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand

Dr. Jeffrey P. Bakken
Professor, Associate Provost for Research and Dean, Graduate School at Bradley University, USA
Jeffrey P. Bakken is a Professor of Special Education at Bradley University. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education from the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse and graduate degrees in the area of Special Education-Learning Disabilities from Purdue University. Dr. Bakken has received the College of Education and the University Research Initiative Award, the College of Education Outstanding College Researcher Award, the College of Education Outstanding College Teacher Award, and the Outstanding University Teacher Award from Illinois State University. His specific areas of interest include learning disabilities, emotional and behavioral disorders, reading comprehension, response to intervention, collaboration, transition, teacher effectiveness, assessment, learning strategies, assistive technology, Smart Classrooms, and Smart Universities. He has published over 200 works that include books, chapters, journal articles, proceedings at international conferences, audio tapes, encyclopedia articles, newsletter articles, book reviews, a monograph, a manual, and one publisher website.
He has also made over 260 presentations at International/National and Regional/State conferences. Lastly, he has authored or co-authored numerous grants totaling over $1,000,000.00.

Patama Satawedin
Assistant Professor, Bangkok University, Thailand
Patama Satawedin is currently an assistant professor and Director, the Master of Communication Arts in Digital Marketing Communications, the School of Communication Arts, Bangkok University, and Bangkok, Thailand. She received her doctoral and master’s degrees in media and communication from the University of Leicester, United Kingdom. Likewise, she obtained her bachelor’s degree in public relations (first-class honors) from the Faculty of Communication Arts, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. She has teaching experience of over 10 years. Her research interests are health literacy, health communication, crisis communication, crisis management, marketing public relations, and communication studies.

Jeanne Gunther
Ph.D., Early Childhood Education Program Chair, Professor, School of Education, Francis Marion University, Florence, South Carolina, USA
Jeanne Gunther is a Professor of Education at Francis Marion University in Florence, South Carolina, USA. She is a Board of Trustees Research Scholar and recipient of the University Teaching Award. Dr. Gunther teaches classes in early childhood curriculum and literacy. Her research interests include the reading/writing connection and bibliotherapy as a teacher’s tool of support for children experiencing trauma.

Dr. H. M. Lalitha Kumari
Former Head, Senior lecturer in Educational Leadership and Management, Department of Social Science Education, Faculty of Education, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
Dr (Mrs) H. M. Lalitha Kumari have been serving as a lecturer in the Department of Social Science Education for almost 20 years. She teaches educational leadership and management, teaching methods in economics, educational policy and planning and research methods for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. In addition, she is engaged in research consultation for students for those who do Postgraduate Diploma in Education, Masters in Education, Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy in Education. Her main focus is to engage in further research on the principal’s role as well as instructional supervision and thereby support to enhance the professional development of teachers.

Paulina Moya Santiagos
PhD (C) In Education Department of Culture, Communication and Media Institute of
Education, University College London, London
Paulina Moya Santiagos is a Doctoral Candidate in Education at the UCL Centre for Applied Linguistics at the UCL Institute of Education. She is an EL Teacher and she holds a TESOL MA from the UCL Institute of Education. In Chile, she was a public-school teacher for thirteen years. Also, she has been a university lecturer for fifteen years working at prestigious private and public universities in Chile and in the UK teaching EAP, educational policy, Hispanic languages culture, second language learning, methodology, and General Linguistics among others. Additionally, she is an associate postgraduate lecturer at Andres Bello University where she leads the Methodology and Creativity II module for the MA in TEFL. Currently, she works as a Postgraduate Teaching Assistant for the Culture, Communication and Media Department at UCL. She also works as a Spanish Tutor at the University of Warwick in the Hispanic Studies Department. Her doctoral research is a multimodal ethnographic informed study which aims to explore and elucidate what makes some Chilean public-school students highly politicized and so committed to social struggles and whether there is a link between this commitment and the pedagogy applied by their teachers.
The main aims of the conference are:
Advancement of Research and Innovative ideas through conferences, workshops, seminars, and publications
Fostering a global community based on research and knowledge
Fostering innovation and ideas through research-based activities
Global dissemination of ideas and research through the use of technology
Working towards world peace and community development

Chat Session with Eminent Participants

TERA is in the process of expanding its knowledge base, to bring together worldwide researchers and professionals, encourage intellectual development, and create opportunities for networking and collaboration. At each, Eurasia International Conference, articles, project synopsis, teaching notes, and observations are submitted by the international community of Researchers, Practitioners, Students, and Educationists for the development and spread of ideas. The Editorial Review is showcased on the association’s website, newsletter, social media, and upcoming endeavors.
In each, Eurasia International Conference, Best Paper Award is given to Best Researchers. In the TERA – Teaching & Education Research Association, the Best paper award is given to the participants with the best scholarly paper submitted and presented at the conference. Some of the Best Paper are as below:

Name & Affiliation: Maria Arlene M. Berania
College of Arts and Sciences, University of Manila, Manila City, Philippines
Title: Challenges in the Implementation of School-Based Management of Developing Schools: Basis for A Compliance Framework
Abstract: This study is qualitative research that employed descriptive design. It aimed to determine the challenges encountered by the Level 1(Developing) schools in the District Schools, Division of Bulacan, Philippines in the implementation of School-Based Management (SBM) as a basis for the proposal of a Compliance Framework. Generally, this study describes the level of compliance in the implementation of School-Based Management of participant schools. The study also determined how the schools addressed the challenges encountered that led to the development of a Compliance Framework. In the gathering of data needed in this study, the researchers utilized the School-Based Management (SBM) validation results of each school. Other data were gathered from the School Heads and SBM (School-Based Management) coordinators through survey-interview using semi-structured interview questions formulated by the researchers. Gathered data were organized, tallied, and tabulated for better interpretation and analysis. Based on the findings, it was concluded that the actual performance of schools studied was way below the expected standards of advanced level of School-Based Management and that there is a need for improvement of these schools in the implementation of all the principles of School-Based Management. In particular, this study revealed that participant schools experienced challenges in managing the four dimensions/principles of School-Based Management. The challenges that the schools encountered in terms of Leadership and Governance include guiding the teachers in the proper implementation of School-Based Management, the school head’s role in providing guidance to teachers and parents, establishing open communication, implementation of plans, and monitoring of plan execution, engagement of the local community in school improvement planning, initiatives from school district officials. The challenges encountered in terms of Curriculum and Instruction include the adequacy of learning technologies, appropriateness of learning materials for the learners, evidence of learning outcomes and performance improvement, financial resources to support curriculum instruction, and upskilling and retooling of teachers. The challenges encountered in terms of Accountability and Continuous Improvements include financial and time constraints, compliance with pertinent documents, periodic review of appraisal mechanisms, continuous improvement projects, familiarity with the implementation of the School-Based Management, performance evaluation tools, documentation protocol, and recording of outputs, continuous school progress, and improvement, the commitment of teachers through equitable compensation, and involvement of stakeholders for improvement. The challenges encountered in terms of Management Resources include financial constraints, teachers & students’ engagement in school operations, support from the low-income earning family of stakeholder, involvement of the community, limited support from small stakeholders, manpower resources, engagement of the local community in school improvement planning, insufficient school fund, and immediate support from the Local Government Unit. Based on the conclusion, the researchers recommend that schools need to conduct comprehensive training on the management and implementation of the School-Based Management (SBM) system. It is necessary to require School Heads and teachers to attend related training on adequate supervision, curriculum development, and accomplishing monthly and quarterly instructional and supervisory plans. In addition, periodic monitoring of the school’s performance is needed to determine if the actual accomplishments of the school fully comply with the School-Based Management standards. Active engagement of the schools to the community is also recommended. Lastly, the implementation of the proposed Compliance Framework generated in this study is highly recommended to intensify the implementation of School-Based Management to improve the level of the school from Level 1 to a higher level.
Keywords: Challenges, School-Based Management, Beginning school, Compliance Framework

Name & Affiliation: Nomfundo GladysKhoza
Business Support Studies, Central University of Technology, Bloemfontein, South Africa
Title: Using Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) As Means for Internationalization: Reflections from Academics
Abstract: Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) is an educational strategy that promotes international learning through online cooperation between academics and students from various countries or regions within the context of a course. The purpose of this research is to uncover the function of COIL projects in the context of higher education institutions (HEIs) worldwide. Reflections from two Central University of Technology, Free State academics who collaborated with international partners to teach courses in different locations and co-facilitated online collaborative activities are shared. The study is qualitative in nature and a case study research design was adopted. Results revealed that a greater international awareness in curriculum design solutions and an appreciation for innovative teaching solutions is needed. The recommendations in this paper are to develop COIL initiatives at Universities of Technology (UoTs) in order to aid in the development of global-minded students and curricular internationalization.
Keywords: Collaborative Online International Learning, Higher Educational Institutions, Internationalization, Innovative teaching solutions.
Name & Affiliation: Barbara Baranska
Institute of Mathematics, Pedagogical University of Krakow, Krakow, Poland
Title: Becoming A Mathematics Teacher – Different Paths of Professional Preparation Versus Results of the Same Test
Abstract: In our presentation, we will describe various paths leading to obtaining qualifications required for teaching mathematics in Poland. Then, we will present and discuss the results of a test conducted under the theme "Check yourself!" among people completing different paths of professional preparation for teaching mathematics. The talk will end up with indication of specific areas of teacher education that need more reflective attention.

Name & Affiliation: Jyothi Thalluri
Clinical and Health Sciences Unit, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia
Title: Assessing The Impact of The Science ready Preparatory Short Course on Student Academic Performance
Abstract: Starting university can be a daunting experience representing a big adjustment for first year students. Facilitating a smooth transition to university sets students up for successful degree completion; however, if students struggle or become disengaged, they can underperform or drop out completely. An early support system, the 'ScienceReady' short course has been designed to assist with the transition to university study for nursing and midwifery students. It has been designed to provide essential academic skills and foundational science knowledge, reduce anxiety, and assist in the formation of early friendship groups, with the overall aim to improve student success. As well as improving background knowledge, the course also allows students to visit laboratories, meet staff and interact with their peers. Despite its scope, we knew little about the impact of attending ScienceReady on later academic outcomes. This study assessed the impact of ScienceReady attendance on first-year academic success, providing evidence for the importance of early support systems in tertiary success.
Keywords: preparatory course, smooth transition, academic performance, early support, nursing/midwifery

Name & Affiliation: Leonard Annetta
Mathematics, Science, and Instructional Technology, Education East Carolina University, Greenville, NC, United States
Name & Affiliation: Mark Newton
Mathematics, Science, and Instructional Technology, Education East Carolina University, Greenville, NC, United States
Title: Comparing Perceived Cognitive Load While Playing Extended Reality Games about Climate Change
Abstract: Integrating extended reality (XR) into undergraduate classrooms is not a new concept. However, comparing identical content in subdomains of XR is unique. This study compared two undergraduate courses focused on climate change on the Outer Banks of the North Carolina, USA coast at a large university in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States. The purpose of these courses was to examine human and environmental impacts of global climate change in a local context. Investigating the challenges facing North Carolina barrier islands, the class took a 5-day field trip to the Outer Banks of North Carolina and visited five sites where they used augmented reality (MR) to learn about the impact on climate change at those respected locations. The comparison class immersed in virtual reality (iVR) of the five sites using the same information provided in the MR. 26 (6 MR and 20 iVR) participants completed the National Aeronautics and Space Agency Task Load Index (TLX) immediately after completion of either the respective MR or iVR based game. Weighted mean comparison suggest no differences in perceived mental demand, statistically significant differences in physical demand, temporal demand, performance, effort, and frustration for the MR group. An explanation for possible reasons for these results will be discussed.
Extended Reality, Climate Change, Undergraduate, Science learning

Name & Affiliation: Tingting Liang
Didactics of Musical, Plastic and Corporal Expression, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain, Barcelona
Title: The Process of Inclusive Education through the Art Project in a Multicultural School with Chinese Students: A Case Study of One Public School in Barcelona
Abstract: Inclusive education is at a crossroads due to a lack of quality practice development. One factor for practice gridlock is a scarcity of high-quality resources in schools. Nowadays, looking for outside resources from social organizations is a more cost-effective strategy to compensate for a shortage of resources. The Tandem project is a theme topic inquiry project chosen by students based on their oral or artistic expression during and after their visit to the Museo. It involves collaboration between one Barcelona public immigrant school and the Museo Nacional de Arte de Catalunya. This project challenged standard pedagogy in a student-centered method by including varied cultural expressions. This research used a mixed method for collecting data. Our research discovered that after many years of tandem initiatives at this multicultural school, more local culture families are attending, and pupils are more inclined to participate in school events. Those are important indicators for developing an inclusive school community.
Keywords: Art project, Participation, Inclusive Community, Social resource, high-quality practice

Name & Affiliation: Rea Raus
NGO, Statera, Research and Practice Center for Sustainability and Regional Development, Haapsalu, Estonia
Title: Developing Curriculum for Education for Sustainable Development - Theoretical and Practical Basis for Curriculum
Advancement. Example of High School Experience.
Abstract: ESD for 2030 will promote the integration of sustainable development and the SDGs into education and learning, as well as ensuring the integration of education and learning into all activities that promote sustainable development and the SDGs. (Unesco, 2020). The present day, worldwide, sustainability crisis is the crisis of our moral precept, the crisis of values that drives the whole societal development.(e.g Ospina,2000; Babiuk &Falkenberg, 2010 etc.). Obviously, the field of education carries a special responsibility in shaping the value systems of students for our sustainable futures. So- the question remains, in the context of the framework of a holistic education (as opposed to mechanistic view on education) -what to learn, teach, study exactly? Learning should address root causes of the crisis of unsustainability. By challenging the underlying paradigms, that contribute to the disconnection of people and the Earth, learning has to involve transformational dimensions of education. This means, involving also more spiritual dimensions of education, e.g. heritage dimensions. Above all, learning needs to be localized. All these critical questions have been addressed in the development of one particular high school course curriculum- sustainable economics.
Keywords: education for sustainable development; curriculum; transformational learning.

Name & Affiliation: Ainur Azatbakyt
Higher School of Humanities, Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan
Title: Methods of Teaching the Works of M. Auezov in Higher Educational Institutions
Abstract: The article discusses the creative skills and writing talent of M. Auezov, who has become an honorary name in the world. The works of the writer M. Auezov, who rose to the world level with his first stories in the twenties, raise a problem common to all mankind. The first stories, which raised the issues not only of one nation, but of all mankind, were distinguished by the artistic and ideological basis, the issues raised. From this point of view, the ways of teaching the artistic and ideological features of the first stories and short stories of the writer in higher education are considered. It collects literary analysis and methods based on best practices and offers effective methods. The author demonstrates the effectiveness of the widespread use of the "anthropocentric" paradigm in the study of M. Auezov's fiction. He analyzes the importance of using the writer's own method of realistic description when teaching the story "Korgansyzdyn kuni" on the basis of paradigms in different ways used in modern education. Also the author analyzes the experience of M. Auezov's large-scale and artistically-ideologically story "Karash-Karash okigasy" in the use of expressive reading, role-playing, problem situations, question-answer, dialogue platform, research conversation, etc. The author emphasizes the importance of M. Auezov's works in the upbringing of children in modern education system.
Keywords: story, artistic idea, problematic question, literary analysis, artistic reality.
Eurasia Research makes continuous efforts in transforming the lives of people around the world through education, the application of research & innovative ideas. To Promote Young Researchers, Eurasia Research International conferences provide a Young Research Scholarship in the form of a full Registration fee waiver to participate in such events. This gives immense encouragement to the researchers who have brilliant ideas to exhibit their research work on the International platform.

PUPIL: International Journal of Teaching, Education, and Learning, is open access, peer-reviewed, and refereed journal. The main objective of ‘Pupil’ is to provide an intellectual platform for international researchers. ‘Pupil’ aims to promote interdisciplinary studies in Teaching and Education and become the leading journal in humanities and social science in the world. This journal is dedicated to the miracle called ‘Society’ that powers all types of civilizations and is fueled by the spirit of survival and co-existence.

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